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Finally Got Caught Drugs

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Finally got caught with pot in probably the worse places ever. First I would like to say that I don't think smoking pot is a problem. I think that drinking and smoking cigarettes is way worse. Its just pots been illegal for so long its really easy to get people to believe that it is really bad. The only bad thing I can say so far in my 3 years of smoking is money, memory. Yea It takes you money and then you start to not remember things very well. I don't mean like really bad memory loss. Just like you sometimes forgot stuff. My cousin has the same memory problem so I think its the weed :). But anyways I couldn't get any my normal way because of some unavailability of rides. But I decided to just get some at school. Which is really sketchy for me. I know people so it was easy. He just gave it to me at lunch. And next thing you know I'm being called down to the office. So there I am scared out of my mind when they just say oh never mind we were not looking for you you can leave now. So right when I get out of there I pass it to someone else because I'm all scared now. They call me back in search me say the have enough evidence. Try and get me to say where it went. I told them someone flushed it for me and that I would not give out his name. Now all this was over a course of three hours. I was so shaken up by all this. I got a police referral and five day suspension. I don't know what a police referral is and I really want to know what that means. Also counselling, I have a rough idea but when does that mean specifically. I wish people just understood that marijuana is not as bad as people make it out to be. But when it comes to all the other bad stuff, cigarettes, alcohol, some of the medications they prescribe to people. Its pretty ridiculous. I'm happy to say that after the drug test in 45 days I will continue to enjoy and smoke marijuana.

Edited by Zagubadu? (see edit history)

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although i agree that if alcohol is legal, so should pot....i don't agree that pot is any safer than alcohol. go back to do what you enjoy. just don't harm anyone else by doing it.

Finally got caught with pot in probably the worse places ever. First I would like to say that I don't think smoking pot is a problem. I think that drinking and smoking cigarettes is way worse. Its just pots been illegal for so long its really easy to get people to believe that it is really bad. The only bad thing I can say so far in my 3 years of smoking is money, memory. Yea It takes you money and then you start to not remember things very well. I don't mean like really bad memory loss. Just like you sometimes forgot stuff. My cousin has the same memory problem so I think its the weed :). But anyways I couldn't get any my normal way because of some unavailability of rides. But I decided to just get some at school. Which is really sketchy for me. I know people so it was easy. He just gave it to me at lunch. And next thing you know I'm being called down to the office. So there I am scared out of my mind when they just say oh never mind we were not looking for you you can leave now. So right when I get out of there I pass it to someone else because I'm all scared now. They call me back in search me say the have enough evidence. Try and get me to say where it went. I told them someone flushed it for me and that I would not give out his name. Now all this was over a course of three hours. I was so shaken up by all this. I got a police referral and five day suspension. I don't know what a police referral is and I really want to know what that means. Also counselling, I have a rough idea but when does that mean specifically. I wish people just understood that marijuana is not as bad as people make it out to be. But when it comes to all the other bad stuff, cigarettes, alcohol, some of the medications they prescribe to people. Its pretty ridiculous. I'm happy to say that after the drug test in 45 days I will continue to enjoy and smoke marijuana.

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I don't think smoking pot is a problem

Right, keep telling yourself that. :(
In the perspective from the law makers, there were elected to protect citizens. And one means of protecting citizens is to establish basic, if not, or specific guidelines that may effect large numbers of people. When those few are impaired from whatever endangers others with a device/item that can cause potentially great harm, then it's up to law makers to remove that "threat."

So, the question is, "using any inhibitors put others in danger?" I say inhibitors in a general sense of blocking natural function of sense. I have been on the road many times where people swerve in and out of the traffic lane because they were fumbling with the radio, flicking the cigarette, talking on the cellphone, dozing off from cold medicine and yes because they were high. I sure don't want to be in a traffic accident because someone wasn't paying attention. And narcotics have shown higher percentage distracting proper reactions. Well, that's my point of view. I am not judging the actual usage of pot is good or bad. But when a pot user decides to get behind the wheel and endanger other people's lives, that's when I have a problem. And I'm sure there are other million reasons why I don't want to be affected by those who disregard my boundary, my safety...

But the real question is, are you sorry that you got caught? :) "Finally got caught" sounds like you thought you were never going to be caught by anyone. Perhaps you felt you were invincible from the police or maybe you were not like the other pot using junkies? I think anything that takes you away from doing your job, living your life, relating to other people is a bad thing :D

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Right, keep telling yourself that. :(
In the perspective from the law makers, there were elected to protect citizens. And one means of protecting citizens is to establish basic, if not, or specific guidelines that may effect large numbers of people. When those few are impaired from whatever endangers others with a device/item that can cause potentially great harm, then it's up to law makers to remove that "threat."

