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Should I Join Astahost? The only forum in the Xisto Corporation that my school doesnt blo

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Hi people once again...

OK, this might sound trivial, but I was just wondering whether I should join the Xisto forum or not. The thing is, I get to school right, and everyone's like playing all these games and all that, and I'm like... No... I want to work on my site and maybe earn some credits for my hosting package, but for some strange reason, the school educational government blocked the Xisto forums in my school and lableled it as "Forums/Discussions" (yeah, the school educational government technically blocks everything that is deemed as "not educational"... even when you search "flags" for your geography lesson the government blocks it as "uncategorised"... not that you are watching unsuitable and inappropriate stuff by looking and the colour of flags...)

But anyway, back on topic. For some strange reason, however, Xisto ISN'T blocked... and I was browsing though the Xisto site (the site, not the forums - yes, the sites unblocked too) and I found a "begin you webhosting journey here" (you can reach the walkthrough here) and I found out that Xisto isn't blocked, though it is mainly for technical geeks and all that, and you don't get myCENTS for posting about non-geeky related stuff... like love and sports and all that that you are given credit for in Xisto, and I was rather intimidated by the professional "coding help" and "programming software" and all that, because I'm not like that and I don't want to make a fool out of myself...

Because if I'm a fool here at the more friendly Xisto with all my questions, I will most certainly be a "nooob" in the more technologically advanced Xisto forum, and the fact that I couldn't find any Xisto members that are here on that Xisto forum got me very worried...

But Xisto's blocked at school and Xisto's not...

So, what do you guys think? Should I create an account there? I mean, I think it's best to make one anyway, but I don't want to be those inactive people that just hog an account that takes up space and not do anything to contribute to the environment or threads and stuff... and I personally think that it is these people that crash webhosting companies and all that because of all the space taken up that isn't usefully used...

What do you guys think?

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Posting on the Xisto Forums earns the same MyCents as posting here on the Xisto.In fact, if you use the same email address on the Xisto Forum, the MyCents accrue to the same pplace (your account), so, sure thing. Register at both and take advantage of an even larger pool of resources. Saint Michael, Galexcd, Truefusion, myself and others also post there from time to time. Good place to hang-out on a slow day at the Xisto.

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Hmm Xisto.....I think I had a look at it when I joined trap, but got attracted over here anyway. Asta looked friendly and all, but some unknown force brought me here :P Anyway, I think it's up to you to decide whether you can balance posting in both forums at the same time. Personally I would never be able to do it - keeping up with posts in both forums at the same time!The final decision is yours but I would say don't join Xisto, because it might seem an extra burden in your time schedule. Also, why don't you spend your time at school with something else than posting2host?! here are so many other things to do on the internet. It's not as if you have to come and post here whenever you have a second of spare time! :lol: You can pursuit other interests when in school and after reaching home you can continue your posting on trap. Well that's just my opinion...

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Posting on the Xisto Forums earns the same MyCents as posting here on the Xisto.In fact, if you use the same email address on the Xisto Forum, the MyCents accrue to the same pplace (your account), so, sure thing. Register at both and take advantage of an even larger pool of resources. Saint Michael, Galexcd, Truefusion, myself and others also post there from time to time. Good place to hang-out on a slow day at the Xisto.

yeah a good idea i will try that one too.. when there is no topic that i can reply here at Xisto i will go to Xisto hmm great technique of earning more mycent.. yet the same calculations isn't it? i will try that into our school tomorrow because it was a holiday now.. muslims celebrating the end of ramadan..
anyway what is the difference between Xisto and Xisto?
is there?

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anyway what is the difference between Xisto and Xisto?is there?

