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Free Hosting - 15gb Space - 250gb Bw Believe it or not

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Well i'm not sure about this host, and would like to know what the catch is....what do I have to do in order to get an account and keep it? What are the restrictions here? (file type restrictions etc.)

These are the file types accepted at 789mb.com:

The following are the current file types we support

wml - mdb - table - tar.gz - db - dist - lng - dir - conf - as - pak - 7z - jpe - txt - htm - jar - ini - html - inc - dbt - tmpl - tpl - js - css - log - cfg - jpeg - jpg - gif - png - swf - php - xml - ico - sql - pdf - doc - xls - shtml - shtm - mdu - htc - list - ppt - m3u - class - asp - asx - p - aif - shn - flac - dat - bak - flv - mp2 - py - dcr - po - mo - gdf - mid - midi - wav - cat - gr1 - qt - zip - ttf - ace - gz - fon - mpg - rm - ram - psd - pdd - bmp - eps - tar - tiff - raw - tga - mdl - bsp - wad - thtml - thtmlx - sh - php-dist - csv - aiml - cd4 - lib.php - 3gp - asf - dtb - template - inc.php - afm - mpeg - mp4 - bb - ogg - plsc - sc - map - rtf - crc - mod - fla - data - info - xsl - lock - crt - pot - .inc.php - au - dta - lib - htpasswd - .htpasswd - dtd - fdb - lang - in - sis - pcd - tif - wmf - sfg - jp2 - php-template - ani - cur - ssi - wings - blend - cdr - pk3 - xul - rdf - mysql - rpm - tar.bz2 - autopackage - run - tgz - 7zip - sc0 - bb0 - php3 - jbf - png0 - png32 - semaphore.ref - semaphore - ref - java - dic - ctg.z - ctg - z - attach - wsz - wpd - ged - dependency - module - theme - mgc - magic - fcgi - lbi - xmb - install - profile - engine - pgsql - xslt - cvsignore - vsd - dotproject - types - toc.hlp - schema - afp - svg - banned - helporder - def - settings - help - control - master - totals - ttl - vars - msg - ims - imstore - outbox - rlog - style - sit - tsk - params - scs - kml - kmz - phpx - lpk - properties - xslt - xspf - wss - rb - rhtml - yml - pem - tps - gif2 - php~ - alz - scm - scx - aspx - asa - stm - jsp - jhtml - hl - pgn - md5 - nfo - diz - dmg - p3p - m4a - m4v - wpp - abl - gtp - gp3 - gp4 - gp5 - prf - mgl - mgx - rcm - cer - part - snp - fog - new - php.new - grz - pws - avs - dwt - mht - phps - lasso - project - diff - lck - cnf - btr - spc - nfs - psf - minipsf - psf2 - gbs - application - admin - command - c - w4m - flock - lastmod - pageindex - auto-replace - homepage - recentchanges - pmwiki - allrecentchanges - blocklist-chongqed - blocklist-moinmaster - sidebar - amr - emz - rss - sitemap - pm - xsd - manual - d - svnignore - ml - mli - mly - ser - xcf - sample - phtml - wsf - xpi - shp - dbf - shx - mtl - opml - ips - tbl - bab - dll - so - sbn - sbx - swi - mwdeck - ctp - djvu - pgt - xhtml - ebp - set - jso - swc - pstpl - tpls - spr - rating - flp - msi - aemod - asc - src - abr - pat - grd - vb - user - resx - vbproj - sln - bat - tmp - spec - ctm - cts - bin - ivu - grf - gpf - idx - mbs - ihtml - apw - sav - reg - version - docx - intel - xlsm - asm - com - pas - plt - sub - usr - obj - hst - cir - ckt - kar - prop - ds - tig - rgz - pls - dhp - aac - au3 - psp - jad - inf - cst - cct - es - jap - max - 3ds - xd - pps - dict - scp - lst - prd - rds - rls - mis - srd - lin - fre - win - dar - cs - gb - gba - gbc - chm - ans - fun - eot - tex

Note: .htaccess cannot be added due to limits of the control panel software powering the site, in the future it may be available but for now please do not request it

As you can see, mp3 files are not allowed.

Not having access to .htaccess is also a issue that makes this hosting useless for many users.

I guess the catch is that you have a lot of space that you can not use...

To get an account you just have to register.


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Please be realistic!!, "Free hosting" is not real. There is ever some key restriction that will put your fingertips looking another "free hosting", you know: space, bandwidth, reliability, support and lifetime. How much time will 789mb.com be fast and reliable?

I did try 110mb.com and 1010mb.com, they are really limited, slow and without support.


In my opinion, Xisto.com is not "free", you have to invest your time, is like a work, you get paid in hosting credits. But not only "hosting credits", the community is amazing, support and servers works very good (better than many paid hosts), and the best point: to be a collaborative member (better than common forums).


Just think about this: Xisto.com, better than any..... <_<


Please remember this: "El que quiere celeste que le cueste" (Put effort in things You want)



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This is obvious overselling :P They can't possible offer 15GB/250GB to each user they have, and somehow I am certain this number isn't small, as people will take anything that is free and looks good. My prediction is that the host will last several months, maybe even a year, before they declare that they "cannot maintain the servers furthermore due to the lack of funds". It's already been seen...

Note: .htaccess cannot be added

First the lack of cPanel, then .htaccess being disabled, and to make things even better (worse, that is), PHP Safe Mode is on - doesn't look serious enough for me <_<

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I also have the same opinion, this host must have a catch and at any time it will appear, i dont really take care about it, because i only use it to make a test and nothing more.


BTW, i'm completely agree with develcUy Xisto.com, better than any <_< y por sUpUesto si Uno qUiere algo de todas maneras va a costar algo.


Best regards,

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Technically, we do offer free hosting since YOU don't need to pay a penny.

According to this point of view: YES, you are all right.

How about this better quotation: "there's no free lunch" ...

Yes, you got the idea <_<Isn't easy to write quotations from some language to other.


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Only registered members are allowed to access this section.Please login below or register an account with 789mb Forums.
Note: Forum registration is SEPERATE from hosting
registration, you must register a second time.

Hmm.... you can definately trust a provider if they FORCE you to register JUST to browse their forums! <_< Seems like a shady business move to me. No web host with forums I know of ever completely made them hidden away where you had to register to even browse!!

There has to be some sort of catch, with all that space and bandwidth.. some paid hosts don't even have that much space and bandwidth. I'm going to check it out later, but probably not switch from my Xisto, because I'm really happy from what I have right now, who the heck uses 15 gigabytes of space?

The catch is overselling. The wonderful idea of lets put as many accounts with all these really big quotas onto one server as we possibly can before it starts to slow down and lets hope that everyone doesn't use all their quota! :P

Edited by nightfox (see edit history)

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I haven't personally tried LayeredPanel, but it looks interesting. The whole LayeredPanel was built specifically to build free webhosting communities. Such are 789mb.com, hostonmars.com and a lot more now.xboxrulz

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