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Status Updates posted by OpaQue

  1. All is Well. Keep the faith and drop the fear. Don't believe your doubts and doubt your beliefs. Life is a mystery to solve not a problem to resolve.

    1. k_nitin_r


      Good to hear from you. There are many mysteries in life, some best left undiscovered :-)

  2. All is Well. Keep the faith and drop the fear. Don't believe your doubts and doubt your beliefs. Life is a mystery to solve not a problem to resolve.

  3. off to Google+ soon...

  4. Internet Explorer simply blocked me from accessing Facebook... >_

    1. k_nitin_r


      Did you get the 500 server error?

  5. Was there someone on my left..... *pauses*.. __move_eyeballs_to_left___ ................. .......................... ......... ..................... ..... ............. .......... naah, just my hair. *resumes*

    1. k_nitin_r


      A few decades down the line, you may be saying, "just my heir" :-D

  6. I Setup XMPP Server with Live Chat Features / tested and workings Fantastic! Imagine using your Fav. IM client to catch up w/ other Members, whenever online.. regardless of forums. :)

  7. I Setup XMPP Server with Live Chat Features / tested and workings Fantastic! Imagine using your Fav. IM client to catch up w/ other Members, whenever online.. regardless of forums. :)


  9. TOP MEMBERS OF STACKOVERFLOW are all ... MEN.http://stackoverflow.com/users?tab=reputation&filter=all

    1. velma


      .... Your point being?

    2. k_nitin_r


      Women like to talk, men like to type.




    Link Hidden in Google Webmaster tools...

    You might just find it useful.

    1. k_nitin_r


      Good to see an update from you. How have you been doing?

  11. Welcomes Cosmic Rays ... Tonight.

  12. Having Tea without Brushing my teeth XD .... awesome!

  13. Forum Upgraded :) Lots of work to do!

    1. nanna


      its looking good keep up the good work

    2. k_nitin_r


      The new look is great! Can you put up the list of new features in the new IPB version?

    3. k_nitin_r


      The KS logo is up and the stylesheet problem has been fixed!

  14. Anwii Banned! Finally...

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Hurt4love


      Why would he do that only to you and no one else would suffer from that? So no, emotions don't take control of my vision thank you very much. I have proof and when I threw the proof out there that was the only thing you said to me, because no one likes proof. Bear in mind I gave you facts and I compared things so I did not only defend anwiii and before defending anwiii I can't believe someone like Opaque who tried to shut me up when I was being polite? Why because he is trying to hide...

    3. Hurt4love


      Why because he is trying to hide the truth? So you tell me who is doing things to this forum out of emotions then?

    4. web_designer


      hmmm i really tried to be silent but i couldn't...banning anwiii is a huge move opaque...why?? because he is a ;oyal member for along time...and you know him personally so if he did something you should deal with him personally... you can even cick him but bann him no...it is something like saying you are not a friend but a complete stranger so i won't talk to you but ban you...i don't know how that will be fixed?? i hope i can... :(

  15. My CODING is DONE FINALLY!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. anwiii


      it shuts the toilet seat down after he's done taking a crap. and people thought it had to do with ks.....

    3. velma


      XD If what anwii said is true, I would like to order a few copies please.

    4. OpaQue
  16. Peace



      HE LIVES!!!!!!!

    2. k_nitin_r


      Long time, no see. How are you doing?

    3. OpaQue


      Fanatastic! :) finally back on forums..

  17. Happy Birthday to Trap17 ^_^ Hopefully my projects get done soon.

  18. LIFE UPDATE: Planning to Sleep at 7 am - Simply, a Mind Altering Experience... Just back from Lonvala - the spot is simply BREATHTAKING, at 2 AM, we were ROCKING into strong winndy CLOUDS playing people's wishlist - FULL POWER!

    1. anwiii


      rock on! don't let the song die!

  19. So Samadhan in Sanskrit means "Solution".

    1. web_designer


      hey the wanted guy is on...welcome back opq...:)

    2. anwiii


      no he's not. that was a face book status message haha

    3. web_designer



      oh god ..i thought not

  20. Happy Friendship Day to all :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. chini13


      is it a friendship week going on >>> where's the party then..owner?

    3. web_designer


      yeah BOSS we want a party...:)

    4. anwiii


      uh oh. back to being called "boss" haha

  21. Happy Friendship Day to all :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. anwiii


      ooops! my bad! there is a ten hour difference. it's 6:30pm on saturday here while it should be around 5am over there on sunday. my bad! happy friendship day!

    3. mahesh2k


      Happy friendship day

    4. anwiii


      yes. free mycents for everyone! haha

  22. Eating n Drinking to please people n keep everyone around happy has its own Dangerous Consequences.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rob86


      I bet that's what babies are thinking when you try to feed them.

    3. anwiii


      maybe he got pressured in to eating meat haha

    4. web_designer


      haha i thought that too...but opq btw if it was for a girl you like then it is ok i guess :)...but remember just once...

  23. I soo feel that this is not the right time for me to be on facebook.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. anwiii


      that's funny. i never played farmville before but i had a dream about it. i was thinking of playing it to see if it was anything like my dream! haha

    3. web_designer



      well anwii that make sense..because there is no difference between farmville and the place you live in...:)

    4. anwiii


      haha you are so funny sometimes wd! now where is your book so i can throw it at you? hahah

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