So, the question is, "using any inhibitors put others in danger?" I say inhibitors in a general sense of blocking natural function of sense. I have been on the road many times where people swerve in and out of the traffic lane because they were fumbling with the radio, flicking the cigarette, talking on the cellphone, dozing off from cold medicine and yes because they were high. I sure don't want to be in a traffic accident because someone wasn't paying attention. And narcotics have shown higher percentage distracting proper reactions. Well, that's my point of view. I am not judging the actual usage of pot is good or bad. But when a pot user decides to get behind the wheel and endanger other people's lives, that's when I have a problem. And I'm sure there are other million reasons why I don't want to be affected by those who disregard my boundary, my safety...

But the real question is, are you sorry that you got caught? :) "Finally got caught" sounds like you thought you were never going to be caught by anyone. Perhaps you felt you were invincible from the police or maybe you were not like the other pot using junkies? I think anything that takes you away from doing your job, living your life, relating to other people is a bad thing :D

Yea so alcohol and cigarettes get to stay because they are not anything like pot? No because they make a lot of money. And yes I could go do something else. To bad I do things while I am high homework, cleaning the house, anything. A lot of people think kids like me just smoke pot then sit their like a log.

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not me. but i do want to bring up the point that even if it were legal, it wouldn 't be legal at your age. instead of being more concerned with pot being ok.....you should be more concerned if you are ok smoking pot and know that it WILL distort you. it WILL make you numb. it will prevent you from dealing with the life you are meant to live. believe me bud, pot will distort any reality AGAINST what you are meant to be. smoking doesn't do that although it is just as much harfull to the health. alcohol will do it, but alcohol is legal and you can't be in trouble for drinkin' it unless there is a potential to harm others. i was a pot smoker. not afraid to admit it. i think it should be legal. i knew a pot smoker once in jr/ high who hanged himself in his parents garage. i guess smokin' pot didn't help him huh? he was someone i knew a long time ago and they had to open the garage door to see him hanging there. a pot smoker.....but something more than that that even the pot couldn't control as he was not in control of his own life or destiny. keep smokin' bud....and be the best who you are meant to be.....

Yea so alcohol and cigarettes get to stay because they are not anything like pot? No because they make a lot of money. And yes I could go do something else. To bad I do things while I am high homework, cleaning the house, anything. A lot of people think kids like me just smoke pot then sit their like a log.

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Whether you believe it's right to smoke marijuana or not, the law is still the law - you don't get a choice in the matter :) I'm always amazed when people are surprised when they get caught doing something they knew they shouldn't have been doing - if you knew it was illegal, why do it? Just seems stupid to me...

I got a police referral and five day suspension. I don't know what a police referral is and I really want to know what that means.

Basically, they've informed the police of what you've done and what evidence they have. It is then generally up to the police to decide what to do about it, if anything at all. As you're in the US I'm not sure what the process is like or whether it is something that would appear on any criminal records checks run against you.

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are you saying you have never done anything against the law? are you one of those people who will let the law dictate your choices?

if you knew it was illegal, why do it? Just seems stupid to me...

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are you saying you have never done anything against the law? are you one of those people who will let the law dictate your choices?

I'm one of those people who has no criminal record and a clean driving licence :) If I disagree with a law then I'll do what I can to investigate why things are that way. You have to understand that your view is not the only view. For example, while some people believe we should remove all speed limits, I don't. Some people believe drug taking should be legal, I don't. The same goes for those making the laws - they have to represent the majority opinion and sometimes that is a very difficult thing to do (take fox hunting as a prime example).

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Finally got caught with pot in probably the worse places ever. First I would like to say that I don't think smoking pot is a problem. I think that drinking and smoking cigarettes is way worse. Its just pots been illegal for so long its really easy to get people to believe that it is really bad. The only bad thing I can say so far in my 3 years of smoking is money, memory. Yea It takes you money and then you start to not remember things very well. I don't mean like really bad memory loss. Just like you sometimes forgot stuff. My cousin has the same memory problem so I think its the weed :) . But anyways I couldn't get any my normal way because of some unavailability of rides. But I decided to just get some at school. Which is really sketchy for me. I know people so it was easy. He just gave it to me at lunch. And next thing you know I'm being called down to the office. So there I am scared out of my mind when they just say oh never mind we were not looking for you you can leave now. So right when I get out of there I pass it to someone else because I'm all scared now. They call me back in search me say the have enough evidence. Try and get me to say where it went. I told them someone flushed it for me and that I would not give out his name. Now all this was over a course of three hours. I was so shaken up by all this. I got a police referral and five day suspension. I don't know what a police referral is and I really want to know what that means. Also counselling, I have a rough idea but when does that mean specifically. I wish people just understood that marijuana is not as bad as people make it out to be. But when it comes to all the other bad stuff, cigarettes, alcohol, some of the medications they prescribe to people. Its pretty ridiculous. I'm happy to say that after the drug test in 45 days I will continue to enjoy and smoke marijuana.

