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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. - GD must Enabled GD is Enabled Already. As for ImageMagic, If that is what you think is causing this error, I will get this installed on the server. However, When GD support is present, Most of the applications PREFER GD over Imagemagic, because GD is a server side function. Thanks.
  2. The recent forum topics do explain about why there were service hogups at Delta. We are hosting more than 1K customers at Xisto - Web Hosting. Out of which hardly 50 are hosted on DELTA and I am desperate here myself to solve this issue. We are tracking the client who is causing over these load hogs. And till date, 3 accounts have been suspended.I do appologise for the recent hogup last week, but believe me, Each downtime is more trouble for us than our clients.Well, there have been many times that Free hosted websites were down while paid hosting website was up due to server abuse. The only difference is, no one came forward to submit a post on the forums saying "I am glad, I switched to Paid Hosting..".
  3. Hi,We are sorry for your account suspension. We usually do not suspend sites unless there is a long delay in billing or major load usage by a particular site.In your case, We had 2 invoices which were pending. And soon after the third invoice was about to generate. Its only because of that, the billing team suspended your account. We also sent you repeated emails with the invoice payment links, but I guess there must be a delay or may be you misunderstood those emails with just automated payment alerts.I still regret for your suspension of your web hosting account but now that the payments have been recieved, your account has been unsuspended.I also recommend that you remove all those subscriptions with paypal for Xisto Corporation and just make the next payment in time manually as soon as you recieve your invoice. This will make sure that the recurring payments reach timely and there is no problem henceforth with respect to Billing.
  4. THE RIGHT PATH : home/myaccount/public_html/downloads/something.zip No. Its not possible.
  5. If this is PHP, this is what you can do. <?php // Example 1 $pizza = "piece1,piece2,piece3,piece4,piece5,piece6"; $pieces = explode(",", $pizza); print $pieces[0]; // piece1 print $pieces[1]; // piece2 // Example 2 $data = "foo:*:1023:1000::/home/foo:/bin/sh"; list($user,$pass,$uid,$gid,$gecos,$home,$shell) = explode(":",$data); print $user; // foo print $pass; // * ?> The explode function is php is just there for your purpose More information ...
  6. May be. these series help people to digest the fact that, Grass is not always greener the other side ;-)
  7. Online support was basically for sales but then due to too many requests for technical support. We shifted the staff to techical support.We will be soon adding up more staff to support Livehelp service
  8. Put the board Online and lets see how it goes
  9. Thanks for the compliment. All credits to our hard working and dedicated staff and Ultimate admins who rack their brains to make this better day after day
  10. For people who are wondering what Filebounty is.. It is a free file hosting website. Here are the features as displayed on their site.
  11. Please submit a support ticket to support at Xisto - Web Hosting dot comAnd give your Cpanel username and password. So that we can check it ourself and make changes.Thanks for your time
  12. Hi,Your account was modified, removed from credit system and proper priorties were assigned.In short, Your account was kept on same server and it was upgraded.Since your data and settings were maintained, your username and password was kept the same to maintain stability.Therefore, your password to cpanel will be same.If you cannot access your cpanel, Send a mail to support at Xisto - Web Hosting dot com and give them your address and phone number for security verification and request for password reset.If for any reason, you feel that you want to be hosted on another server, you can mention that too. (which I do not recommend at the moment).Thanks.
  13. May be it is due to :-1. Mass number of terrorist attacks in past few years.2. Most of them were Islamic origin.3. Most of them used the reason of their religion for them.4. Popularity of things like Jihad where they term terrorism as Holy war.On the other hand, I live in a place which is flocked with Islamic people. There is a masjid (mosque) within the radius of 100 meters from my house.And there we never had any problem ever. The media and movies here all are trying to erradicate the misconception.The main misconception people have is, Islamic people do not belong to any country but only to their religion. And hence, they also think they are not patriotic.Whereas, this is not true. I am sure, your countries defence team has a good number of islamic people who risk their lives to protect your country
  14. If its trial version, I guess BH can give you access to your board.
  15. Check all your INCLUDE / REQUIRE files and see if there is any space left after ?> OR Before <?
  16. If PYTHON is for Sitemaps.You can do it with PHP too. :-) The main key is generating the XML file.
  17. If (Invision board = 1.3 && Is_free){ if(check_with_invision_if_they_allow()) { print "OK! Go ahead and install!"; }}else{ print "Sorry, you cannot install it. Since its illegal according to Invision.";}
  18. Hi,We have edited your theme files and you should now be able to see and generate stats.If you are still facing problems, kindly email support at Xisto - Web Hosting dot com. Thanks.
  19. We recieve tons of messages on offline support. That is why, Its not responded. We do check it and correct any issues. As for MySQL, We found a Email spammer and that program not only spammed but recorded those messages and addresses on a table. We disabled some exim functions and I hope things will go smoothly.
  20. Quit Night studying. Study in day light. Get up very early (At time of sunrise, when you can feel the fresh moist air in the morning) and study at that time.If you are reading notes, read a bit loud. (so that your voice should be audible to you). Keep a seperate book for jotting down key points and make a summary of it. By the time you finish your chapter, this book should have all the important points. So, at the time of tests, you have to just go through this new notes you have made.Take a gap of 15-20 mins in every 2 hours.Before you begin to to read any topic, go through the summary of that topic first. Get an idea of what you are going to read and learn exactly. This will engage your mind and improve your contentration.These points should help you This is what I used to do for my tests.
  21. Well, I still stress on my point. BW and Space cannot be free. You are paying it in one form or the other.
  22. Hmm.... Too much confusion here.Here are some points if you are missing. This should definately help you up.1. Think more of current issues. Unlike Xisto, Xisto welcomes all type of content. You can talk here about anything and everything. You don't have to get a technical topic to start off a conversation.2. *IMPORTANT* If you have more than 30 credits, take it very very easy. Take gaps of few days before coming to Xisto. (Well, I m the first administrator who is asking members to leave my site.. I guess).My point is, Don't try to collect bulk loads of credits in a single day. Its a real pain, and it will increase your frustration. Maintaining the credit count at 15 is the best way. 3. *IMPORTANT* Suppose, Your credit count is at 15. You can spend few days just reading other's posts. Well, if you have something to contribute, its well and good. You can go ahead. Or, you can just wait. Give another 4-5 days. In these days, If you get even 1 topic, where you can make a post as long as this one, you have earned 4-5 credits easily! :-D and there, you are back to 15 credits again. 4. The credit system has been designed keeping many things in mind. And members who are using it effectively (basically those who have patience) will say "Admins have gone nuts to make such a easy system for credits".If you ask WHY? this type of algorithm was created to stop people from bulk posting, its because, we want everyone to have enough gap/space to contribute their thoughts. This helps to bring in latest news and fresh ideas into our forums slowly and easily. The topic discussion as well as fresh ideas flow in from all people.5. Tutorials. Well, If you are thinking that only contributing a Tutorial is time consuming and not only that, If you feel, getting new tutorials is impossible. Why not, Try adding more information into existing tutorials. :(6. We have provided a list of RECENT POSTS and TOPICS. Total 60 entries displayed right at the bottom of the forums. They make it real easy to find atleast one of your topic of interest.7. Use SIMILAR topics list to find more areas related to your interests.EDIT ::CREDITS BEFORE POSTING THIS TOPIC : 1143.81 DAYS.CREDITS AFTER POSTING THIS TOPIC : 1147.21 DAYS.EARNED : 3.4 Days.Well, If I had 15 credits, then I would had earned around 5-6 credits for this post.
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