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Future Television Doesnt Need Remote Control Anymore!

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Approximately in five to 10 years, television will be able to know what you want to watch according to the mood.

Remote control will also predicted to become obsolete because of the presence of goods that technology increasingly allows people to watch television.

Ashley Highfield, the Managing Director of Microsoft UK, said, television will be more intuitive smart and able to recognize facial expressions and gestures owners.

Thus, continued Highfield, television can measure the mood and provide assistance to you in enjoying the impressions that match your mood at that time.

"In five to 10 years, it was inevitable again, television will be controlled in a more intuitive, like the Xbox with the Christmas Project," said Highfield.

Christmas Project allows Xbox gamers no longer have to depend on the joystick. To control the game on the Xbox, gamers simply moving the body only because the device has a motion sensor system to control the game.

"Television will rise in that direction, and it will end the remote control generation," said Highfield.

Notice from rvalkass:

Anything you copy needs to be quoted

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Oh No, I sure hope they equip that TV with an over ride, or all I will be able to watch is Happy Days reruns, or Bob Rosse's painting shows! But now if the TV could sense that I hated certain stupid commercials, and would edit those out, that might be cool.

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I doubt I will not use the remote, but aren't those news false? I remember I saw the XBox thing there some family played with XBox without the joystick, but with their bodies and as I understood all that was just a joke, it wasn't possible and even if it would be, it wold make any sense in most cases, the same as Aprils fools day Opera browser joke where you could browse using your head and face mimics, that was really funny.I will just use the remote, the only thing I want the TV to do is to turn off when I go to sleep, because sometimes I forget to set the sleep clock or I start to watch that movie in bed and it turns off, I need to turn it on again, so it's annoying and it's also annoying that TV works all night while I'm asleep, that would be my preferred feature of the future, maybe it exists now, but I don't know anything about it, the same could be with the light, because usually I asleep leaving the lights on :)This could save some electricity bills :(

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Based on facial expressions?!? A grandma watching a very heartening scene, sheds a drop of tear and voila channel changed. The grandchild gets all the scoldings.Electronic devices are getting smarter, taking control of our lives. Isn't it?

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Oooooh i can't believe what is the goal with these things? I hate new Microsoft video for the future computers.Why they lie when that is not possible,still.All that future,and future...They should not promote their current products,but future products-they mustn't promote.When they will do it,then i am gonna say that that is wonderful,for now i am saying this is terrible.Agree,or disagree,it is yours but what i am saying is true.I don't know why but that is the feeling i get.My father is saying that all these things will be true for few years...How?I can't agree him and for me it is annoying to see all this things.It really will be amazing,but it will be amazing when it will be made.I am sure that for five years this will be still just a project like now.Sorry if you think that all that i said is wrong, but how they can do this...Smarter and smarter ideas, but never realized :)

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I highly doubt that this is going to work out too well. For one thing, what if you are watching television in the dark and it is not able to see your face? Also, does that mean it is going to change the channel while you are in the middle of watching something? Or if it finds that multiple things are on that you enjoy, which one is it going to choose? People will not be able to come out with new television shows because no one will watch if because they will not know whether they enjoy it or not. I imagine no one would be caught watching commercials either then because the channel will change automatically so no money will go into television anymore. Another problem I have with this idea is the fact that multiple people watch television with each other. Who is it going to decide gets to watch the show they are "in the mood for." It just does not really seem plausible to me as there is way too much to think about and conflicting decisions to be made. What I could see happening is developing profiles for each person who watches television. The television can track what you watch and then it can have suggestions of other shows you may like in a little pop up. Or if it knows you enjoy a particular show it may tell you that it is broadcasting on a certain station and ask if you would prefer to watch that instead. Of course this could be an annoying feature for those who know what they want to watch when they turn on the TV so it could be turned on and off. I am sure they probably already have something like this or are working on it as I know my television lets you set reminders manually for shows.

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like we all know ,, Technology can change everything,, for example in Japan,, there will be no life without technology there,, they are TechManiacs,, lol,,

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Actually we can do some of that already with Adobe Flash. For instance you hook up your webcam up and design a Flash interface were you press you finger in mid air to click on buttons (kinda like Minority Report). If i remember correctly this functionaility is a standard library from Flash CS3 onwards.Not forgetting to mention that some upmarket webcam's (particularly logitech) is able to recognize facial movement and adjust an onscreen characters face accordingly. The trick for television manufacturer's will be to get all this "current" technology to work reliably together to get good results.

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yea,, the webcam is cool,, tried it on my laptop,but the problem is the televison knows what the user wanted to see by their mood,, hmm how does it work,,.

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To add something to the topic again, because I like my TV remote control, I don't really want to not use it :) maybe my children won't use it, but I'll be an old guy and use it? :D I would rather see a new feature on the remote control, for example I usually need to search for it if talking about TV in my room, usually the remote is somewhere there hiding from me and I can't turn on or off or change channels, so a feature that the remote control could tell where it is by itself when I'm searching for it would be wonderful :(

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Nooo.... I hope the control wont be based on common expressions. Else, I will have to watch a programme with a straight face just to prevent any accidental switched of the channel.

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lol.. and what expression are you thinking,, i hope not thinking other things,, lolbut its cool thing that we can change channel without a touching ,, :)

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Expression like crinching of the face when see something disgusting. Mouth open when it comes to suspension and action. And eyes half-closed in a horror movie. Hey, not what you thinking ya. :):D:(

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