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Homosexuality Rights! Let all Homosexuals have the right to marry

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I am SO angry at everything and anything right now,
after seeing lots of countries banning homosexuality rights.

This is SO stupid! Homosexuality is nothing new, nothing weird, nothing strange and will NEVER be!!!
Homosexuality is a big and controversial topic in out society, but it's NOTHING.
What is homosexuality anyway?

It's just the same sex loving the same sex. Nothing more.

The main reason why everyone is so rigid about their beliefs and all that is because homosexuality is a minority in this society, and that is all it takes to start a debate and everything.
And homosexuality is 'supposedly' hated by religion.
Well, are you going to live your like miserably with someone (or no one) you don't like at all?
Just because of your religion?

Stuff the God that does this - because if God created everything, he created homosexuality himself!!!
(No offense to any religious bystanders hearing me rant of the streets - I'm sitting on the edge of my seat typing this!)

Notice from truefusion:
Removing section that can be found else where, starting from "It is hard..."

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This is SO stupid! Homosexuality is nothing new, nothing weird, nothing strange and will NEVER be!!!Homosexuality is a big and controversial topic in out society, but it's NOTHING.
What is homosexuality anyway?

It's just the same sex loving the same sex. Nothing more.

The truth behind the lack of homosexual marriage in the US has nothing to do with religion or anything. It's based on taxes and how people will (and have) use their "marriage" to get lower taxes and other benefits. Two single friends go get "married" for the benefits but don't even live together or anything. Regardless, they would still have the benefits associated with it.

And there en-lies the issue. If people would quit exploiting every system available it would make life easier for *everyone*, even themselves. 99% of the time the person doing the exploiting is hurting themselves as well. People are just too stupid to figure that out.

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you are full of crap. i don't even know where to begin with this one. god created homosexuals so he created crime and violence and rape and torture.... get a life. your arguments stink.

should homosexuals have the right to marry the same sex? yes. i believe they should hold this right in the united states as our own motto is "the pursuit of happiness" and openly state that everyone has a right to liberty.

is homosexuality natural? in a way yes, in a way no. no in the sense that you cannot bear children and two males will always be using the wrong holes in an extreme unatural way. although two women together is a sight to see, that is also unatural. BUT!!!!!! what about love and companionship. i do believe some homosexuals are born that way to be attrated to the same sex. i think their genes got crossed somewhere but they shouldn't be punished for how they were born. i don't look down on homosexual at all. i just think it's not natural....but to each their own...even if they weren't born that way and got use to daddy raping them as children or whatever other excuse....they should have a right to choose their own lives without interferance from the government if it isn't hurting anyone.

and what the heck was this other post about tax breaks and government beneits?!? that's not why homosexuals are getting married you moron. sure...a few bad apples may ruin the bunch.....but come on now. what crock of crap. i guess this is why heterosexuals get married too? maybe just a select few? bah...whatever. both of you are full of it

I am SO angry at everything and anything right now,after seeing lots of countries banning homosexuality rights.

This is SO stupid! Homosexuality is nothing new, nothing weird, nothing strange and will NEVER be!!!
Homosexuality is a big and controversial topic in out society, but it's NOTHING.
What is homosexuality anyway?

It's just the same sex loving the same sex. Nothing more.

The main reason why everyone is so rigid about their beliefs and all that is because homosexuality is a minority in this society, and that is all it takes to start a debate and everything.
And homosexuality is 'supposedly' hated by religion.
Well, are you going to live your like miserably with someone (or no one) you don't like at all?
Just because of your religion?

Stuff the God that does this - because if God created everything, he created homosexuality himself!!!
(No offense to any religious bystanders hearing me rant of the streets - I'm sitting on the edge of my seat typing this!)

It is hard when someone you like turns out to like people of their same sex, so personal reasons might also underly in this hatred and discrimination. But homosexuality is a normal thing in this world, and you can't change who you are.

The is how the brain was wired in the early stages of childhood development, maybe even further before when a foetus is only starting to grow.
There has been cases of homosexual animals observed taking other animals' eggs or offspring to raise as their own, and this is MORE THAN ENOUGH prove that homosexuality is a normal and natural thing.

Homosexuality isn't something us human beings made up, and it isn't something unnatural that should be discriminated and bullied against.
It is natural!!!

(I'm feeling very very angry right now... I can't even begin to describe how I feel)

For those that are against homosexuality, how would you feel if your child is homosexual? Force them to marry someone 'naturally' different in sex and let them lead a sad ams miserable life?

Homosexual marriages should be legalized worldwide!!! Let people get together with people they want to get together with. It's a personal choice, not yours. It's natural!!!

The government should have NO say in this matter. What's with marriage anyway? Animals can get together with whoever and whatever they want. And so should humans!!!

By banning homosexuality, you are banning a human right, and also a privilege that animals have that humans don't. This is bad!!!
By banning homosexuality, we are putting ourselves down, lower than the most primitive life forms.

Because we are banning something natural
Because we are banning something we can't change
Because we are banning a right that everyone should have
Because we are banning homosexuality.

Let all homosexuals protest for their rights!

(I'm keeping a copy of this on my computer and I might post this up on my website when I get one)

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God... I wasn't even talking about the US, I was talking about Australia.Australia banned Homosexual Marriages...And same sex people don't get "married" because of benefits. A minority, maybe, but not most of the population.And anwiii...What's this?"god created homosexuals so he created crime and violence and rape and torture"I so did not day that. I only said god created homosexuals, so it should not be banned by religion, because God created this thing in the first place. Eastern Europe countries like India and Bangladesh bans homosexual marriages, just because of religion.Well, if this is the case, why did God create homosexuality in the first place?I did NOT say he reated homosexuals so he created crime and violence and rape and torture... where the hell did you get that from?Please do not associate homosexuals with crime and violence and rape and torture...Not all of them do criminal activity... just like the fact that not all "natural" people that are straight does it too.It's a common prejudice that should be changed...They are just the same as you, but with a different sexual orientation.

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I don't think the argument that a god created homosexuals makes sense. People of the same gender can't have children, which is pretty much the main thing anything on this planet is here to do. Everything from the most simplest insects to human beings breed to sustain their existence. It makes sense that this is what happens regardless of if we evolved or if we were created by a divine being. We're supposed to keep our species alive. If there IS a god, I can't see why he'd "create" homosexuals, it's like NASA designing robots to live on Mars who can breed and reproduce to do work for many centuries (build things) and then choosing to make a small percentage of them exactly the same without the ability to reproduce. That doesn't seem like very intelligent design to me. I think what anwii is saying, (although I could be wrong) is that you can't pick and choose what you believe was created by an omnipotent and omniscient being. You're arguing that god created people you agree with and I'm assuming you think he has nothing to do with injecting our planet with rapists, murderers, because they don't agree with your opinions. If you're certain god created homosexuals, then in my opinion it's likely, though not certain obviously, that he created all the bad things as well, all the diseases and illnesses that kill people. Of course my opinion of homosexuals is still pretty much the same as yours, I have nothing against them and couldn't care less if they want to get married. Let them do it, doesn't bother me at all.

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Rape, torture, violence, and homosexual behaviors exist in every other animal in the world, so why do people keep trying to put humans off on a higher pedestal?This also counts for this "monogynist" relationship thing the world tries to put on us. There are only 2-3 other animals in the world that are monogynist. This information is easily learned in both animal sexuality courses and sexual psychology courses.To Anwiii, it is highly suggested you read up more on government regulations and the reasons behind them. You will learn a lot (the easiest way to learn them is to take higher-level government classes and stuff like that so you learn more about where to find the information at. Don't trust the news.)

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2 or 3 other animals in the world are misogynist? Is that right? It seems hard to believe, but I don't claim to know otherwise. What are these animals? What's the definition of monogamist anyway? My dictionary says "One spouse/mate at a time' - Time? What defines a period of time? It's common to see a mother, a father, and babies as a family in the animal kingdom and I always thought they stayed with each other during that time. The next mating season is a different story, but isn't a year together still a monogamist relationship? No?

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2 or 3 other animals in the world are misogynist? Is that right? It seems hard to believe, but I don't claim to know otherwise. What are these animals?
What's the definition of monogamist anyway? My dictionary says "One spouse/mate at a time' - Time? What defines a period of time? It's common to see a mother, a father, and babies as a family in the animal kingdom and I always thought they stayed with each other during that time. The next mating season is a different story, but isn't a year together still a monogamist relationship? No?

Monogynist is seen as being with the same person and being with nobody else. Most animals don't care who they are with, because sex isn't about "fun," it's about survival. A species can not survive without sex.

As for the two animals, I'd have to look it up again. I don't count things like Praying Mantis as being monogynist (the male only has one mate, because the female bites the man's head off after intercourse).

In terms of gay animals, dolphins are notorious for being gay. Dogs are a common one I've seen myself. Monkeys are pretty common as well.

Actually, if you want a lot of great information, the Discovery Channel had like a 7 disc set solely about animal sexuality, explaining how different animals mate, how they choose their mate(s), etc. I'm pretty sure it was Discovery Channel that did it, but it may have been National Geographic. I just remember reading up about it a little 4-5 months ago.

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you're right. you didn't say that but to conclude that god created homosexuals and their way of life and choices and actions dictate the same thing in how god created rapists and murderers, violence and torture. you are concluding that god created EVERYONE and everyone doesn't have their own choices. you are trying to argue and make a point that absolutely doesn't make sense.....and personally, i don't care where you're from when you can make an arguement like that

"god created homosexuals so he created crime and violence and rape and torture"
I so did not day that. I only said god created homosexuals

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you're right. you didn't say that but to conclude that god created homosexuals and their way of life and choices and actions dictate the same thing in how god created rapists and murderers, violence and torture. you are concluding that god created EVERYONE and everyone doesn't have their own choices. you are trying to argue and make a point that absolutely doesn't make sense.....and personally, i don't care where you're from when you can make an arguement like that

To argue against you I can claim God did in fact create all of those things.

Rape = source of reproduction
Murderers/Violence/Torture = population control

Both of which are essential to our survival.

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Homosexuality is nothing new, nothing weird, nothing strange and will NEVER be!!!

It is nothing new. However, "weird" is a different story. If you define "weird" as "not normal," and if "normal" is "whatever is in the majority," then it can be considered weird. And "strange" is synonymous with "weird."


It's just the same sex loving the same sex. Nothing more.

"Love" is too ambiguous to use in such a definition. For example, i can love a friend of the same gender without being sexual about it. If your definition would be used, that would make me a homosexual, when i know i'm not.


[...] if God created everything, he created homosexuality himself!!!

While i do realize that "God created everything" is fallacious (since "everything" is ambiguous), homosexuality is nevertheless not an object, it's an act; therefore not only making it impossible to group in the same category as matter but also making the statement terribly blasphemous (though even if homosexuality was an object, it would still be blasphemy, just, i would say, not necessarily to the same degree). But i don't expect you to care if it is blasphemous or not.


The next mating season is a different story, but isn't a year together still a monogamist relationship? No?

No, it's not, at least concerning the animal kingdom. It's one mate for their entire lifetime. I think the (American) bald eagle is an example of one—it only sticks to one mate. But this information is from what i can remember from middle school, so you'll have to verify that.


Most animals don't care who they are with, because sex isn't about "fun," it's about survival. A species can not survive without sex.


In terms of gay animals, dolphins are notorious for being gay. Dogs are a common one I've seen myself. Monkeys are pretty common as well.

Technically, these two statements are basically mutually exclusive. Also, i've seen a dog mate with a household mop before. I really doubt that was its survival instincts kicking in. But if you consider the dog scenario, the argument "homosexuality is natural because animals do it too," following from that logic would make mating with household mops a natural thing. Therefore the argument that homosexuality is natural because animals do it too becomes impractical and loses weight.

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It is nothing new. However, "weird" is a different story. If you define "weird" as "not normal," and if "normal" is "whatever is in the majority," then it can be considered weird. And "strange" is synonymous with "weird."



"Love" is too ambiguous to use in such a definition. For example, i can love a friend of the same gender without being sexual about it. If your definition would be used, that would make me a homosexual, when i know i'm not.



While i do realize that "God created everything" is fallacious (since "everything" is ambiguous), homosexuality is nevertheless not an object, it's an act; therefore not only making it impossible to group in the same category as matter but also making the statement terribly blasphemous (though even if homosexuality was an object, it would still be blasphemy, just, i would say, not necessarily to the same degree). But i don't expect you to care if it is blasphemous or not.



No, it's not, at least concerning the animal kingdom. It's one mate for their entire lifetime. I think the (American) bald eagle is an example of oneit only sticks to one mate. But this information is from what i can remember from middle school, so you'll have to verify that.



Technically, these two statements are basically mutually exclusive. Also, i've seen a dog mate with a household mop before. I really doubt that was its survival instincts kicking in. But if you consider the dog scenario, the argument "homosexuality is natural because animals do it too," following from that logic would make mating with household mops a natural thing. Therefore the argument that homosexuality is natural because animals do it too becomes impractical and loses weight.

I was basing it on the basis that most animals act as such. Not all animals (or near all) would have sex with a mop. And if they did, who is to say that isn't what's natural? People need to quit making their basis of what is "right" or "wrong" on what one person said hundreds of years ago and spread around to others. Just like the laws we have today. Most of them are not even against what God says is right or wrong. Which is exactly why there are laws I disregard daily. Just because they're "illegal" or because society says they are "wrong" doesn't mean they are.


That's also one reason I used animals as a basis for comparison: they don't have laws and stuff like that to bound to. They do what they were naturally made to do. A fly flies around not because some guy said "you're a fly, therefore if you don't fly you are against our rules and regulations and will be jailed for not doing so," and instead it flies because that is what it was made to do.


