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AJAX file manager does not pose any browser incompatibility?Well, perhaps then OpaQue should consider purchasing or updating our current theme. Just a side note: I rather have OpaQue slaving over :P server reliability than trying to purchase a theme that we may or may not use daily... my two cents :P

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AJAX file manager does not pose any browser incompatibility?Well, perhaps then OpaQue should consider purchasing or updating our current theme. Just a side note: I rather have OpaQue slaving over :P server reliability than trying to purchase a theme that we may or may not use daily... my two cents :P He has too much on his plate... poor guy.

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So the theme that we are talking about (i think its referred to as 'x3') does not come with the installation of CPanel11 and WebHost Manager? You have to purchase it separately?

I also found a website (from the creators that make the rv skins) that compares the rv skins to the x3 skin in CPanel 11. You can find it at http://www.rvskin.com/comparison.

I look after a friends website, who's host uses CPanel 11 with the x3 theme. It really easy to use and even comes with Video Tutorials to work your way around. It uses AJAX all over the place and even has the option to change styles (different colours/images with the same theme). The layout of the actual CPanel page is not much different, but you can drag and drop the collection of links/icons (like the ones for mail, files, prefs etc) up and down the page as to get it in the order you like (or the most frequently used items at the top, lesser at the bottom!)

And, for those who like the 'regular' file manager - CPanel 11 inlcudes the 'Legacy File Manager' which is the same as the file manager we use now, slightly redone!

I know all the trouble that OpaQue and the admins went to too get the rv skin working again after the server hard drive change, but it would be great to use these new features of CPanel 11

Edited by Jimmy89 (see edit history)

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@OpaQueI suppose it does introduce some browser compatibility problems, and that's why we shouldn't use it. I just pointed out that the system is great for those that can use it :P

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So the theme that we are talking about (i think its referred to as 'x3') does not come with the installation of CPanel11 and WebHost Manager? You have to purchase it separately?
I also found a website (from the creators that make the rv skins) that compares the rv skins to the x3 skin in CPanel 11. You can find it at http://www.rvskin.com/comparison.

I look after a friends website, who's host uses CPanel 11 with the x3 theme. It really easy to use and even comes with Video Tutorials to work your way around. It uses AJAX all over the place and even has the option to change styles (different colours/images with the same theme). The layout of the actual CPanel page is not much different, but you can drag and drop the collection of links/icons (like the ones for mail, files, prefs etc) up and down the page as to get it in the order you like (or the most frequently used items at the top, lesser at the bottom!)

And, for those who like the 'regular' file manager - CPanel 11 inlcudes the 'Legacy File Manager' which is the same as the file manager we use now, slightly redone!

I know all the trouble that OpaQue and the admins went to too get the rv skin working again after the server hard drive change, but it would be great to use these new features of CPanel 11

Thats right, the CPanel 11 comes with a lot of video tutorials, practically with all the options of it, tell me something do you view this video tutorials???

Best regards,

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tell me something do you view this video tutorials???

You click the 'Video Tutorials' link in your CPanel, it takes you to a page that has a list of the different tutorials. You can choose the tutorial that you are after, and it links to the CPanel website (I think the videos are in flash format).
If you want me to post the links to the videos, please ask!

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I know my way around cpanel so i dont really need themi tend to find my way around everything pretty easy :P

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yeah, its not too hard to get used to really! I think the 'control panels' that places like lycos and geocities have are harder to understand then CPanel! I, like Sten, seem to also be able to get used to anything very easily. Give me a few minutes with a computer, and i'll understand everything that needs to be done! :P

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Thing is, why bother buying rv in the first place? X3 had no problems, or at least I never had any problems. I'd be glad to have the X3 as the choice since it came with cPanel when you licenced the software.xboxrulz

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Thing is, why bother buying rv in the first place? X3 had no problems, or at least I never had any problems.

Like the saying - if it ain't broken, don't fix it!
rvskins cost $99 per active license, I can think of some things that could be done with $99. Still, thats a reasonable amount for the features that you get!

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im actually sick to death of the rv theme.i need to get my site dont before about september or october but i hate having to actually do stuff interactive on a disgusting design of a website.i find it to hard to actually work on the site with the theme. especially the file manager. we could at least get the cpanel 11 file manager.

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Maybe if you all would grow up and use an FTP client like the rest of the World, you might find it easier to "develop" your web sites. I mean really, who cares what the cPanel looks like. I hardly ever log into my cPanel unless I want to add a domain or email. From time to time, I'll check some stats but that is about it. All of my files are developed locally then uploaded via FTP.If it is a really big problem for you to use the current cPanel theme, then please feel free to find a new host! You are welcome to continue debating the issue but it won't change anything! The theme we have is what we will continue to use. There will not be a change no matter how many people vote for it in the polls. I thought that BuffaloHelp's reply was enough to end this but I guess not. vujsa

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Well, only to say that i work in a similar way as vujsa does, the cPanel theme does not have any importance, because it doesn't stops me to work with it, i understand that if you are a beginner maybe you dont know how powerful is a ftp client, until now of course.Best regards,

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I use FTP all the time, but I access cPanel regularly just to check uptimes, bandwidth and space usage, and stuff like that. I also have to manage redirects, stats and many things. I'm one of those who wants the regular cPanel too. Why can't we just have the option of both the rv theme and the regular theme?xboxrulz

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