The only difference between Xisto and Xisto is that while the former is a truly "Open" discussion forum, the latter only has technical forums. That means you have to talk about technology, hardware, software, the internet, computers, etc all the time in order to earn myCENTs. There are off-beat forums too but they have no post-count, which won't serve your purpose! Anyway, it's your choice whether or not you want to join a purely technical forum :lol:

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Posting on the Xisto Forums earns the same MyCents as posting here on the Xisto.In fact, if you use the same email address on the Xisto Forum, the MyCents accrue to the same pplace (your account), so, sure thing. Register at both and take advantage of an even larger pool of resources. Saint Michael, Galexcd, Truefusion, myself and others also post there from time to time. Good place to hang-out on a slow day at the Xisto.

Yeah, sure... I'll join... it's the same thing, I suppose, and I might be able to learn more technical stuff on Xisto than on Xisto, since Xisto has more proffessional members in webhosting than Xisto... though I must say that the latter (Xisto) is more friendly... the only problem is seeing whether they will be a hospitable and friendly as Xisto for a noob like me...

Oh well, my mum calls it "dipping into a new sauce", in this case a new environment. So if I join there and hang out, then I 'll be able to pick up some of their "sauce", in this case, techincal and techonological knowledge on the way...

So, why not? If they turn out to be unfriendly I can always come back... :( :( :(
THough I would highly doubt that if the Xisto moderators like jlhaslip and stuff are there... :(

Hmm Xisto.....I think I had a look at it when I joined trap, but got attracted over here anyway. Asta looked friendly and all, but some unknown force brought me here :( Anyway, I think it's up to you to decide whether you can balance posting in both forums at the same time. Personally I would never be able to do it - keeping up with posts in both forums at the same time!
The final decision is yours but I would say don't join Xisto, because it might seem an extra burden in your time schedule. Also, why don't you spend your time at school with something else than posting2host?! here are so many other things to do on the internet. It's not as if you have to come and post here whenever you have a second of spare time! :lol: You can pursuit other interests when in school and after reaching home you can continue your posting on trap. Well that's just my opinion...

Yeah well, Trap is more friendly too, I suppose. And that's why I joined here in the first place, though you never know... and no, I won't need to keep up with the same amount of posts on both forums... I just need to earn some myCENTS there... Xisto will always be my main forum, of course, not only because you can earn myCENTS for a lot more huge variety of topics, but also because the members here are much much more friendlier and helpful than technical forums, I suppose...

And who would want to explain what basic stuff like CMS and databases are to a newbie anyway??? Not proffessional people, of course... :(

And well, there's really nothing to do on the school's computer at all but play games in the "share" drive... or read your school email. Most of the sites are blocked anyway, so I'll be posting at Xisto and learning stuff like PHP and CSS and HTML on w3schools.com... that's another of the rare sites that aren't blocked... a miracle!!! :( :( :P

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Okay so how far have you reached on your Xisto journey so far? :P If your experience is good then I'll also join since I can't help but admit that Xisto is getting a little boring day-by-day! :(:lol:

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Astahost is nice technical forum. Lots of good topic are discussed there earlier. Some old topics are still updated by newbies and regular members. Some old active people may be no longer there but some of the topics where they contributed are still exists. Other than that one thing you'll note that Xisto is not quite active place these days. and there are tons of spammers posting copy-pasted stuff and running away. Not many newbies ask question there and hence many members are not there discuss good topics. Still MODS are active and answer for your queries. It's just that this week there isn't much traffic. And did you joined Xisto ? If so, what you've seen so far on Xisto ?. I bet you liked their theme, isn't it ? Do tell us your experience of Xisto.

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Sorry guys, I've been away for two days hiking and stuff, and now my feet are dead... literally.
But anyway, I just came back today, took a nice shower, and I'm ready to be back on Xisto and enjoy the comforts of technology that I have had taken previously for granted!!!

Time to answer my threads and my posts (and other threads and posts too, of course).

Okay so how far have you reached on your Xisto journey so far? :P If your experience is good then I'll also join since I can't help but admit that Xisto is getting a little boring day-by-day! :(:lol:

Um... not that good, really. It's all so technical and all that, I really don't know where to post or anything. I've only posted like on two threads and they're like the most not technical threads on the forum itself. The thing is, I couldn't find a question forum place to post my technical forum questions at all, and so I would very much prefer Xisto as my main mYCENTS earner...

