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I Am Addicted To The Coke Please help me

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Well first of all I have to say that I have at least 1 1/2 years conscius of this health problem. Three years ago I live with my aunt here in the capital of the republic, I study medicine. With my aunt I had a good food and I don?t have problems drinking coke, because I only drinked coke once or two time a week. But now what do you think??? Two years ago my brothers come here to start the university and my parents decided to rent us a house to live the three. Of course I felt good because in my new house I can make whatever I want and go whatever I want to.How any of us can cook, we start to buy a lot of fast food and this was the first change, because I start to get fat again(I was fat when I was a child but I got thin in the high school) but I didn?t care because my weigth is not so big to start worry. The problem was the following: I like the coke like almost all the people in the world and my brothers too, so how we bougth fast food(which doesn?t taste so good with water than coke) we started to buy a 3 liters Coke everyday and we start to be addicted to the coke, but I am the worst. I am so addicted that I don?t drink anything else no water and no juice. And is rare to seing me drinking water because when I feel thirsty I go to the freezer and take a little coke to drink. This problem is consuming me because actually I look fat(not a lot, but yes) and I am afraid of the kidney?s problem that I can have, I have read a lot of the complications that a person can have if drink a lot of coke. But I just can?t leave it. I have tried but you know maybe is the abstinence sindrome that make me fall in the addiction again. So please I think that in this forum maybe an expert or the people who post here can help me with some tips or maybe a diet plan to leave the coke and start to drink water like all the normal people. I will be very thankful with all of you that give me the advice or one tip to leave my addiction.Thank you for help me.

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Believe it or not, your problem is not all that uncommon. My dad had a good friend that was really hooked on it. He would have to stop at every other gas station when ever they would go somewhere together and get a coke. He was however, a fairly thin fellow, and it wasn't the weight thing that was a problem for him.Now, Coke is full of empty, worthless calories. But oh do they every taste so good! However, if you cut your calorie intake in other ways, and watch your calorie total, just drinking Coke isn't going to make you fat. Honestly, of all addictions out there to have this is probably the easiest one on your actual long term health. Granted, nothing in excess is good for you, but this addiction is not nearly so harmful as many others. If you do want to kick the habit, you have several options. Cold turkey, or gradually wean yourself off of it. If the second method is your choise, just simply start by substituting some other flavor of soft drink instead of Coke. Something way differnt flavored, like Orange soda, grape or root beer. You don't even have to do it every time, just get a grape soda in place of one or 2 Cokes a day. After you experiment with other soda flavors, try some non carbonated drinks. Don't force yourself to just drink water, yuck, water has no real taste and is not all that apealing if you are dying for a soda. Don't be too mean to yourself. And actually, there isn't a think in the world wrong with treating yourself to an occasional soda. Really, there are a lot worse things out there.

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Why not start drinking green tea? I really like it and for several years I avoid coke, sprite and other such drinks as I don't find anything good in those, but simple green tea is my drink. If I can't get some green tea, I can just drink water or mineral water :DThe bad thing being a student I guess is time, it's much easier to eat all that fast food and SEMI-food which is quite easy to produce, but sometimes students can't refuse it or just doesn't have the time to make something better. :P

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I'm addicted to coke and pepsi and never stop drinking it especially if there is any game going on tv. There is going to be cricket world cup soon, so chances are i'm going to consume more pepsi this month. I don't take alcochol or any other addictive drug/wine etc. My only addiction that is costing me is books, music. Pepsi during sports days and boredom is fine, same with coke. But make sure you know the downside of the pespi and coke. They use too much of pesticide in their drinks. Why not prepare those soft drinks at home. I guess there are some liquid concentrate for sale with which you can create those at home using soda maker.

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I think coke addiction is really common, I have met several people who can?t stop. I have a friend that his family used to buy coke directly from the coke truck because they will drink too much and the one in the supermarket was not enough. But then my friend got sick and he went to the doctor and he found he had an ulcer, and since that day, he stopped drinking sodas, not only coke but any soda, also stopped drinking alcohol, it was shocking because after seeing him not having like a healthy, I don?t know how to say it, like healthy beverage lifestyle, it was a 360 change. So I believe unless you touch bottom, and realized that drinking that much soda is not good for your health and really change your eating and drinking habits, because I believe what you say, if you buy pizza it does not go with water, you must drink a coke, so if you start eating healthier foods, that can be combine with different beverages you will see that is easier to control yourself.I don?t think that drinking coke or any soda once in a while is bad, so if you manage to control the amount of coke you drink you?ll be cure. :)