Nowhere was it stated that humans are to be monogynistic in nature or to be heterosexual. Those are completely man-made regulations and therefore, to me, can be completely written off.


Note : I am hetero and I am monogynistic, but it has nothing to do with society and what it deems as "acceptable" behavior.

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Not all animals (or near all) would have sex with a mop. And if they did, who is to say that isn't what's natural?

Unless you can tell me of a "middle man" (since i can't think of one for this situation), then something can only be either natural or unnatural. In which case, it is left up to the definition of "natural." Natural in this case can be considered anything in its original state, or closest to its original state if its original state can no longer be achieved or maintained.

People need to quit making their basis of what is "right" or "wrong" on what one person said hundreds of years ago and spread around to others.

But saying they should just because they should isn't a good reason for actually doing so. And the arguement "its old or cliche" isn't good enough of a reason to do stop basing their morals off of something long ago.

Just like the laws we have today. Most of them are not even against what God says is right or wrong. Which is exactly why there are laws I disregard daily. Just because they're "illegal" or because society says they are "wrong" doesn't mean they are.

Many if not most laws today (at least in the USA) can be found in the Bible—that's pretty much the reason why they're not against God's Law. But even if something declared illegal or taboo doesn't make them such, neither does it mean that they aren't. To argue for either case implies that there is an absolute moral standard out there that can justify either side; otherwise you'd be arguing forever and be basically making things up as you go.

That's also one reason I used animals as a basis for comparison: they don't have laws and stuff like that to bound to. They do what they were naturally made to do. A fly flies around not because some guy said "you're a fly, therefore if you don't fly you are against our rules and regulations and will be jailed for not doing so," and instead it flies because that is what it was made to do.

The definition for "natural" that is implied here runs along the lines of what i gave.

Nowhere was it stated that humans are to be monogynistic in nature or to be heterosexual. Those are completely man-made regulations and therefore, to me, can be completely written off.

Either it has been stated or it hasn't—you can't have it both ways. (I can actually pull up a verse that implies it.) However, following from the logic, since anything following would be man-made, how would you justify any new law? Since they are "man-made," can't it just be easily brushed off as well? In which case, why have laws in the first place?

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good for you....i personally am not arguing for or against. i was pointing out what the original poster was insinuating. but if you are going to argue that god creates violence for population control....you, my friend, are pretty sick in the head. i have never heard that theory about god before....and shall stay away from those you do believe that.

To argue against you I can claim God did in fact create all of those things.
Rape = source of reproduction
Murderers/Violence/Torture = population control

Both of which are essential to our survival.

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Either it has been stated or it hasn'tyou can't have it both ways. (I can actually pull up a verse that implies it.) However, following from the logic, since anything following would be man-made, how would you justify any new law? Since they are "man-made," can't it just be easily brushed off as well? In which case, why have laws in the first place?

Your verse "implies" what? You can't make a basis of what something means based on what was said thousands of years ago. And this is just considering the *Bible*. Things change meaning all the time (For example, up until recently - the word "gay" meant "happy." There was no alternate meaning for it).

And you aren't considering any other religion if you believe that way, either. So again the basis has no true substance. Two huge flaws with your thoughts.

(I can pull up hundreds of religious words that have changed over the past 40-50 years alone in meaning. The basis we use of what they mean is based on what they mean *today*, not necessarily their original meaning. And if we follow everything the Bible says, why is slavery illegal? The Bible actually *condones* slavery. And that was in the *old* meaning. Of course it's not as bad as the Qur'ān stating that if your wife disobeys you, you need to use physical force to get her back under control.)

good for you....i personally am not arguing for or against. i was pointing out what the original poster was insinuating. but if you are going to argue that god creates violence for population control....you, my friend, are pretty sick in the head. i have never heard that theory about god before....and shall stay away from those you do believe that.

Every other animal in the world uses violence to get what they need (in a "wild," undomesticated setting), so why should humans be any different? This is yet another issue with "societal norms" today.

Consider deer. The bucks will either fight, or in a lot of cases, kill one another in order to win over the doe.
Rhinos do it, bulls do it, dogs do it, cats do it, lions do it, tigers do it... I could go on and on.

Yet humans are yet again expected to separate themselves from every other species in the world and be something they are not meant to be.

(For the record, in forensic psychology there is a lot of interesting information. For example, people who murder others have physically different brains than "normal" people. It is said, and is highly taken in as being true, that people do not have control over whether or not they are rapists, murderers, etc. because it is a *physical* alteration when they are born. This also goes to gay people.)

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