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" Okay In Moderation " — Or Is It?

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A long time ago, i pretty much ruined my health. This was caused through the constant eating of processed foods. You don't really learn in school how to eat well, unless perhaps you go to college and take health classes. This should be considered absurd; health and nutrition should be a necessity. A lot of the things we learn in school aren't even necessary. Not even in P.E. classes do we learn much if anything about nutrition and health. At times i am amazed at the general lack of knowledge about health and nutrition by the general public.


Ruining my health obviously caused me, like should many people, to do research on health and health related issues. I even wanted to become a nutritionist because of it, to prevent others from going through what i went through and to live a healthier life. After doing the research, i became disgusted by all the things that were being sold in stores, by most of the food in my house, et cetera. What amazes (and disturbs) me is just how many people here in the States follow similar paths—and it's slowly but surely and sadly spreading throughout the world.


People say, "if done in moderation, it's okay." But how many people have you seen actually take the time to define "in moderation"? In fact, define "in moderation" right now before you continue reading. Write it down in case you forget and for a more accurate "test result" (continue reading to know what i mean by "test"). Think of food in general (or just think of soda itself) and define "in moderation." I say this for you to see if by the end of this post, if your definition of "in moderation" has changed. If it does, then you should consider what you eat more than what you normally would have after reading this post.


Toxins and Detoxification


Toxins prevent the body from working better or well and are usually the cause of problems in the body. They lead to symptoms. Symptoms occur when your body is overburdened. When your body can't deal with everything going on, the problems start leaking out, and these are called symptoms. That means symptoms is an effect of a on-going problem in the body that you probably didn't notice or know about until after the symptoms started showing up. So, when you have a symptom, you should be slightly more concerned with your current state than one would normally be if you didn't think much of these symptoms before.


There are many ways to detoxify your body. Sweating is one way to detox yourself. Eating good food, like raw foods (fruits and vegies)—mostly vegies—help too. Fasting also helps, but it is better to let your sleep do all the fasting, like it normally does. If toxins are not taken care of, or if they can't be taken care of by the body at the time, the body feels that it would be a waste of resources to clean it up, therefore storing it in fat—exactly what you don't want.


Foods with fiber, and natural herbs, help in detoxing your body. Your body normally detoxifies itself, but when it is over burdened, it has to use its resources for other purposes, so it may detox a bit or too little or not at all. During detoxification, you may gain some symptoms, somewhat insignificant ones, only because these toxins are re-entering the blood, being prepared to be sent out of the body—like it was supposed to from the start.




Why did i place fiber under detoxification (and not the category below)? Because that's pretty much what it does. Fiber is not something the body can digest, but it is still good for the body. A lot of people don't get enough fiber in their diet. Food companies know that, so they add fiber to their products and start promoting them. Since fiber tends to make food feel more filling, this helps people lose weight. Fiber can be found in many foods, not limited to grains. It can be found in the skin of certain fruits, assuming they're organic or not processed, so try to eat the skin if it's edible; if the fruit is not organic, be sure to wash the skin, as they tend to spray wax and other chemicals on it, often to make it look prettier. Fiber also takes water from the body, so be sure to drink water before you eat foods high in fiber. There are two kinds of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber disolves in water and can help clean out your system of (LDL) cholesterol. It also helps keep your sugar intake in check, by slowing down the process of how fast sugar—like high fructose corn syrup—is absorbed. Insoluble is what helps promote proper bowel movement, therefore helps prevent constipation.




Eat foods closest to its origin. Pick foods that are organic, since they aren't fed unwanted chemicals that cause a chemical reaction in the organism that promotes abnormal growth or that kill off pests, et cetera, as your body will absorb that along with the organism. Don't go with refined or processed foods. Avoid anything white: white flour, white sugar, white rice, et cetera. Try not to eat anything in a can or that contains perservatives. Anything enriched try to avoid, because the reason it's enriched is not to add more nutrients than what it originally had, but because it lost all the nutrients during the process, therefore it requires to be enriched, otherwise it'll be worse than fast food itself. If it contains no nutrients, then the body has to take from itself in order to process and digest the food properly (if at all possible)—that's why it would be worse than fast foods.


Food now-a-days, at least here in the States, contain far too much sugar, having high glycemic levels, which is the cause for diabetes and weight gain. Fruits, interestingly enough, have low to medium glycemic levels, meaning you'd have a harder time becoming a diabetic eating fruits than eating these processed foods. Disturbingly and amazingly enough, sugar is even found in foods that you wouldn't expect there to be sugar in. If you live in the States or anywhere where processed foods is dominate, look at the nutrition labels. Look at how many grams of sugar it has and check to see if high fructose corn syrup is found in the ingredients. Multiply that by the servings per container, and you might just be surprised—though i'm inclined to say that you will be surprised.




