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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Good Point there about Google Checkout forum. I have added a forum called "Google Checkout" under Google Services.Thank you.
  2. You have to go to CPANEL -> MAIL -> EDIT MX RECORD.There you have to edit your MX to server1.mailforwardbox.myorderbox.com.
  3. Internet explorer will be dominant because of Windows because it is so mixed into the operating System itself. I wonder what will be the new name of IE.
  4. You have a very very very interesting profile. I feel, Truth is vast, but following it and bringing out words filled with wisdom makes it great.

    Just my 2 cents. :-)


  5. Web Builder/ CMS/ Gallery Pre-Setup will be ONE Time.There are types of Web-Builder we offer. Some have a specific recurring payment term while others are One Time.
  6. Hey, I liked the style and the design especially. The left and right buttons are cool. Can I have more screenshots. I am curious about the inner content pages..Shree :-)
  7. Doing so can interfere with your Xisto - Support and Billing Link.I suggest :-1. Changing the Email at Xisto - Support.com/Billing with whatever is your New Confirmed e-Mail address.2. Signing Up with a fresh Account at Xisto.com with the New Confirmed e-Mail address.Doing the above, you can be assured everything will be errorfree and smooth
  8. I get your point. Yes, Java based client running through browser window connecting to IRC taking permission from the client to access it should do fine. However, What port will the JAVA try to connect and what permissions will your application seek from user is the qEsTiOn?
  9. This forum will have Questions raised by our guest visitors. All posts will be accounted for MyCents.
  10. God is infinity in all dimensions. To me, God is the force that relates to me and only me and is also guiding force in my willful actions. It goes beyond my thoughts and he takes care of me while I sleep. I see his force in the people I love the most and the more I try to understand God, the more I find myself puzzled. Talking in larger scale, he is the Generator Operator Destroyer and I feel he is the sole cause of everything planet Earth has seen.
  11. This is useful script. This script is useful for webmasters who are making websites from scratch and need an easy way to log visitor's IP and also display it on their website.
  12. If the server MySQL service is restarted or halted due to any reason, your CPanel will report 0 database or will not allow you to access Database. Hence, an error message popping up on your website is understandable.In situations like this, its best to send us a support ticket and let us do the research for why you have issues rather than panicking and taking actions that can cause more damage.Is everything fine now?
  13. Great Post there Entheone. Just like you said, I approve of your lazy post and I stand by your right to free speech I enjoyed reading your post and more or less, there is no argument anywhere for what you wrote just came from one mind and heart. I wish you keep writing and I hope you keep enjoying your gift of writing eye-opening posts always. :PRegards,shree
  14. Trap17 has larger traffic and a larger group of people sharing ad revenue through Kontera. So, the equation comes down to same regardless of where you post.
  15. Good Morning.Eg. Suppose your website name is mychakri.com, then you can buy a subdomain called mychakri.trap17.net with the USERNAME same as your old web-host.2. You are free to setup your joomla on it and also do all testing.3. Once you feel all is READY, just PARK the domain in your PARKED DOMAINS option (inside CPanel).4. Send us a support ticket and we will change your main domain to mychakri.com-shree
  16. Its great to know that time-flys for you.. because I have seen some really boring old people who manage to stop the time for us However, I wish you luck with the re-designing of your website Do add all the pics who take while ur travelling.
  17. Yes, This is as simple as it sounds. You have to design Xisto Main Website. It should contain all the following with good english and clean design/layout :- Main Page About Us / Contact Us Page Services Page Xisto Hosting Walkthrough Policy Page Please upload your Zip file and post a screenshot in you reply. (I will delete responses/posts in this thread to keep it clean) The SELECTED THEME will get a HOME-PAGE link of 7 words from Xisto Main Website to your Website for 1 month. Your Given theme would be respected as your gratitude of love and we shall keep it safe at Xisto.com/archives/your-name/. Please use ONLY AND ONLY ____relative____ hyperlinks. Format to Submit : ZIP file Screenshot size : Big Size uploaded at Forum Text to Put: You are free to use your language as well to explain.. multiple language even better. JACKPOT REWARD: 10 Year link to your website on home page as the best regards from Xisto.
