dangerdan 0 Report post Posted February 5, 2010 Well, one of the most cited pieces of evidence with regards to this issue is the information gathered by the Hadley Centre at the UK Met Office, which show an increase in temperature from 1860 through to 1940, when a 30 year cooling period begins, before rising again to 0.4C above the 1961-1990 average. Now as I previously stated, the hottest year on record is 1998 and since then the earth has been cooling, this may be a another small cooling period similar to 1940-1970 or the start of a bigger trend that causes us to re evaluate what we think we know about the environment. It may surprise many people to learn that the most prevalent Greenhouse Gas in the environment is water vapour, accounting for approximately half of all GHGs. Solar radiation also has an extremely high correlation coefficient with temperature, indicating that solar radiation is another leading factor or global temperature. The environment is a series of inter-connecting systems, cycles and feedback loops, the most important of which is the Albedo effect, which determines the level of light that is reflected from the atmosphere, and trapped inside the atmosphere. For example though aerosols are accredited as a cause of global warming, the terrestrial layer they create can actually reflect more solar radiation away, causing cooling. This effect has been cited as a cause of the 1940-1970 global cooling period. So, there isn't necessarily global warming. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grim reaper1666 0 Report post Posted February 5, 2010 another thing that causes cooling in the uk and countries around it is if the gulf streams stops (the gulf stream brings europes heat). the gulf stream could be stopped by more fresh water interupting it from the ice caps melting and fresh rain water coming in from rivers. If more fresh water enters the oceans then the gulf stream doesn't give up its heat so it doesn't sink because as the gulf stream gets to the saltest areas of the ocean the salt causes it to cool releasing its heat to warm europe and the gulf stream sinks and travels back to continue the loop. but if it stops or should i say truns off then europe will become more like artic tempertures. countries in Europe will begin to freeze and it wouldnt be long until you'd think that you are at the north pole when you go to Europe.freezing like that will cause alot of damage after the winter freezing tempertures will crack the roads losen the surface and cause millions of pounds of damage to the roads euros for the rest of europe. just go on google and search for "gulf stream global cooling" without the quotes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dangerdan 0 Report post Posted February 5, 2010 I just watched a BBC news report on global warming and climate change in which they asked the question "Do you think climate change and global warming are taking place?" I think asking this kind of question, and insinuating that climate change and global warming are one and the same is very dangerous. My understanding is that the climate is dynamic, and thus if there isn't global warming then there is global cooling because global temperatures are unlikely to maintain stable, due to the number of variables and cycles in operation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dangerdan 0 Report post Posted February 7, 2010 In the past few months the IPCC has suffered a number of embarrassing set backs to confidence in their message.This includes;The claim that the Himalayan glaciers could melt by 2035, whereas the figure is closer to 2300.The emphasis of the 'hockey stick' graph and the lack of emphasis on the error margins (which place 100, 000's of years of cooling and warming within the same margin)The ClimateGate email hack of the University of East Anglia CRU (Climatic Research Unit) Their use of sources and methodology more generally.Their refusal to succumb to Freedom of Information requestAll this leaves a big shadow hanging over the global warming debate and we need to take it back to a scientific discussion, as opposed to politically motivated propaganda and under hand pacts. We need all the information, all the data, facts, figures, need to be made public so that we can all examine them and all come to our own conclusions, ultimately policy decisions are just that, decisions, and provided they have been reached with all the available information considered then there isn't a problem. It's when decisions are made on the basis of refutable claims that people start to lose confidence in climate science. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spyda 0 Report post Posted March 2, 2010 I totally agree.. do not believe in Global Warming. A couple of scientists actually came together and said that Global Warming was just a sham and that the earth has a history of heating up, but it's normal and will eventually go back down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HannahI 0 Report post Posted March 2, 2010 I see what your saying. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quatrux 4 Report post Posted March 3, 2010 I also don't believe in that global warming which is politics and is just for money and to scare people with facts which aren't really provable or even is propaganda, I want to say that it's not like people are to blame for everything and co2 which is also funny, and all those facts like "if arctic would melt, the water would rise 7 meters and etc." but don't they consider that water would spread around the world and into deserts too and etc. Anyway..But looking from other side, I don't like the fact that there are a lot of trash in the world, in rivers, in lakes, in forests and etc. Personally I think it's a much bigger problem.. I hate the fact that there are lakes which are polluted and what I even hate more is the food we get in the mall, it's all usually is bad and unhealthy in some way.. due to all the new technologies which again for money people use, chemicals and stuff to make it cheaper to produce or faster to grow.There were always tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, a lot of snow and rain, floods.. but people living in those regions should know where they live, it's not like the climate and earth is static, it's dynamic having some kind of average algorithm usually depending from our main energy source the sun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spyda 0 Report post Posted March 3, 2010 Quatrux said: I also don't believe in that global warming which is politics and is just for money and to scare people with facts which aren't really provable or even is propaganda, I want to say that it's not like people are to blame for everything and co2 which is also funny, and all those facts like "if arctic would melt, the water would rise 7 meters and etc." but don't they consider that water would spread around the world and into deserts too and etc. Anyway..But looking from other side, I don't like the fact