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How To Change Your Ip Address. In Less Than one Minute, Change Your Ip

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Replying to yordanThis is very WELL possible!In XP there is a neat little feature that will allow you to create an IP conflict on your PC. This will make your ISP think your IP is "taken", and therefore assign you a brand new one through their DHCP, automatically!It's very easy if you know how, won't cost a novice more than 5 minutes to pull it off. My company will release an E-Book on the subject in the coming months. (Unless some IP masking or proxy selling website buys us off meanwhile)This has only been tested on XP, with Cable connection (so no DSL). But with that configuration it HAS been tested in numerous countries with numerous providers. All in Europe, but it is pretty clear that it works anywhere if you have dynamic IP through cable.(Of course it will also work in a home network, but that's no good... Another internal 192.Blah.Blah IP wont do you any good. It's the outside IP that you want to change if yr banned or such)-reply by martijn

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Hi, I cant get this working... I get no conection to the internet, just local... I have done exactly as you say but it aint working! :( Please help me, what am I doing wrong?! I'm using vista but I do know where the corresponding "menus" (or what ever you call it)is. My internet is going thru a router and I want to change to a specific IP adress.-reply by thedude

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I get banned from a server and I need with any price to return there ... I change my IP (btw ... The steps its simple and easy >>>THX) ... What I need to do to return on svr :( ... Pls smbdy answer.. Thx-reply by andrey_zzz3

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faster way

How To Change Your Ip Address.


After you have released your ip and go into your network connections, when your at the step to right click >> properties, just click "repair" instead of "properties" and it will re-assign your ip/gateway etc etc.


-reply by adam

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Still banned

How To Change Your Ip Address.


Hmmm I did this becuase I got banned IP banned from a WOW private server but even after doing it the link they provide to check if you're IP is banned still says I'm banned and have the same IP email me if you have answers Please


-reply by Zach

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It does not change my IP Adress!

How To Change Your Ip Address.


Okay I've tried what you said, the thing is, it does not really change my IP Address, I still have my original, even after done this.. After I did this, I checked myself, command->Ipconfig, and same, IP address, if someone got a resolution too this, please, tell me, or add my msn, Mr.TEriksson att hotmail.Com

Thanks for the tutorial anyway, I love the old fashion Step by Step in detail way :)


-reply by Eriksson

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HelllpppHow To Change Your Ip Address.

I got banned from a diablo 2 server for no reason other than switching games and this always happens I even just bought a new diablo 2 with new cd keys and everything yet this is still happening. Can anyone help I think this is so retarded I doubt this ever happens to bots just the actual players. It's so dumb. I hate it.

-reply by William

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changing ip addressHow To Change Your Ip Address.

I saw the comment you posted on how to hange your ip address, 

I'm am at step 4 and I don't know what I am looking for when I press f3, when I press f3 I get these files highlighted:

 driverdesc reg_sz   broadcom 440x...

 providername   reg_sz           broadcom

 helptext                         reg_sz           broadcom 440x...

broadcom440x...       reg_multi_sz     1

mfg                             reg_sz           broadcom

friendlyname               reg_sz           broadcom 440x...

displayname                 reg_sz           broadcom440x


I would like to know

thank you, Drew/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley1.Gif



-reply by drew

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changing ip address in different manner?How To Change Your Ip Address.

how I can change my worldwide internet ip temporarily through dial up connection to my desired IP?

in other word I want to have a special IP( for example) because the library provider of my university works only with this ip. But I connect to internet through an isp located out of university with different ip. So I can't use my library data base. However I want to chang my internet ip to THIA SPECIAL IP ADDRESS. How I can? please guid me!


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how I can change my worldwide internet ip temporarily through dial up connection to my desired IP?

There are some softwares that allow your browsing to be seen from another ip and then there are some browsers which change IP session for browser only. Depending on which one you choose there are advantages and disadvantages.

If you just want to use the browser then there is chance of using vidella. You can use vidella from Torpark firefox edition or OperaTor. Both these softwares have vidella inside their browser and it runs when you browse. Your IP changing can be random or you can choose to browse from specific location. With torpark it is very easy to select the location.

I have also seen few softwares like IP-Lock or hidemya-s which saves a lot of time by changing entire IP of your ISP connection and this makes it more secure to browse than your browser IP changing.

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