If they didn't actually catch you with any in your possession then there isn't anything they can really do.
Depending on how old you are, they might try and put you into some kind of rehab program.

Everything in moderation they say. If weed were legalized it wouldn't be grouped together with dangerous things
such as cocaine and methamphetamine. The fact is alcohol is much, much more worse and fully legal. Alcohol
is just as destructive if not more so than any narcotic
Marijjuanna is no priority to me. Sometimes the law could be a bit more objective and equal across the board though.
If your going to ban one thing then ban them all, including alcohol.

Only a complete hypocrite would condemn marijuana and then go and get drunk.

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If they didn't actually catch you with any in your possession then there isn't anything they can really do. Depending on how old you are, they might try and put you into some kind of rehab program.

Everything in moderation they say. If weed were legalized it wouldn't be grouped together with dangerous things
such as cocaine and methamphetamine. The fact is alcohol is much, much more worse and fully legal. Alcohol
is just as destructive if not more so than any narcotic
Marijjuanna is no priority to me. Sometimes the law could be a bit more objective and equal across the board though.
If your going to ban one thing then ban them all, including alcohol.

Only a complete hypocrite would condemn marijuana and then go and get drunk.

Exactly! Its just marijuana been illegal for some time. I think it was first made illegal because this guy saw that hemp ( What you can actually make out of the plant not the buds you smoke ) Was allot more efficient and better to be used as paper, cloths. In this case its paper because he had a paper mill and somehow he started a bunch of stuff about how bad pot is. Which he then tied in to a bunch of racist crap. It was then known as like the Crazed Black Man Drug. ( You can picture what should have been there instead of "Black Man" ) And its been illegal ever since. Now don't quote me these are just things I have heard. All of the stuff about racism is true.

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pot using junkies? I think anything that takes you away from doing your job, living your life, relating to other people is a bad thing

Pot using junkies? Not living your life? This sounds like a rehash of the PSA they repeatedly play at school.

I love marijuana. I used to smoke marijuana (about twice a week for half a year) until six of my friends were expelled for admitting to smoking it. I also know that were I caught by my dad (my mum found my weed and agreed not to tell him on the condition I never smoked again) he'd literally beat me.
I know what it's like trying to smoke weed as a teenager. People constantly accuse you of having a problem; saying you're addicted and will lose your friends. Even though I often didn't smoke for two weeks at a time just because I didn't feel like it, and I often found Marijuana quite a successful social lubricant.
I'd say that smoking weed while you're still 16 (so am I) isn't worth losing the trust of your parents and getting in trouble with the police. The other part of me thinks: god damn these backward laws that legalize two of the most dangerous drugs but imprison the users of a mild relaxant..

When I turn 18 Zagubadu, I hope I can join you for a delicious spliff..

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Most of my friends who smoked pot, now has a minimal wage work, they never entered any university and it's hard to talk with them, but I guess I can agree that usually in my country people smoke pot being drunk, which is really a big minuses, another minus is that because marijuana is illegal, you don't know what kind of product you're buying, usually it can be bad, I heard that a lot of whom wanting to get more money in my country just mix it with simple cannabis and later soak it in acetone and when it gets dry, they sell it, so practically you get a lot of acetone to your body, you get "high" because it's a mixture, but from acetone in some time you might have serious problems, usually this kind of weed makes you vomit and not high..So someone said, that if it would be legal, it could be with more quality, I mean pot.. But when people are drunk, they usually can't drive or someone stops them, but it's quite hard to check if a person is high on the wheel, I saw a lot of drivers who don't drink alcohol, as they usually tested with alcohol testers, but lets say two drivers driving a bus to a foreign country for 18 hours, they change and one of them smokes pot, sometimes a truck driver driving for hundreds of kilometers smokes pot, usually they have a limit, but simple car drivers could really damage a lot, the legalizing of marijuana depends on the people, if they're smart or not and will they be stupid enough to do something bad to the society.Even alcohol in my country, you can get some good beer, and some who knows if that is beer, but 4 times cheaper and most of people drink cheaper beer and in the morning has a terrible headache :DOne guy told me, if you drink beer or smoke pot, but train your brain, you won't get eventually stupid, I guess reading is one of the methods to train your brain :angel:To end, I also would like to say that I tried pot and drink alcohol with friends, but I quite smoking regular cigarettes and pot for over 3 years now and am much happier as my lungs feel very well. I can breath normally and don't have a stinky mouth :P

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