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You gotta check this out

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This is fake, there is no way this guy himself mad this all by him self. It takes a PhD in Computer Science to program the AI to do these things.It takes a PhD in Electrical Engineering to make the circuits to interface the computer to the Mechanical partsIt takes a PhD in Mechanical Engineering to modify the car.I have been programming for 6 years and still couldn't even come close to programming the AI.

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  neeki4444 said:

This is fake, there is no way this guy himself mad this all by him self.
It takes a PhD in Computer Science to program the AI to do these things.
It takes a PhD in Electrical Engineering to make the circuits to interface the computer to the Mechanical parts
It takes a PhD in Mechanical Engineering to modify the car.

I have been programming for 6 years and still couldn't even come close to programming the AI.

Maybe he someohow just got it working through pure ingenious.

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  Too_Hot said:

lol, yeh something about it just doesnt seem real but if so that is one cool robot anyway if what zenchi says is true then who cares :P

What's THAT supposed to mean?


Pfft. Isaac Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics"



This is fake, there is no way this guy himself mad this all by him self.


It takes a PhD in Computer Science to program the AI to do these things.

It takes a PhD in Electrical Engineering to make the circuits to interface the computer to the Mechanical parts

It takes a PhD in Mechanical Engineering to modify the car.


I have been programming for 6 years and still couldn't even come close to programming the AI.

Nay, if you would have read it, he said he worked on a team before. I -could- probably make something small like that, and he didn't 'modify' the car, he most likely made it from scratch.

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That is crazy. Its like a robot in virtual on. What are the wheels for anyway? I think its a waste of money to invest into a mini-cooper and convert it into a robot, minus well just buy and design metals to build a robot.

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but this robot's purpose is to fix cars, and direct traffic. :P Kinda like... (What am I searching for...) A Transformer! :lol: *theme song starts playing* *shotgun shot is heard* *end music*


But seriously, it does good to read the whole page. (I'm a bit hyper... haven't stayed up til 2am for weeks.) The wheels I'm guessing is so it can actually convert into a car and be from point a to point b without stepping on pedestrians. (Aside form the fact that it's two legs do not walk fast.. at all

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:( has to be fake Something this extraordinary will surely hit the world news. But the video looks very real. Maybe part the clips are real. Like the arm dexterity test. Its a puzzle :(

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It didn't hit world news, but he was on Good Morning America a LONG time ago, but all he had then were sketches and stuff... I slightly remember that..It's real.. If you go to the mini cooper website, i forget the address, you can "design" your own robot, and If it wasn't real, then Mini-Cooper wouldn't CoSign it.. Don't you agree? And besides which, he had no reason to make that up, he's got a freakin life, as far as I can tell. (If he was joking) He could quit the lil' robot gig for ever and still make a killling as his normal job. And yeah, he worked on a group of peepz, which means, one of them could have the PhD in Comps, other PhD in mechanics, other PhD in yadda... yeah, and be smart together, but it turns out he just got the credit.. lol Did I make any sense?

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Oh my gawd....I wish I had a robot like that... It could do all my homework...ahhh :)

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Ok the latest and coolest technology i heard about was in a book that talked about all the cool things of 2004. One thing was, some scientists put some kind of chemicals in golfish to make them have a bright greenish glow. sometime in the future you might be able to buy this kind of fish. Another thing that I heard about was an actual see through cloke. I've seen the pictures it looks amazing. The cloak was made in japan and works with miniature cameras. you can actually see through the person wearing the cloak as if they were a ghost or something. the cloke I saw was green.

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ok, firstly to all the people who said it is fake.


I can understand that, since you kids didn't grow up with the original Transformers, (now called Generation 1 because of all the crap continuations they tried to make).

Being a total TF maniac, I would no doubt, start making something like this if I had the resources and the time. But also no doubt, there are people who do.


Also nice to hear there are some Asimov fans around here. I'm still waiting to start on the last Foundation Book.

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