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About KitKat1405241488

  • Rank
    Member [ Level 1 ]
  • Birthday 10/09/1982

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  • Location
    Ontario, Canada
  • Interests
    Physics, music (from metal to classical), randomness, video games, anime, rollerblading, linguistics, baking cookies and pies, wasting time on the internet
  1. The biggest reason I don't sign up for any of these things is that most (even if they are legitimate) require you to convince a certain number of your friends to sign up. I know that I get kind of annoyed when my friends try to convince me to sign up for crap I don't want (usually with annoying spyware, as was mentioned previously), and I'd rather not do the exact same thing to others. I just see it as bad online etiquette, on par with sending chain email forwards, so I don't do it. My respect for my friends is usually stronger than my wanting a chance at some free product.
  2. TFT stands for thin film transistor. These are commonly used in active matrix LCD screens. They are also being used in OLED display technology, which seems to be one of the more promising up-and-coming technologies. There is a ton of information on TFTs on the web because LCDs are poised to completely dominate the display market. The technology is improving by leaps and bounds, and it has the advantages of being relatively cheap and power efficient. Anyways, this is just off the top of my head. I can probably dig up some better researched information for you tomorrow, since the professor I work for specializes in displays and has a lot of technical papers and press releases and such lying around.
  3. Mmm, lasers. Well, as much as I love lasers, I will refrain from discussing them since everyone else has done an excellent job of proving why it is impossible for a lightsaber to be made of a laser.On the other hand, if we consider building a lightsaber out of plasma, there are just as many problems. Basically, nuclear fusion reactors use this principle to operate. A plasma is confined in an area and heated up until the atoms start fusing together. The hardest part of this is confining the plasma. Once the plasma touches anything (i.e. the walls of the container it's in) it loses heat and the reaction stops. There are other factors involved, but I'll save that discussion for later. So the best way we have at the moment is to confine this plasma using magnetic fields. This has its own set of problems though. My nuclear professor compared it to trying to hold jello using elastic bands. There are certain schemes that have been set up to get around this, but all require giant elaborate equipment. It would be EXTREMELY difficult (I'd say impossible, but sometimes science surprises me) to find a way to confine a lightsaber-size shaft of plasma using only a little handle.
  4. All these things just look like huge scams to me. As a woman, I've had my share of being hit on online, and the thought of voluntarily putting myself in that position.... *shudders*Don't trust it. Don't trust it at all.
  5. I was watching Discovery Channel a month or so ago (yes, Discovery Channel is the source of half my knowledge ) and they were talking about going beyond HD tv. Apparently there is a film studio in Japan that has developed Super High Definition. Wait, even better, I'll link the video for you. Click here then click Japan Week -> Thursday -> "High Definition and Then Some" Anyways, as home entertainment systems get bigger and bigger, more resolution is demanded, and this entails more storage space. After a while, DVDs may not have the necessary storage capacity as we keep striving to improve our viewing experience. Blu-ray disks give opportunities for these new technologies to be viable, and leave room for more improvements. Our standards keep going up, and our perceptions of what is 'normal' for video and sound quality in movies and tv keeps changing. Maybe we don't need blu-ray disks to meet our current standards, but I guarantee we will in the future.
  6. This is so fun! Most of the results that come up are actually me...club websites from my school, a local newspaper article from back home, etc. All the others are geneological sites, showing the birth and death date of one of my forebears with the same name. The only one that really surprised me was from a message board archive, a post that I made in 1999, that I'd totally forgotten about. I can't believe I used my real name there. That was back when I was young and naive....
  7. <----- girlDon't worry, there are a bunch of us around. But don't be scared of the guys, most of them are really nice here :)Welcome to the forums!
