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Renewable Energy

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World Energy Research has been in the process of developing prospects in the field of renewable energy sector. The key renewable energy sources are the sun, wind and the ocean water. When the need for energy is not sufficiently met with the traditional sources, it is time to move towards the unconventional sources of energy. A constant and cost effective generation of alternate energy comes from the renewable sources of energy.

The renewable sources of energy convert one form of energy into another. Many different technologies have been developed in the renewable energy sector leading to a great inflow of investments into the sector. Investment in this sector not just gives rise to high profits but also contribute towards a sustainable future.

The world energy research helps these investors in picking the best possible investment in the renewable energy sector. These investments are tailor made for the needs of the investors and offer them maximum returns as well as tremendous security. World Energy Research works with various field experts to constantly develop prospect in the renewable energy sector and reduce the burden on the fossil fuels.

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renewable energy in every way is necessary for the near future generation to survive but i dont know wth are the government and adults doing and if they dont stop then i am sure there would be no energy left for us to use that is current teenagers and children. Th best possible way to use the source is to preserve non renewable source and use renewable source but excess of everything is harmful so everything must be in a limit and not overdose. as the environment has its own repair system and its not fast to repair if we over exploit it so maybe wwe should be generous to eco and be eco friendly.

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Alternative energy use is growing year on year and eventually (sooner rather than later in my opinion) we are going to need to drop this "alternative" tag and admit that they are our energy source and not simply an "alternative" which can have bad connotations (alternative medicine). Solar power, wind power and tidal power are the most obvious examples. But there is also Geothermal energy, created by piping water underground into a spring and piping it back up as steam, which powers a turbine. Also reverse electro dialysis (REDD) energy is being pioneered by the Netherlands - it harnesses the energy from places where freshwater meets saltwater and osmosis takes places. The future of energy is localised and environmentally friendly energy sources. For how much longer will Europe be held to ransom over its gas supply by Russia, and by the Middle East for its oil, it simply won't go on for much longer.

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Personally I think that the best future source might be solar power, as there are many improvements in making it much more effective, even though it takes a lot of place to put all those solar collectors, but making them more effective will improve the power it generates.I never really liked Wind plants, they also take a lot of place to make a lot of energy, but as I read and saw some science channel, solar power in the future might be more effective than wind, as with wind power there is no there to go.I like the idea of renewable power, much more than using oil and etc. But for me nuclear energy isn't as bad as it can look, but as I know there are a lot of improvements in fusion power? Which in the future could generate a lot of energy for the whole world :)

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I completely agree Quatrux, I don't think that nuclear is or can be the answer until we master nuclear fusion (which has the potential to be significantly more effective than fission, which is currently by far the most effective form of energy - but the down sides are also obvious) and solar energy has to be a fundamental source of energy for us. After all, it is the suns energy that has created the majority of energy that has created life on earth thus far, solar radiation is a key determinant of the global climate which just goes to show just how powerful solar can be.

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Scientists have correctly proven nuclear fusion, in a test performed by aiming hundreds of lasers at atoms. It is important to get everything working absolutely perfectly and then to progress gradually up the energy scale with the laser shots. It is not yet known exactly where the laser energy threshold is for triggering fusion and, at these high energy levels, the lasers can easily be damaged by the firing process. Later this year (2010) a carefully designed set of shots, gradually increasing in laser power) will begin, and there is high confidence that, during this sequence (between 2010 and 2012), a fusion burn will occur … with net energy gain. THAT is the next big step along the path to the “Holy Grail” of clean green energy… although the story won’t be over by any means. Beyond what has been termed “First Ignition” there is the challenge of taking this knowledge forward and building a “test bed” which will be used to develeop all the materials and technologies needed for a laser fusion power plant, capable of delivering electricity on the industrial scale. The international HiPER Project is now in preparation for the moment when NIF achieves first ignition. Already ten nations have started working together to prepare for that next big step, and they have partners across the world. There is no shortage of governments who have already recopgnised the huge potential of harnessing the method that nature herself uses to release energy on the grand scale. The green energy lobby is approaching the point where it really will come of age. Those who really care for our precious planet and who have also taken the trouble to learn how the various energy approaches actually work now understand that, just because fusion energy employs a “nuclear” process, it doesn’t need to be equated to the past horrors of Chernobyl and Three Mile Island. Nuclear fusion will be a very clean process and will also bring a period of the stability associated with all nations having a reliable energy fuel source for the truly long term.As consumption of fossil fuels runs ever faster in the developing world it is up to the scientists (and the politicians who can fund their work) to ensure that we develop another way of making the energy we need in time to prevent us entirely ruining our planet. That perhaps is the biggest challenge of all… Fusion is taking longer to master than the life of any government, and it will take politicians of truly exceptional vision and selflessness to help see the work through. There is a need between now and the achievement of fusion energy for many diferent approaches, including renewables and fission too, (since otherwise the lights will soon start going out). But fusion must be mastered, otherwise we will be visiting the most appalling future on our own grandchildren. For me, that is NOT an option !

Edited by deadmad7 (see edit history)

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I have a real problem with nuclear energy. No matter the amount of safeguards, a nuclear disaster is always a fair possibility, and when you consider the amount of devistation it could cause, I can't bring myself to support nuclear energy in any way shape fashion or form. Especially when you consider the safty factors of solar and wind power into the equasion. Solar collectors at this stage in our technoligy do take up a lot of room, but there is no reason why large tracks of land cannot be "multipurposed" with overhead solar panels, and ground level use of the land, like growing grass for sheep cattle or goats to run on, or even some food crops. Another problem with solar is the cities where consumtion is needed are usually a considerable distance from land that could be used for panels, making transmission lines needed, and annoying the enviornmentalists. A goodly portion of this could be overcome with more rooftop collectors inside the city itself. I like the idea of solar, since it is at it's best when energy consumption is at its highest in cities, in the heat of the day when all the air conditioning is on.

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Deadmad7. Nuclear Fusion power plants do exist, I think the last one stood for 13 seconds. And the internationally funded one they're building in France will be heated up by fission, not lasers.Anyway, "green" energy is a nice thought, really. The only problems it has to overcome are the laws of thermodynamics. LMAO I got you, bwahhahaa :)I have a little question for you nuclear fusion people: where are you going to dump all the waste? Dump helium to the atmosphere and bury the other crap? Hahaa got you again. And what are you going to do when water runs out? You know we'll be fighting over clean water resources in the future like we are fighting over oil now? You're going to screw up water resources...An ecosystem has a certain carrying capacity. Now, what we need, is a bigger planet. People who do not realize this are either stupid, ignorant or too positive and unrealistic. Most are the last one. Sorry for offending, but you gotta slap some reality into people's minds sometimes.

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Hi!While nuclear technologies does result in radioactive wastes, it is a pretty good way to generate electricity for our energy needs in space. A combination of solar and nuclear energy could, theoretically, provide enough to sustain a liveable environment in space (or maybe even on another planet). The problems one would have to deal with is the constant 'recycling' of resources, such as running water purification plants, and growing plants for food. Living expenses in such a city are bound to be high with the exorbitant price of sending goods into space. If you thought NYC and Moscow are crazy when it comes to prices, wait till you check out Space City 2050 :-P

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