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Neutron Bomb

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Do we realy need another bomb? I Understand that we dont want are enemys to get it first but who would that country be? Their is no large superpower as an enemy. This is not the cold war. Also if it releases radioation then then whats the use of keeping the buildings. It would be 100 years before we could do anything with them.

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The only time I've ever heard of a neutron weapon is in a RTS computer game where there is a 'neutron shell' upgrade for one your units that kills all infantry and pilots in vehicles. And I have never heard of a weapon where you can control all of the weather on Earth.... That's really scary. It sounds like something taken from a sci-fi book or movie.Wouldn't these superweapons be banned by the rules of war or something? It sounds as if they would....Hoping we don't annihilate ourselves anytime soon, :( - AlPal

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I do agree, I doubt we'll ever have a World War III, its just impossible... The people that decide to utilize the nuclear bombs are all politicians...All politicians are very smart when it comes to themselves... I mean, unless all politicans in the world have a death wish, then I highly doubt theyre that stupid... chin chin..

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However, people are highly unpredictable. Emotions and such cause things like logic to be skewed or even overlooked altogether. We can't rule out the possiblity of a third world war because in many countries political power is based on force and not on reason.

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Hey guys!


  I've recently heard from a friend of mine that there is now a neutron bomb (which, until that point, I was unaware existed).  It seems that this neutron bomb is like a small hydrogen bomb, but instead of creating a big explosion and blowing things up, it emits lots of radiation.  This will basically kill lots of people, but keep the buildings and houses somewhat upright.  This is kind of scary, don't you think?  If we ever have a world war 3... and a neutron bomb is dropped... everyone will be wiped out.... eek.  Scary...


Well, a hydrogen bomb does something similar, it splits hydrogen atoms, and releases a wave of surging nuclear energy in a riple like movement, but, it is also different, because it is sort of a mixture of a normal bomb and nuclear bomb, because it creates a regular explosion, and forms a mushroom cloud. But also sends out a powerful burst of nuclear energy which is what kills the victims, and makes the land where the bomb went off un-inhabitable, think of Hiroshima, to this day it is covered with cement and still unsafe to go near, even with hundreds of feet of cement between you and the city. It just shows how nulcear power is something we can't just tame, it will be our downfall in the end...

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I have a question. If the neutron bomb emits radiation, then why make a bomb that leaves buildings standing?If it emits so much radiation, wouldn't it contaminate the environment around it? Like Bikini Atoll and the U.S. bomb tests. People still are unable to live there because of radiation left from the bombs. Would it do the same to where ever the bomb is dropped?Not trying to be cruel or anything, but in all seriousness, if there is a WWIII then there would be no reason to leave anything standing, nobody would be left to see it.

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I might have gotten some bad info on the neutron bomb but it is my understanding that it was intended to be used to basically wipe out the population of a small area and the radioactive effects were reduced to a minimal amount after a week or so and then all buildings etc were left intact, basically what the nuetron bomb is supposed to do is to vaporize any matter that contains water (the human body is 75% water) so it would just vaporize the target, this includes plants and animals and after the radiation levels are low enough the troope then occupy the target and sieze all weapons etc of the former (now disappeared bodies that turned into a steam cloud). It seems that as a tactical weapon it would or could have been used when all the 'insurgents' or terrorists were occupying mosques just set the neutron off and the problem is over, the only problems is that if there were any non terrorists there they would be turned into steam clouds also, but if given fair warning like "OK guys here is the deal anyone not fighting against the US or it's allies leave the area immediately or you will be vaporized, and if you are fighting against them you should surrender immediately and walk backwards with you hands in clear view and up in the air other wise you are considered a combatant and will be shot. The mosques or nothing would have ever been touched and if the terrorists had decided to not surrender then they would have just been turned into a big vapor cloud.

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You can get the same effect of a neutron bomb by an areal explosion of a nuclear bomb. It would not have the nuclear mushroom cloud but it would cause mass causality's due the obvious.. The buildings would still be standing but the detonation would also act like a EMP.

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A bit off topic..sorry(yeah I know this is posted LATE..but just found these comments on the net...better late than never. You know guys...America is made up of people from EVERY country in this world..YES! YOUR COUNTRY TOO!!! Don't you get it...That's why we are where we are in this world, and do what we do.-americanmade

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rediculous : Neutron Bomb

Neutron Bomb


The only reason the united states and other countries develop weapons like this is for protection because anyone with half a brain can tell that peace is an impossible thing. True peace will never be had because of the corruptness of humans. One person/country will always feel jealousy towards other people or countries. Only two solutions are out there for world peace one is mass extinction and the other is a brainwashing of everyone human leaving as no more than zombies as we all know neither of these things are likely to happen any time soon if ever.


-reply by gamma

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Effects Overrated - effects of neutron bombNeutron Bomb

Replying to JYM

If you read up on Neutron bombs, you will find that their supposed doomsday effects are wildly exaggerated. Essentially, they were designed to destroy and Soviet tanks invading Europe, without destroying Europe in the process. The idea is that neutrons can pass thru the shielding of a tank better than a regular nuclear blast. They were never, ever, envisioned or desigend to destroy the people living in an enemy city and leave the building intact. Why leave Russian (for example) buildings intact??

-reply by John B

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Amerika- the name of HitlerNeutron Bomb

to americanmade:

Your little silly note about america doing what it does because it is made up of people from all countries of the world is ignorant of the fact that the members of the country don't 'do' what the country 'does' - the government does.

The masses of people from different places in the world all living in America are trying to get along and make ends meet- trying to survive mostly; while the elitist government takes advantage of that to do what they please. 

If you want to take credit for what our corrupt government is doing, feel free- it just makes you look even more stupid

-reply by delapaix

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