  8. Mmm, I love sharing recipes! Trying out making new things is always fun. Alright, here's a recipe I got from one of my friends in highschool. I don't know who should be credited for it, but certainly not me, so I'm putting it in quotes. This is an awesome snack recipe, and everytime I make it people love it. I doesn't even require any sort of skill, or using the oven
  9. I had the 7 beta version, and I loved it. I like being able to sign in as Appear Offline because I have over 150 contacts on my list, and if I want to talk to one particular person I like to see if they're online first before going online. Otherwise, there are bound to be people that start talking to me, and during the schoolyear I don't always have time to talk to everyone, so that was a big selling point for me. As well, a lot of my friends have started using the msn spaces for blogs and pictures, so it's convenient to be able to see right away on my msn list when someone has updated their blog. One thing I was NOT happy about was a couple days ago when I was forced to upgrade to the official version from the beta. Having mini-sized display pictures in my contact list bothers me. The personal message box is an interesting idea, and saves some clutter in the message window when I'm chatting, but nevertheless I'm annoyed at being forced to upgrade.
  10. This game is so fun! I'm not very good, but I still love to play. I'm considering getting the game and a couple dance mats. Usually I just play at other people's houses though. Last week I accidentally turned the playstation off while it was saving, and it erased the memory card. That was pretty crappy. Good thing my friend is fairly easygoing and wasn't too angry....but now he has to unlock all of the songs again. I offered to help, but I don't know if he trusts me to let me near his playstation again, lol.
  11. This new table is definitely prettier, and more artistic, but not very practical in my opinion. I've had to memorize a good chunk of the periodic table for some of my courses, and I know that if my table was in that form, it would confuse the heck out of me. I remember my elements according to their rows and columns, and there are also patterns and trends in the table that make sense to have it in the form that it is currently. Don't get me wrong, I like this new design, I just don't think it should be used in teaching classes where the students are expected to learn and utilize it on a regular basis.
  12. You have to understand that most mobile phones get tossed in the garbage after a couple years and end up in landfills. At least with this phone you can plant the casing and grow a flower at the same time. I don't know what sort of effects the polymer will have on the soil when it biodegrades, but I would think that the company has done enough research to guarantee that it's not toxic. It would be cool if someone could get ahold of the MSDS or something for this polymer so we could get a better idea of what exactly it is and what it does. I'm curious to know what triggers the degradation of the plastic. It would suck to accidently leave your phone somewhere and then find out that your case has been disintegrated.As for recycling, only very certain kinds of plastic can be recycled. It usually takes a lot more energy to recycle them than to create them new. So you're balancing the evils of plastic buildup in landfill vs environmental degradation from energy usage.@ verman: I think the idea is that you just plant the casing. The guts of the phone that contains the metals has to be disposed of normally.
  13. However, people are highly unpredictable. Emotions and such cause things like logic to be skewed or even overlooked altogether. We can't rule out the possiblity of a third world war because in many countries political power is based on force and not on reason.
  14. I agree that graphics are way too much of a priority in current games. Since I'm an RPGer, the first thing that I look for in a game is storyline. This determines whether or not I buy the game at the outset. Of equal importance are versatility (is the game too linear, or allow for wandering around, sidequests, etc.) and challenge (does it try to spoon-feed me everything I should do, or make me think it out and solve problems myself) and battle system (is it awkward, complicated, too simple, etc). I often don't expect much from characters and dialogue, because games are notoriously terrible for this. Good graphics are nice, and I appreciate them, but they are not necessary for a game to be good. One of my favourite games of all-time, FFVI, has basic SNES graphics. I still play old commodore 64 games on my emulator, because they're fun and often a lot more thought went into creating the game elements than the game graphics. Sometimes, modern games try to incorporate way too many features and I get frustrated with trying to learn how to play them. Increased complexity does not always equal a better game. In fact, some of the classic games such as tetris and pacman reached that status in part because of their simplicity (keep in mind that simplicity does not imply unchallenging).
  15. I didn't own a computer for all of my first year of university and half of my second. It's possible, but requires some ingenuity to work around. I had to use campus computer labs for typing up my projects and lab reports, which meant I had to be really organized to get things done during computer lab hours. Of course, this was before I had msn, or posted on internet forums, so the only websites I went to were for checking my email (every few days) or checking course websites. In terms of going completely without using any computers, I've done that before too. It's hardest right at the beginning, but once you get used to it, it's not that bad at all. I found that I spent more time outside, or doing things like playing piano or cooking interesting things, just generally doing the things I like to do, but forget that I like to do them when I'm spending time online.
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