that there are a lot of trash in the world, in rivers, in lakes, in forests and etc. Personally I think it's a much bigger problem.. I hate the fact that there are lakes which are polluted and what I even hate more is the food we get in the mall, it's all usually is bad and unhealthy in some way.. due to all the new technologies which again for money people use, chemicals and stuff to make it cheaper to produce or faster to grow.There were always tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, a lot of snow and rain, floods.. but people living in those regions should know where they live, it's not like the climate and earth is static, it's dynamic having some kind of average algorithm usually depending from our main energy source the sun. I totally agree with you when you say you do not like the fact that there are a lot of trash in the world, river, lakes and all other environmental areas where they SHOULD NOT be. What I kind of don't understand with your post is where you talk about how you dislike food that you receive in the mail? What are you referring to there? I've never received food in the mail and have never heard of companies or businessmen selling food and sending them via the mail so the consumer can then eat it at their hours. But yeah I do agree with most of what you're saying. There will always be NATURAL DISASTERS! Tornados, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, rain, snow, hail, thunderstorms, ect. They will always exist no matter what we do, but if we allow ourselves to pollute the earth that we live and pollute the environment around us then what we are doing is making the natural distastes and all of that WORSE. But... when it comes down to the aspect of "global warming" is contributing to all of this, then no I do not agree and think that part of the equation is wrong Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grim reaper1666 0 Report post Posted May 12, 2010 governments are complaining about the ice caps melting but they are just left over from the last ice age so do they really think that we should be bothered about that. if they are so bothered about the sea level rising then why don't they put the extra water into tough water tanks and send them into space. have them orbiting around the earth. that would solve the sea rising and if we need the water we can bring it back down and use it. problem solved and if they are bothered about a glacier melting why those things shaped the present day earth made it what it is today this is the natural occurance of things so the governments need to get a life instead of fiddling with fiqures for their own personal gain. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yordan 10 Report post Posted May 12, 2010 I think that the real problem is pollution.We must find a reason for fighting against pollution.Industry generates pollution, cars generate pollution, people without ecological sensitivity generate pollution, and our poor planet start being strangled by this.We must find a clear indicator showing all governments that pollution is dangerous.A reasonable way is claiming "stop pollution, you can see clear indications of global warming. If you do nothing to stop that, global warming will make a lot of disagreeable things, the Gulf Stream will move, the level of the ocean will raise ; just look, some small islands already start disappearing".If this is false, then there is no reason for changing our behavior, we will continue to use our car in order to buy cigarettes instead of walking five minutes, and the industry will not put filters on the chimneys and will stop all expenses in order to reduce pollution.So, if we stop talking about global warming, let's look for another reason for being reasonable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quatrux 4 Report post Posted May 13, 2010 John Heinl said: What I kind of don't understand with your post is where you talk about how you dislike food that you receive in the mail? What are you referring to there? I've never received food in the mail and have never heard of companies or businessmen selling food and sending them via the mail so the consumer can then eat it at their hours.I just checked my post and I didn't say about the food in my mail, I said about the food you buy in mall, like a marketplace, supermarket, food store, a food shop. I was referring to that it's not good anymore, the quality is bad, just because it's business. For example, the usage of pesticides, other chemical sprays which in some countries can be abused, chickens growing in a poultry farm in 22 days with no place to move for them and etc. Wurst ans sausages being with no meat at all Fruits and vegetables being not as tasty as they used to be, but looking much more nicer. I live in Europe, so I don't really know about how bad it's in USA with food quality. And of course it's bad for your health, unless you have lots of money and can afford to always buy more expensive food Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yordan 10 Report post Posted May 13, 2010 I would say that that food discussion is rather far away off the main topic subject.Except if you think that eating cheap (bad) food contributes to global warming? Why? Because flatulence effects can lead to strange gas effects in the upper layer of our atmosphere? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quatrux 4 Report post Posted May 14, 2010 No, I just wanted to point out, that personally for me pollution/trash in our world and food quality is much more important than so much talk about global warming and scaring of people for business and money by taxing something, what is quite natural or what doesn't depend so much from us as it's told at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grim reaper1666 0 Report post Posted May 15, 2010 when you think about the warming we are experiencing is natural, the earths orbit differs and that is what we are going through. people saying were making the ice caps melt, well they are just left over from the ice age. greenlands snow cover is fading well that was the result of the little ice age so does that make a difference. also humans are not the biggest contributor of greenhouse gases. the things that do are volcanoes they emit sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere which has a more servere effect than the very small percentage of co2 in our atmosphere.the point is saying if the ice caps melt where will the polar bears go, they have nowhere to go if they fall in the water. wait polar bears are really good swimmers they can just swim back to shore so no worries there besides "global warming" *cough insert government copyright notice here* will be slow enough for polar bears to adapt to a slightly warmer climate at the poles. did you know even though this aparent warming is happening there is actually more sea ice at antartica than there was in 1980. so governments know where to stick it on that field. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites