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Hi,, Indonesian Kids Trying His Luck Here

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Hi,, my Name is elhaim from indonesia, exactly from West BorneoHope that i can find new friends here to help me out how to get myCentsbecause i want to start my new website quickly,i think thats enough for my introductionSincerely l0neman aka elha

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welcome to Xisto elha!!
hope you can enjoy yourself posting and start your website quickly like you wanted =]

you can start read from here http://forums.xisto.com/topic/61592-credit-system-v30-online-resolved-free-web-hosting-domains-dedicated-ip-digital-certificate-managed/ to learn more about Trap's MyCents System
and here's the Forum's FAQ http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?app=core&module=help

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You can find more about myCents here. You will understand everything you probably wanted to know about mycents by reading those 10 FAQ given in that page.

You can find quite a few interesting and useful topics for web development. Also there are many members in case you need any help. You can get quicker response by giving specific and detailed description of your doubts. Apart from that, you can find quite a varied range of topics to red and post about. Enjoy and have a nice stay.

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After posting,and few hours,you will get myCENTs.But first,you need to register on one website called Billing and Support area.If you register,you will be allowed to earn myCENTs,and spend them in the Billing and Support area.If you have problem post it here,or send support ticket and for few days you will get response.Have nice stay here and please,follow rules which can be found on the left side on forum index or here http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?app=core&module=help
If you want to read more about mycents including some questions and answers read topic here: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?app=core&module=help

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Hiya retry56... or should I say elha???


Welcome to Xisto!!! Don't worry, you can get your website in no time, and I am pretty sure that there are quite a few indonesian people around here on Xisto... three, if I remember correctly...


But anyway... I'll tell you how to get myCENTS quickly... Firstly, you quickly make at least 5 posts... easy, right? And then you will have to register at Xisto Corporation's Support and Billing Centre CLIENT AREAhere... now, the important bit. Make sure that you have put in the exact same email address when you registered at Xisto forums (here where I am typing now), and then you're done... Wait for a few hours or so, and you will see your myCENTS pop out from under your name!!!


Simple, right? I'm sure that you will be able to earn a month's hosting in one day, and maybe a top-level domain name in a week or so, depending on your posting frequency and length of posts... 200 myCENTS equal to two US dollars, and you will be able to see it in your Client area at Xisto Coporations' Support and Billing Centre...


Good luck posting!!! I swear, it'll take no time once you start posting... but register first...!!!


Oh yeah, and remember to read the rules and FAQ first before you break any rules or you might lose myCENTS... actually, the rules are simple. Just don't spam, don't copy and paste, and be polite and you'll be fine...


Good luck again!!!

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thanks for the information, i prefer to be called retry56 (liked CyberName better .lol.)ive post my first 5 thread,, ill try my best to make more post to help people here..thank for the info master of Xisto :)

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Hi retry56, you will find after 40-50 posts, posting will seem much more like a breeze. When i first started a few months ago the words didn't seem to come out too fluently, but soon after it seemed much more effortless. Hope you have a good time on Xisto.

Edited by inverse_bloom (see edit history)

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Hi retry56, welcome to Xisto. Posting will look better if you spend some time here. You can read others post if that interests you. Lots of good information is placed in this forum. Do post some good topics and you'll see some good responses to your thread. It is nice way to earning mycents as well. So post some quality discussion and let's all have fun. Good luck.

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Anyhow, you've already got your myCENTS up and running and working for you, right??? I'm pretty sure that you have already earned all you need for a months hosting now... :) Though if you haven't, then I suppose that you don't have to post much... just post lengthier posts (and make sure that they make sense and isn't just junk or spam!!!) and you'll be right in no time as well... :(But I'm glad that you have made your myCENTS worked quickly. :D When I tried to get myCENTS for the first time, I nearly gave up because I only made four posts and decided to wait for my myCENTS to show up, but of course, you needed five so I vainly checked for the first three days until some one told me that you needed five posts instead of four (just one more!!!) for it to show up. So as you can see, there was much more hassle and all that, but I got there in the end, and now I'm just doing fine... :DGood luck to you though!!! I'm sure you'll do fine too!!! I can see that you are doing fine already though... :D:( :(

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yea,, im surprised too,, i thought it would be hard to get myCents,. i have to work hard again to get more mycents so i can make a website sooner,,Guess all i need is Posting Information for all people here to know,. thx Nameless and all Xisto crew, thx

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i thought it would be hard to get myCents,.i have to work hard again to get more mycents so i can make a website sooner,,
Guess all i need is Posting Information for all people here to know,.

thx Nameless and all Xisto crew, thx

Its not so hard when you are new as you have the motivation to do it. Though once you have been here for a while you are like "Can I be asked to post today"
Remember do not do 1 liners and do not keep hitting the enter button like you did above. Your post may be deleted or you may be warned!
Post loads on the things that interest you.

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:) No worries, you'll learn soon. Just imitate how everyone posts (usually long and full with paragraphs in its very long and all that) and you'll be fine. Yeah, I though that earning myCENTS here at Xisto would be very hard too!!! That is, until I tried and found it incredibly easy. Funny how things work, right? I suppose Xisto is the best example of "there is such a thing called a free lunch". I mean, Xisto is the ONLY hosting company that I have found letting you have unlimited hosting, so unless you don't need that much space, I would really consider sticking to Xisto. :DCheers. :(

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