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First of all i should say those who are very addictive to coke can use sugar free ones, i don't know if they are available in your location or no but in our local stores there is nothing than sugar free cokes. even every drink that comes with sugar like juices are sugar free too, but there is difference between a sugar free juice and a sugar free coke , a sugar free juice is really sugar free without any sweetener it only pure juice but when it comes to sugar free coke they use artificial sweetener in them which is not very healthy too but at least doesn't make you fat or cause you to be diabetic ever, but they are dangerous too and can cause cancer, and if you are too addictive you can not use them more than specific amount daily because you will get problems, a little bad problem which makes you go to W.C. very often :D . i think this behavior of sugar free cokes is nice for those who want to reduce their daily usage, so you will use less otherwise you have to stay in w.c. for the night. As i said sugar free cokes are harmful too but their side effects will show themselves a lot later compared to normal cokes, so this is not a complete solution for those who want to be safe, the solution is water, using water is better than anything so just use water. coke is not so addictive i can say at least not as addictive as online games. so you can easily prevent from drinking it, you can easily replace it with water. i'm a water addict :P i drink more than 3 liters a day but i can feel no harmful effect from what i'm drinking so you try it too and soon you will find that you no longer think about coke. by the way these cokes with the "ZERO" brand on them seems to be completely calories free (as it has written on them) so drinking them should not be so harmful because you get zero calories. anyway water is still better so go for a combination of water and sugar free coke and you soon will find water as your main drink. actually i saw a new coke drink with a natural sweetener and near zero calories, i haven't bought it yet but i will buy one tomorrow to see if it is any good.

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there are alot of thing bad about coke 1 is you can't lose in weight you any may get fatter , another reason is you get ugly Stains and also corrodes your teeth, you can't sleep good, and the body isn't hydrated like it should be because coke is a diuretic drink and that is a drug that speeds up the rate of urine production (meaning it removes water from your body).also i have some advices to how to quit coke 1. get all of the coke out of your house don't keep even 1 coke in your fridge you want to stop drinking coke so don't say "i'll quit after i finish this bottle" quit in this moment2.try to drink milk if you don't like water also don't drink cofee if you want to quit coke switch to something more natural like orange juice (made by you is the best and healty), milk or other healty drinks3.keep with you any natural drink every time so if you get thirsty you could drinks something good and you won't need to go to a shop and be temptated to buy COKE 4.Some symptoms may come so be prepared and just think that they will go with time let's say today i will have a headache and stomachace and theetache or something like this.. tomorow i will have only 2 of this after 2 days i will have only 1 and then no more bad symptoms so be prepared and stay strong5.Always keep in mind why you decided to quit coke it was because you wanted to lose in weight, or maybe health problems or dunno any reason you could have it will help you to remain a non-adicted to coke person :DHope i could help ya :D

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hello friend,went through your problem that your are getting addicted to drinking of coke. First of all I would like to say that studies indicate "soda and sweetened drinks are the main source of calories in Amercia, most nutritionists advise that Coca-Cola and other soft drinks can be harmful if consumed excessively, particularly to young children whose soft drink consumption competes with, rather than complements, a balanced diet. Studies have shown that regular soft drink users have a lower intake of calcium, magnesium, ascorbic acid, riboflavin, and vitamin A. The drink has also aroused criticism for its use of caffeine, which can cause physical dependence.A link has been shown between long-term regular cola intake and osteoporosis in older women (but not men).This was thought to be due to the presence of phosphoric acid, and the risk was found to be same for caffeinated and noncaffeinated colas, as well as the same for diet and sugared colas. You say you have got addicted to such a thing that things can go worse with it. we cannot all of the sudden stop it because it is very difficult, just try to cut down it dosages day by day and then finally to stop it. See that you take nutritious diet in order to overcome the haphazards caused by the product you consume. Maintain a calender and just see how you are able to reduce the volume of your consumption and you will slowly realize that you have done it and you have quit that product. Try this solution. take care

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Addicted to COKE !!!!! I think we all have our own vices, Coke was once mine, and i had all the associated issues with drinking only coke. My liver and kidneys suffered quite badly from it. At one stage the doctors thought I was an acholic from the damage that was done to my liver.I know its hard to break away from Coke as your primary drink but you need to make the personal decision to drink something else, but keep Coke as a Reward or for special occasions.... that way you will still get to enjoy the taste of Coke with your friends or when you go out. but At Home and Work or School you need to subsitute the Coke for something else, for me it was tea, but these days i've found that I enjoy Water as much as I enjoyed Coke seems hard to beleive but its true maybe my palet has just matured with the rest of my body :P getting older sometimes makes you look at things differently My suggestion is that you talk to your friends and let them know that you are going to try and reduce the amount of Coke you Drink, just as if you were going to give up smoking if you have a peer group of supports then you are more likely to acheive your goal, and if they know your not supposed to be drinking Coke, when it comes time for you to have a drink with them they may also apply some peer pressure to you not to buy or drink coke and make another selection.Best of luck with it, I know its a hard one to breakCheersJase

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I was heavily addicted to coke and did not have any desire to stop drinking it. In January I decided I needed to lose weight BAD. I kept reading that I needed to drop the coke and add water. I still did not want to give up my coke (I had at least a 12 pack a day habit). I first gave up 1 coke a day and drank 16 ounces of water instead of that 1 coke. It took me a lot longer to drink that much water. A few days later (after I was kind of used to the water) I gave up another coke and added another 16 ounces of water. I kept doing this until I was drinking all water except for 1 coke that I saved until the evening....and I did so enjoy it. Eventually I noticed that it was time to go to bed and I still had not drank that 1 coke. I would go get one and drink it. After a while I decided that if I was forgetting to drink my 1 coke a day maybe I could do without it....and it worked! I was over to water only after years (over 30 years) of coke only. I did not get that headache from caffene withdrawal headache since I gradually weaned myself off coke. This may not work for all, but it worked for me.The big PLUS was I lost 7 pounds in one week when I finally gave up the coke.

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