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Do Aliens Really Exist? Hot Debate! do they really exist?

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If you mean aliens as in organisms that live outside earth, then I do believe in that. There must be another place suitable for life in the universe. I doubt that there are aliens like in the science fiction movies. I don't think the public was concerned with that until people were venturing into space. Abductions and stuff are just made up stuff. Many unexplained things caught on film could just be government funded testing of new technology or something.

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I think aliens do excist. Somewhere. And I don't mean martians, I think of bacterial life. Virusses and stuff. Life can only start when the conditions are right. Not too hot, not too cold, water and so on. It would be extremely co-incidental if Earth would be the only planet in the universe (with hundreds of thousands of galaxies and even more planets and stars) that could create life. But if we'll ever find those lifeforms, that I don't know. But the existance of aliens is very likely.

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To me, this is obvious. We have absolutely no evidence that anything exists in this universe that can rival our race. It simply seems impossible that something else could be out there.I am open to the idea of other life, but think about it like this: assume that Mars is 36 million miles away from Earth (not always true or accurate, but I'll use it anyway). We have found supposed traces of life on Mars, but only the most basic sort (single-celled organisms). So then break down life into different classes, such as class 1 being single-celled organisms and class 100 being human beings. We have found traces of class 1 on Mars... so we may find class two organisms 1.3 trillion miles away from Earth. Then we will find class 100 organisms at several light years away from Earth.Of course, this is subjective to what information we collect about evolution/time in the future.There is no way that we will see any being that far away for several million years.

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I believe aliens exist. Why haven't we seen them yet? I say that aliens aren't as technologically advanced as the movies show us. They're only as advanced as us. Mars doesn't have any aliens, the beings over there weren't as smart as us and didn't know how to create fire and discover electricity.So they all died off, Martians suck.

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First time on this topic, so if I posted something someone already said, sorry about that.

About the Drake's Equation, there's a calculator on this page.

You can actually try it out for yourself.

As for those of you who is sceptical about it, the main reason that we haven't come in contact with any aliens yet is probably because with our current limited technology and the size of the galaxy, it'll be close to impossible to come in contact with any life (intelligent or non-intelligent) within a couple of centuries.

As for the bible preachers who says aliens don't exist because the bible says so, you have got to think it through again. No offense to all the Christians out there, but in a very general point of view, the bible is nothing but a book, published over and over again across the centuries and decades, and written by a group of individuals that neither you or me knew personally.

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First of all......... if we are to consider religion in this debate then it will lead us nowhere. Religion is not a science, it is an expression of faith to something that has no concrete evidence of existence. God, is mans creation in his desperate moments in his life. When he could not give answers to some of the questions that needs to be answered he created God. Going back to alien life forms.. it is not just possible but it is the fact. Our existence is not by a devine power but the simply the perfect timing of events that lead to the creation of life. First the great explosion, then all matter there is formed stars, planets and other non living things. Then elements or matters group together, with their perfect partnership they themselves develop or formed into proteins and so life begins. THen this would suggest that it is not just possible but it is realy happening in the vast space of the universe that such a devlopment of matter is happening. With the right distance from a star, meaning too close too hot and too far too cold, millions of life form out there are developing...when it comes to intelligence.. if we would think that we are the only inteligent being, this is just the product of mans insecurity and stupidity... we become inteligent not becuase we ought to be but becuase of evolution... our knowledge is not a gift from a devine being but the product of millions of years of evolution and experience. Then we came to think of it, that our solar system or even our galaxy is not the oldest there is. So if it is not, then those older galaxy or planet that nurtures life as expected will have life that is far more inteligent than us becuase the history of their evolution is billlions old than ours...Generaly, my point is, religion should not be asking this question knor it should try to explain or argue with it for it is not a science.hehehehehheheheh

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  tcave said:

I don't think they do.. I think there are UFOs, but man made them. There's so many secret government things going on.. I'm kinda naiive about that department, but I really don't think they exist. I believe in the Bible, and there's really no evidence that God created aliens. The human mind is able to generate thoughts like that and I think that's what they are.


I more or less agree with this :) I think that alianes came from people's imagination. And all the proofs they're showing are fake. I'll not believe it as long as I don't see alians myself ) If someone here have ever seen an aliaen, let me know it'd be interesting to read your story )))

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  redsox58 said:

I believe that there just has to be other forms of life in the universe. How could there be so much empty space throughout the universe for just one random planet, which the natives call "Earth", that has life. The odds are against it thats for sure. Maybe we have the superior science and technology maybe we don't, no one will know until the time comes. I thinks its rather foolish to use radio waves to try to find communications from aliens though.


In the movies the seemingly invincible aliens always come to earth looking to destroy human kind or something like that. Maybe in like a thousand years we will be those aliens comming to another species planet, who knows what we will do there though.


I have been in contact with one man who had listening police radio ferquencies, and recorded them. You can CLEARLY hear on that recordings that cops are talking about some strange sphere objects glowing and floating on the sky above one of biggest mountains here in croatia. They have confirmed that an military airplane F-16 was in the air and chase that "Glowing Sphere" but did not able to identify it while it dissapear.

So, beleve in what ever you want. I just know that "they" are experimenting on us, for a very loong time.