So yeah... not very far... two posts. Mostly because I don't know how to join in the conversation at all... everyone's so technical...
But Xisto is boring too... :( :( :(

Xisto is nice technical forum. Lots of good topic are discussed there earlier. Some old topics are still updated by newbies and regular members. Some old active people may be no longer there but some of the topics where they contributed are still exists. Other than that one thing you'll note that Xisto is not quite active place these days. and there are tons of spammers posting copy-pasted stuff and running away. Not many newbies ask question there and hence many members are not there discuss good topics. Still MODS are active and answer for your queries. It's just that this week there isn't much traffic.
And did you joined Xisto ? If so, what you've seen so far on Xisto ?. I bet you liked their theme, isn't it ? Do tell us your experience of Xisto.

As I have said... or from my reply to The Simpleton, you can infer and assume that I have already joined Xisto... everything's so technical, I really don't know where to start. Which is why I've only got two posts so far, as I don't want to spam and I really only want to contribute to the conversation...

So it's not really working well, you can say.

Xisto's better, but Xisto is unblocked my the government where I am.

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As I have said... or from my reply to The Simpleton, you can infer and assume that I have already joined Xisto... everything's so technical, I really don't know where to start. Which is why I've only got two posts so far, as I don't want to spam and I really only want to contribute to the conversation...So it's not really working well, you can say.
Xisto's better, but Xisto is unblocked my the government where I am.

Did you noticed the spamming on Xisto ?. Some spammers are constantly spamming and their threads are not removed from there. This is really turning off sometimes. I don't know if such spamming continues then Xisto will be one dead forum. I don't know why threads like "mp3 to mkv converter, walkman etc" which are purely intended for spamming are still showing on top on asta ?. Such threads are almost in every category. You'll find it on How and tutorial section as well. Anyway, people here can't do anything about it. Maybe opaque needs to clean up those spam threads. Really Xisto forum is turning into spam heaven.

If this continues like that then there is no point actively logging in there,for mycents only then go ahead. You can stick to Xisto. But if you wish to bring some life to Xisto then you can create some topic over there. There are few people who still participate on asta discussion. Someone will help you on Xisto.

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Did you noticed the spamming on Xisto ?. Some spammers are constantly spamming and their threads are not removed from there. This is really turning off sometimes. I don't know if such spamming continues then Xisto will be one dead forum. I don't know why threads like "mp3 to mkv converter, walkman etc" which are purely intended for spamming are still showing on top on asta ?. Such threads are almost in every category. You'll find it on How and tutorial section as well. Anyway, people here can't do anything about it. Maybe opaque needs to clean up those spam threads. Really Xisto forum is turning into spam heaven.
If this continues like that then there is no point actively logging in there,for mycents only then go ahead. You can stick to Xisto. But if you wish to bring some life to Xisto then you can create some topic over there. There are few people who still participate on asta discussion. Someone will help you on Xisto.

Sure, thanks mahesh2k... and no, I didn't actually see all the spamming on there. Just by looking at the site I get constant headaches and migraines at all the technological stuff and technical terms that I didn't have time to actually notice the spamming. But now that you've mentioned it, and now that I've actually returned to the site to have a good look at things, hey!!!

You're actually right! There's been lots of spamming going on. But anyway, I'm still sticking on to Xisto. The help has be very great (mostly contributed by you (mahesk2k) of course...) but yeah... :lol:)

Love Xisto, forever and always, Nameless_...

Though I still can't find the question section though, so I really don't know how to put in my questions there. So I'm still posting them on Xisto, which has been a great help as well...

But oh well, I'll go there like, once a month or something. :P I'll be fine.

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At some points I'll use both sites. Both of them are really very different so you can get two takes to the same question. I wouldn't really bar myself to either Xisto or Xisto, and instead just use them in conjunction with one another.

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