  18. Is it better to be burnt alive or frozen alive?Intresting Question, the fun lies both ways. But I m curious though, Why are you burning Alive? You must do that to the dead.-Shree
  19. Since the day you were born, you were taught to associate names to colors. You pointed at a rose and your mom loving told you RED rose. Whichever color was shown to you, you chose the color and agreed/acknowledged it, be when you were kid or when you grew up. Ever had a discussion over a large beautiful rainbow... Its so hard to come up with exact location, squence or order of the colors in rainbow. Also, I wonder why I always felt one color was much stronger and sometimes I felt a color was missing.r E Many many questions and many many thoughts about it, however we agreed to a lot in general and now I have developed my own understanding of colors in many languages as well. But there is no guarantee that the contrast, expoSuRe of your EYE is same as mine. Minute differences will still remain between what we see... for. e.g. spectacles power, being a 4 eyed guy myself, i know when i tilt my glasses a bit, the entire vision changes... or when i buy a new pair of glasses with updated power with more accurate readings and VOILA!!! the whole world is like brand new! this didnt work on me, I tell you why. I have a tendency to close my eyes when I Try to think something about the past.. to be more precise, I can either look/stare at the color Closely or "Think about what it looks like.". Please be more precise on the procedure or someone else please tell me how to do it exactly with intervals timing between staring and thinking and if, just incase, an occasional.. only one at the max, a flicky blin'K is allowed. The big bang "theory" is the scientific understanding of the history of evolution of the universe,in short "what happened". Its like showing a rockET-launch to a little kid and expecting him that there is a living man/men in that kaa'BOOM! Launch. ofcourse, little kids would be least bothered about men or aliens for that matter of fact but the best part is, you show them, they believe it because you showed him/her that stuff on TV. just the way you believed red is "red" and green is "green". Here we cannot educate ourselfs about the origin/"perfect defination"/"theory of relativity" or even solve the mystery of bermuda Triangle. Existence of Luminiferous aether OR luminiferous ether. if TV and misguiding BOOKS are effectively manipulated - matters like sucide bombers - innocently clean kids, they can grow up thinking that thats gods divine plan and prolly ka-BOOM! is normal way of death. all depends on the past, be it 1 min or 1 decade. I get brain-ragged when I think about these suicide-assh OlerS, not one but in hundreds around the world, some even well educated buggers, different family backgrounds, group suicides, following orders blindly without a righteouS thought...getting FUSED! or BANGed! not a joke. ... tired now, prolly add more later when i bump back into this post. thank you for reading. Feb 11 2009, 01:52 PM How do you explain colours, excluding black and white, and what they look like to a blind person that has been blind all his life? Blind people from Birth cannot be defined. A child after being born can be blind after 5 secs... I hope you get my point. But Blindness cannot be talked much unless you are blind yourself. Coming back to your First Question, There is all Black. And where there is light, its not black. may be vice Versa. I learn't in high school that colors are the result of reflecting light. Usually "things" are just absorbing all light (filled with all colors ..packed like ZIP file) falling on it and these "things" fail to absorb certain light which reflects.. However, because this reflected light is no longer in the ZIP file of Light, it emits a unique color which our retina in eye(kept alive & classified by heart) can come as a Vision i.e. broad level of color spectrum. Which you can see in a colorful graphic designing computer software or even better, Make One.
  20. 7 VODKAS!!! FREAK-PARTY! Count me in. Sweeetest Congratulations to the Saint of Angels a.k.a. Saint_Michael a.k.a. SM
  21. 1. Are the owners of Xisto by any chance the same as the owners of the Hosting Site? Yes, That is Opaque. Perfectly True.2. What is the connection if not? Adding Spice to Life my Friend.3. How do you split the revenue earned? By Heart.
  22. I will also mention that, We do our best to provide decent hosting at good affordable price. If you have extra money to spare, you can try MediaTemple Hosting who employ Grid hosting technology that will support any type of load issues. Secondly, You were also told that Your Domain Registrar does not support ROUND-ROBIN dns and hence as said, my hands are tied. I feel your issue is more related to DNS than the server uptime. The server where you are hosted runs under an average load of 2.0.RegardsShree
  23. Please give me the ticket ID and I will check into the matter myself.As for the Databases, I see the following DBs (i have removed prefix for security reasons)I agree that the following databases have less data because they are all below 1 MB. However, gulfkann_gk database is 9.10 MB.belachrbelachr belachr1 belach1 gk glfkann gk.bkpgknewglfkann mycircletrial testtrial
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