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It just seems too unrealsitic that aliens don't exist - the possibility of them NOT existing is very low. And, also it is not necessary that they are the same way we are, or use the same "technology"that we do. a few centuries ago, electricity was not known at all and lightning was thought to be God's wrath (at least in my religion). so, there might be something hitherto undiscovered that those extra-terrestrials may have discovered. who know, they may even be transparent, and recognise each other not through sight, but through radio waves!!! in this world of possibilities, anything can happen. Also, a theory could be that God does exist, and he protects us from these aliens. We do not know anything, hence making wild guesses may not prove beneficial

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  tcave said:

I don't think they do.. I think there are UFOs, but man made them. There's so many secret government things going on.. I'm kinda naiive about that department, but I really don't think they exist. I believe in the Bible, and there's really no evidence that God created aliens. The human mind is able to generate thoughts like that and I think that's what they are.


When an Unidentified Flying Object is made by man, it's kind of an IFO. And why did you start the about Bible? There's no evidence in the Bible that Earth spins around the sun, either. Again: the Bible was written by people, not by God (oh my god, so if something doesn't exist it can't write?). We find the religions of the ancient Romans and Greeks nonsense. And (I hope) in a couple of years people find the Bible nonsense. When science proves that God doesn't exist, for instance.

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I doubt that that it is possible for there to be intelligence elseware in the universe. Consider this- the planet has to be perfect, by that i mean perfect distance from the sun, perfect amount of water, plants, environment. Also, think about this- how many species of living things are there on earth? Billionis! And, out of billions of species, only one has used technology- humans. Also, the big bang occurred only several billion years ago, which may not be enough for life to start somewhere else. Besides, even if intelligence does exist in a far away planet, chances are it's pretty far away from earth, where as we couldnt discover their existence, let alone communicate with them

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Consider this- the planet has to be perfect, by that i mean perfect distance from the sun, perfect amount of water, plants, environment.

Right you are – but then consider this: there are hundreds of billions of stars in a galaxy and billions of galaxies (then we assume that the universe isn’t infinite – which I don’t believe it is!). What is the possibility that not just a few of these many stars have a planet where life has good conditions?


And a planet with water may be quite common actually. The smallest planet scientists have found so far is 6 times the mass of Jupiter (I think), which is an extreme size, compared to Earth. We just don’t have the technology available to discover those tiny planets right now. But it’ll come! :)



Also, think about this- how many species of living things are there on earth? Billionis! And, out of billions of species, only one has used technology- humans.

But the Earth is also a young planet. There’s still 5 billion years left before the Sun turns into a very unhealthy supernova. And humans have only been traced back around 3.5 million years (Lucy I think the name was) – and that means the Earth could be inhabited by around 1420 different intelligent races before the supernova occurs. I know this is kind of violence towards math, but I’m only trying to put things into a perspective.



Also, the big bang occurred only several billion years ago, which may not be enough for life to start somewhere else.

Like I said, it have taken only a few million years for humans to develop and a few billion years before the first single celled organisms became humans. This process may be a lot faster in other solar systems or it may be slower. But life on Earth did occur and so it could everywhere else in the universe.



Besides, even if intelligence does exist in a far away planet, chances are it's pretty far away from earth, where as we couldnt discover their existence, let alone communicate with them

Right again. They could be very far away – and most likely they are! They could be several billion light years away and we would never discover them. But they would be there – which also is what is thread is about!


Also it is worth noticing that many theories say that life (or at least water) most likely came with a comet. If this is true, we’re definitely not the only planet with water on! And further more the place where the comet (and water) came from would not be too far away – most likely it would be in some of our neighbouring stars.


So life is not just probable – it would be an extreme case (actually non-existent as others have mentioned) if the Earth was the only planet in space with life inhabiting it!

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  wua05 said:

I doubt that that it is possible for there to be intelligence elseware in the universe.  Consider this- the planet has to be perfect, by that i mean perfect distance from the sun, perfect amount of water, plants, environment.  Also, think about this- how many species of living things are there on earth? Billionis!  And, out of billions of species, only one has used technology- humans.  Also, the big bang occurred only several billion years ago, which may not be enough for life to start somewhere else.  Besides, even if intelligence does exist in a far away planet, chances are it's pretty far away from earth, where as we couldnt discover their existence, let alone communicate with them


microbes on earth are known to survive in any sort of environment, sulphur, arsenic etc. how can we assume that life on another planet needs water, sunlight etc? organisms on earth are carbon based but it is sheer absurdity to assume that life anywhere else in this universe needs to be carbon based too, it can be hydrogen based or krypton based for all we know.

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  wua05 said:

I doubt that that it is possible for there to be intelligence elseware in the universe.  Consider this- the planet has to be perfect, by that i mean perfect distance from the sun, perfect amount of water, plants, environment.

Wouldn't it be an absurd coinsidence that Earth would be the only planet in the entire universe that had these conditions? Imagine this: we live in a solar system. Already hundreds of solar systems are known. But there have to be hundreds of billions. And each of them have hundreds of billions milky ways and planets. So why would the environment on Earth be the only one where life could start? Between the stars, spontaneous complicated chemical constructions are formed. If such a thing would develop into a duplicator, a form of natural selection automatically occurs. That could develop into something like RNA. And that could form life. So why wouldn't there be a planet where life can be? Most scientists agree on the fact that there are forms of life somewhere. We just have to find it. And why shouldn't that life become intelligent? We did. But, by the time we reach those planets, the life could be still developing and evolving, or the civilisations that once lived there are completely gone. So finding them when they are at intelligent is probably more unlikely than understanding if the actually do or don't exist.

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