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A Few Hosting And Domain Questions And Suggestions Needed Even though Im not hosted at Trap17, I thought you might help

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Hiya people... sorry to bother you with another thread. I know that I am not Hosted at Xisto, but I would like a few suggestions and I would also want to you answer a few questions. I will try to keep this as short and as simple as possible.


Here are the few questions I want to have answered:

1. I have a very stupid subdomain main domain in my cPanel (my fault, sorry). Is is possible to delete that and use my top level domain instead? (the problem is also with the ftp because they prefer the main domain as the ftp domain and not the one I want to use)

2. Also, I believe that I will have to create a CNAME if I want to use Google Apps Google Mail. How is that possible? Who do I contact? Xisto or my Hosting Company?

3. For the verification of the domain name (that you own the domain name) at Google Apps, let's say I use the uploading a file onto Google as the verification. After I do that, is it possible to delete the verification file? Or can't you?

-------> If you can't, then let's say I use the create a CNAME to google.com as my verification. Can I delete the CNAME after? How? I still don't know how to create a CNAME yet.

4. I believe that I have deleted a few main folders in my cPanel (OK, I know I went through this, but I just want to make sure). Can I reset everything to default again?

5. I found that Google have indexed my site already... with no prompts!!! I don't know that if I do anything to fix the above, will that affect my SEO? Plus, what will happen when I change my site? Will Google change it too?

5. I am thinking that with all this troubles, isn't it better to create a new hosting account and start again? What do you all think? Unfortunately though, that would mean that I will have to remove my top level domain and start all over again. What will Google do? Should I try and see if I can make a new hosting account?


I believe that that is all there is at the moment. Just want to thank you for all the patience and all that that you all have given me... :) There might be more questions after, but for the sake of not making this thread too long and therefore too hard to follow, I will try to get all my questions here all have answers first before creating a new thread. Once again, I appreciate your patience and I am very grateful for all the help that I will receive... sorry!!! :(

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I can answer only one question from the above list completely and that is the one about uploading a file to get registered for Google Apps - I believe that once you're registered, you can remove that file, because Google's not going to check again :(


I found that Google have indexed my site already... with no prompts!!! I don't know that if I do anything to fix the above, will that affect my SEO? Plus, what will happen when I change my site? Will Google change it too?

In this case, Google will check again :) I mean that your site will be indexed again and till then the old (cached) version will be displayed in the search results.


I am thinking that with all this troubles, isn't it better to create a new hosting account and start again? What do you all think? Unfortunately though, that would mean that I will have to remove my top level domain and start all over again. What will Google do? Should I try and see if I can make a new hosting account?

I don't think creating a new account is necessary - just make a few fixes and you'll do fine. I'll stop making wild guesses here and wait for someone more experienced to reply - All the best with your experiments :D

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1. I have a very stupid subdomain main domain in my cPanel (my fault, sorry). Is is possible to delete that and use my top level domain instead? (the problem is also with the ftp because they prefer the main domain as the ftp domain and not the one I want to use)2. Also, I believe that I will have to create a CNAME if I want to use Google Apps Google Mail. How is that possible? Who do I contact? Xisto or my Hosting Company?

You can delete subdomain any time you want from your cpanel. All you need to do is go to cpanel and find the subdomains icon/link. And see the subdomains under it, delete the subdomain which you don't want.

CNAME records are not needed to created if you want to use google mail apps. You can either upload the file google mail apps gives you to your public_html directory. Or ask Xisto - Support about your CNAME records in your Xisto - Domains account. You can edit CNAME records from Xisto - Domains.com account xisto created for you.

3. For the verification of the domain name (that you own the domain name) at Google Apps, let's say I use the uploading a file onto Google as the verification. After I do that, is it possible to delete the verification file? Or can't you?

If you're uploading verification file then this skips your cname records or MX entry records step. You can verify file by uploading it to your /public_html directory using file manager upload feature or FTP client.

-------> If you can't, then let's say I use the create a CNAME to google.com as my verification. Can I delete the CNAME after? How? I still don't know how to create a CNAME yet.4. I believe that I have deleted a few main folders in my cPanel (OK, I know I went through this, but I just want to make sure). Can I reset everything to default again?

If you've created cname from Xisto - Domains then you can create/delete it any time. And can you be more specific about folders ? Like public_html or something ? Never delete the default installed folders from cpanel. You can delete the data inside tmp folder though, which is usually log files of webalizer etc.

5. I found that Google have indexed my site already... with no prompts!!! I don't know that if I do anything to fix the above, will that affect my SEO? Plus, what will happen when I change my site? Will Google change it too?

Email and SEO tweaking both are different issues. The cname and MX records we're playing with have nothing to do with google verification for search engines. If you want google to keep track of your site then you must create sitemap of your site and post it on Google webmasters account of yours. That way google search engine will index your site regularly based on content generated on your site.

5. I am thinking that with all this troubles, isn't it better to create a new hosting account and start again? What do you all think? Unfortunately though, that would mean that I will have to remove my top level domain and start all over again. What will Google do? Should I try and see if I can make a new hosting account?

No need to create new hosting account. As in case you're not going with steps so this doesn't change a thing with new account as well. What i have seen from your threads is that and i want to suggest you that. You should create site first then atleast have 5-10 articles on blog then post your url at google so it can start indexing. Then you can proceed with google webmaster account as well for posting of sitemap. For google apps you can do this step anytime as you need just domain name and cpanel access. I hope i covered most of the part. Thanks for making it in question format that saved my time :).

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1. Err... Sub-domain main domain? What is that? O.oIf it's just a sub-domain, you can delete it by going to your cpanel and go to subdomain manager, just press that round X button.2. If my memory is correct, you're using trap as your domain, right? I believe you'll need trap's cname for this. There should be some references for this in trap's help centre, i think. I'm not too experienced for this though. 3. Yes you can, but maybe google will ask for your verification again later, since they didn't found the file. 4. Are you sure they aren't come back? Because i've tried to rename or remove my .cpanel, but it just come back again like nothing happened.5. You know, my deleted free sites still indexed by google, don't know what they want with that. Anyway, if you want to move or remove your site from google index, you may want to add no-follow to your robot.txt , or you also can go to your google webmaster and ask for site removal there. 6. (You make two '5' there) why do you have to lose your domain for creating new hosting account?

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1. I have a very stupid subdomain main domain in my cPanel (my fault, sorry). Is is possible to delete that and use my top level domain instead? (the problem is also with the ftp because they prefer the main domain as the ftp domain and not the one I want to use)

As far as I know, cPanel does not let you delete your main domain, because then there would be no domain associated with the account, so you wouldn't be able to access cPanel. I think it also requires quite a bit of configuration to change it. You will need to speak to your hosting company and see if they are willing to change your main domain for you.


I honestly can't see the problem with the main domain being a subdomain though. If you park your top level domain using cPanel then you can use that in exactly the same way, including in your FTP address.


2. Also, I believe that I will have to create a CNAME if I want to use Google Apps Google Mail. How is that possible? Who do I contact? Xisto or my Hosting Company?

You don't need to change your CNAME records to use Google Apps. You only need to change them for verification if you can't upload the verification file. However, you do need to change your MX records to point to Google's mail servers, a process I detailed in one of your earlier topics. I'll see if I can find the link later.


3. For the verification of the domain name (that you own the domain name) at Google Apps, let's say I use the uploading a file onto Google as the verification. After I do that, is it possible to delete the verification file? Or can't you?

-------> If you can't, then let's say I use the create a CNAME to google.com as my verification. Can I delete the CNAME after? How? I still don't know how to create a CNAME yet.

I think you're free to delete the file, however there is no harm in leaving it there.


4. I believe that I have deleted a few main folders in my cPanel (OK, I know I went through this, but I just want to make sure). Can I reset everything to default again?

Not in cPanel. You will need to contact your hosting company and ask them very very nicely to reset your hosting, and see if they'll do it. I think they are generally reluctant because it is quite a bit of work to do it and get it all working again.


5. I found that Google have indexed my site already... with no prompts!!! I don't know that if I do anything to fix the above, will that affect my SEO? Plus, what will happen when I change my site? Will Google change it too?

Google will update its records for your site each time it crawls your site. How often that occurs is up to Google and the settings in your robots file.

None of the stuff mentioned above should affect your SEO - it's all behind the scenes stuff.

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Haha, thanks The Simpleton, mahesh2k and FouGilang for your very quick replies... I'll make quick quotes, but I'm actually replying to all of you...


You can delete subdomain any time you want from your cpanel. All you need to do is go to cpanel and find the subdomains icon/link. And see the subdomains under it, delete the subdomain which you don't want.

1. Err... Sub-domain main domain? What is that? O.o

If it's just a sub-domain, you can delete it by going to your cpanel and go to subdomain manager, just press that round X button.

I don't think you understand me here.... I meant that I have a domain that is similar to .trap17.com, but it is .freecp.net instead, except I don't like it, and I want to delete all traces of that and make my top level domain as my main domain. This is because my ftp site is now ftp.stupiddomainname.freecp.net, instead of what I actually wanted (I bought my hosting before my domain name, so I got the free one instead), and As the support of my hosting company isn't really replying, I am asking you all here if I can do that manually or should I just create a new hosting account.


CNAME records are not needed to created if you want to use google mail apps. You can either upload the file google mail apps gives you to your public_html directory. Or ask Xisto - Support about your CNAME records in your Xisto - Domains account. You can edit CNAME records from Xisto - Domains.com account xisto created for you.

Hey!!! I didn't know Xisto had a Xisto - Domains.com... but now I do. Unfortunately, I seem to cannot access my account on Xisto - Domains.com This is the error message received...


[r3] Error Message: Invalid Password/Username, or your User account maybe Inactive or Suspended


I don't seem to know why though... maybe it isn't active yet. I'll have to contact support for this. At least I know that I can change my CNAMES manually. That is good... :) I like doing and learning things myself. One question partially solved!!! That is, until I can actually get into my account.


If you're uploading verification file then this skips your cname records or MX entry records step. You can verify file by uploading it to your /public_html directory using file manager upload feature or FTP client.If you've created cname from Xisto - Domains then you can create/delete it any time.


3. Yes you can, but maybe google will ask for your verification again later, since they didn't found the file.

The thing is, I don't know which one is better. I might make a mistake with the CNAMES, and yet while the verification file might be easier, I may not be able to delete it, and it will take up diskspace...


And can you be more specific about folders ? Like public_html or something ? Never delete the default installed folders from cpanel. You can delete the data inside tmp folder though, which is usually log files of webalizer etc.

4. Are you sure they aren't come back? Because i've tried to rename or remove my .cpanel, but it just come back again like nothing happened.

The thing is, I don't know. All I know is that my public_ftp file suddenly disappeared one day and I don't know what happened, so I assumed that I might have accidentally deleted it while I was noobily looking around CrossFTP. Therefore, I made the public_ftp back, but I don't know if there are other important folders that might be missing. Oh, and by the way, the FTP folder went missing for a few days and it still didn't come back until I made it in my cPanel, so I don't think that works...


Email and SEO tweaking both are different issues. The cname and MX records we're playing with have nothing to do with google verification for search engines. If you want google to keep track of your site then you must create sitemap of your site and post it on Google webmasters account of yours. That way google search engine will index your site regularly based on content generated on your site.


No need to create new hosting account. As in case you're not going with steps so this doesn't change a thing with new account as well. What i have seen from your threads is that and i want to suggest you that. You should create site first then atleast have 5-10 articles on blog then post your url at google so it can start indexing. Then you can proceed with google webmaster account as well for posting of sitemap. For google apps you can do this step anytime as you need just domain name and cpanel access. I hope i covered most of the part. Thanks for making it in question format that saved my time :D .

So, what am I meant to do now? I've got three problems to solve... the retarded domain name, the potential missing files (I don't even know if they are...), and the fact that google already indexed my site and I don't have a webmaster account... not to mention the CNAMES and the Xisto - Domains not working... :(


5. You know, my deleted free sites still indexed by google, don't know what they want with that. Anyway, if you want to move or remove your site from google index, you may want to add no-follow to your robot.txt , or you also can go to your google webmaster and ask for site removal there.

So... how do I do that? Though its a bit late now, isn't it...


6. (You make two '5' there) why do you have to lose your domain for creating new hosting account?

Because I am asking for a totally new webserver, so I'll have to take my domain down the first one and put it up onto the second one...

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I don't think you understand me here.... I meant that I have a domain that is similar to .trap17.com, but it is .freecp.net instead, except I don't like it, and I want to delete all traces of that and make my top level domain as my main domain. This is because my ftp site is now ftp.stupiddomainname.freecp.net, instead of what I actually wanted (I bought my hosting before my domain name, so I got the free one instead), and As the support of my hosting company isn't really replying, I am asking you all here if I can do that manually or should I just create a new hosting account.

You used add-on domain feature right ? If so, you can delete the add-on domain first then delete the files created under the add-on domains. Simple and change the nameservers from Xisto - Support billing site that solve the issue.

Hey!!! I didn't know Xisto had a Xisto - Domains.com... but now I do. Unfortunately, I seem to cannot access my account on Xisto - Domains.com This is the error message received...

For this you can ask Xisto - Support about this, and ask them from where you're supposed to use control panel for domains you purchased then they'll redirect you to that. I think if you've purchased domain from them then chances are that they sent you Xisto - Domains account username password in the mail. You can ask about this to Xisto - Support people.

The thing is, I don't know which one is better. I might make a mistake with the CNAMES, and yet while the verification file might be easier, I may not be able to delete it, and it will take up diskspace...

Verification with file is much easier and faster you can say less hassles.

So, what am I meant to do now? I've got three problems to solve... the retarded domain name, the potential missing files (I don't even know if they are...), and the fact that google already indexed my site and I don't have a webmaster account... not to mention the CNAMES and the Xisto - Domains not working... sad.gif

First things first is that you can contact Xisto - Support about Xisto - Domains and your deleted folder. Maybe you can get backup from them. Second about domain name removal from cpanel we gave you step already. Third about ftp folder you need to ask Xisto - Support if they can give back up of old date. Fourth thing is about cname,if you've used verification file then no need for cname.

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You used add-on domain feature right ? If so, you can delete the add-on domain first then delete the files created under the add-on domains. Simple and change the nameservers from Xisto - Support billing site that solve the issue.
First things first is that you can contact Xisto - Support about Xisto - Domains and your deleted folder. Maybe you can get backup from them. Second about domain name removal from cpanel we gave you step already. Third about ftp folder you need to ask Xisto - Support if they can give back up of old date.

I got everything you said except for that... Huh? Yes, I used the add on feature. But the add on domain is the one that I want as my main domain. I want to get rid my of current main domain and replace it with the add on domain. What do you mean by change the nameservers from the xisto billing site? If I change my nameservers, then the domain itself won't be compatible with my hosting company's server... and therefore I won't be able to make it the main domain...
And the main reason for that is because the ftp domain is ftp.baddomain.com, not ftp.myTLD.com. I want to change that.

I have already contacted support for my Xisto - Domains problem already... :( But the deleted folder is from my hosting side... not the xisto billing side. I don't host my site at Xisto... And backup about what? I might be missing files from my cPanel and I want to set everything to default again... that's all... My head is spinning around in circles... :-/ :)

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The thing is, I don't know which one is better. I might make a mistake with the CNAMES, and yet while the verification file might be easier, I may not be able to delete it, and it will take up diskspace...

verification file is just 0 KB, take it easy :(


But the add on domain is the one that I want as my main domain. I want to get rid my of current main domain and replace it with the add on domain.

add-on domains are separated from your main domain, aren't they? you can just delete your files in your stupid-named domain or move them to your add-on domain, then put that "don't follow me" message to all search engine crawlers :)

you can try that by reading this one https://support.google.com/webmasters/ or simply create new .txt and name it robot.txt

insert this to your robot.txt

User-agent: *Disallow: /
then upload it to your stupid-named domain's public_html Edited by FouGilang (see edit history)

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OK, cool, thanks... I am pretty sorry, but I decided to make a new hosting account anyway, just because of the fact that I have other free websites that I would like to host, and they won't take a lot of space, and it wouldn't even matter if something goes wrong (though I hope not), and they will be linked to my main myname.com anyway, but won't take up the same space on the same server... anyway, I think that it is just better this way... :-/

I'm sorry for letting your hopes down, but I believe that if I start everything again I can still make it through before my time limit is up... but now the main question is this:

Question: I don't know what to use as my main domain now. Do you think I should use a co.cc domain (that will be completely free and I swear the company won't take it from me because I know how not to) as my main domain, or use the provided freecp.net (that looks really bad and retarded?)?
Because the I still can't change the ftp domain name, and I wouldn't mind if it was  mydomain.co.cc instead. :-/ But not http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ :-/ Can someone tell me what to put for my main domain name?

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What do you mean by change the nameservers from the xisto billing site? If I change my nameservers, then the domain itself won't be compatible with my hosting company's server... and therefore I won't be able to make it the main domain...

No, i mean that if you're hosted else where then you need to give nameserver details of that host. You done that ?

And the main reason for that is because the ftp domain is ftp.baddomain.com, not ftp.myTLD.com. I want to change that.

All of us get ftp in same case. ftp.yourdomain.com way. If you want to get rid of old domain then cancel it and buy new one.

I have already contacted support for my Xisto - Domains problem already... smile.gif But the deleted folder is from my hosting side... not the xisto billing side. I don't host my site at Xisto... And backup about what? I might be missing files from my cPanel and I want to set everything to default again... that's all... My head is spinning around in circles... :-/ huh.gif

Backup about your data from public_html if you've deleted the folders. you can get them back if your host allows free backups. ask them and they'll get your folder order and deleted folders back.

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No, i mean that if you're hosted else where then you need to give nameserver details of that host. You done that ?

Yes... or else you wouldn't be able to access my site anyway, and google.com wouldn't have indexed it in the first place... :)

All of us get ftp in same case. ftp.yourdomain.com way. If you want to get rid of old domain then cancel it and buy new one.

I can't cancel and buy a new one... it's like domain.trap17.com. Once you get it, it is unriddable. (Nice word, by the way. I like it.) And since I've got a really bad domain name (my fault, I must've been drunk), I can't get rid of it and as a perfectionist it is like a permanent blotch of ink stain on a perfectly white piece of paper. In other words, it is like a black mark in my history. :(

Backup about your data from public_html if you've deleted the folders. you can get them back if your host allows free backups. ask them and they'll get your folder order and deleted folders back.

Haha, my host have a very low level of support. You can only get it through the forums, and they rarely reply... :-/

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