As mentioned before, avoid anything enriched and anything that is made with white flour and other white ingredients. Most breads today (at least in the States) are made from nothing but the endosperm of the grain (only the sugary part), therefore containing a lot of sugar, meaning that the germ and bran are not included—the best parts of the grain. Look for 100% whole grain bread—it has to be 100% without the word "white" anywhere, or else it's practically misleading. Don't be deceived by bread that have grains sprinkled on top. "Made with whole grain" and "good source of whole grain" is misleading too, since they practically contain about 1/3 or less of whole grain, the rest being white flour. One way to test if bread is more nutritious than the others is by their weight: if one feels light, it's not as good as one that weighs more. Be sure to check the ingredients, as the color of the bread could just be caused by the added food dye—yeah, quite deceiving.


Fruits and Vegetables


Fruits are known as nature's candy, but how much sugar do they contain? Fruits are normally in the low glycemic index; however, you should moderate your intake anyway. Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, which helps with the immune system; they also contain fiber. Among the fruits, berries generally contain the most antioxidants. The body doesn't put the sugars obtained from fruit to use the moment it is digested (probably or mostly due to the fiber)—unlike with products that contain high fructose corn syrup; it gets put to use over time, therefore providing longer lasting energy. Due to all the nutrients fruits and vegetables contain, it makes people feel fuller when eating, therefore people eat less but still obtain the nutrients necessary for healthy living—unlike with a lot of processed foods today.


Some fruits are called vegetables, mostly because of their usage. In either case, if you're going to cook fruits or vegetables, don't cook them for long periods of time, or else they start losing their nutrients when you cook them. That is why it is often better to eat them raw; and if you don't mind pineapple on your pizza, to provide your own. There are many more reasons to eat fruits and vegetables, but i'm not going to go through them all.




What is caffeine? Caffeine is a stimulant and can pretty much be considered a drug due to how it affects the body. Caffeine doesn't necessarily provide you with energy; it basically tries to convince your body that it doesn't need to sleep yet. In the mean time, the body is losing water and nutrients, because it needs to keep the body active until the caffeine dies off. This is why when your body runs out of caffeine your body may "crash," because when it needed to sleep, it was being convinced that it didn't. Caffeine places a lot of stress on the body, mostly on the liver. It is also naturally produced by plants as a defense mechanism to kill bugs that try to feed off of it. So if you have a bug problem, give them caffeine. :P But think about it: if a little caffeine can kill bugs, what about a lot of caffeine to us?


Upon falling asleep, if you fall asleep almost instantly, then you might have a sleeping problem, which can be linked to constant caffeine intake, if any. Falling asleep should take a while; you should drift into sleep, not fall on the bed and in less than five minutes fall asleep. Although caffeine may be useful concerning asthma, the side effects out weigh the benefits, and for that reason should be avoided.


Sugars and Carbohydrates


As a rule of thumb, people should try not to eat more than 10 grams of sugar a day. Amazingly (and disturbingly) many, many people consume more than 100 grams of sugar a day, normally just through what they drink. Then they wonder why they're over weight or are tired a lot of the time or have obtained diabetes. You'll notice that when you go to fast food restaurants, the drinks taste differently, like as if they added water. Well, they did add water, because if they didn't, you'd most likely consume nearly 100 or more grams of sugar just from a "medium-sized" soda. An average 12 ounce can of soda contains about 9 teaspoons of sugar. A 20 ounce bottle is about 16 teaspoons of sugar. Pour that out on your table and see how much sugar that is. People should consider soft drinks as desert and not drinks. Sugar is also like cigarettes: addicting and causes you to appear older; your skin will age quicker. Getting off of a sugar-filled diet can be pretty difficult for some, especially with all the cravings, but will obviously benefit the person.


Artificial Sweeteners


These are chemically modified sugars, normally found in diet drinks and never in nature. They cause the body to feel empty and can promote "sweet teeth," where you seek sugary foods. So they work against you and that is why the original version of the drink is better than their diet forms. But if you're convinced that drinking these diet drinks will help you lose weight, you'll only drink more of it, causing even more cravings, therefore gaining more weight. It's a cycle that only benefits the drink companies. So learn to break out of it and drink more water.


High Fructose Corn Syrup


You'd be amazed where you can find high fructose corn syrup—it's pretty much everywhere, at least in the States. Look at all the foods in your cabinet and fridge. I'm willing to say at least 80% of all those items—if not all of them—contain as an ingredient high fructose corn syrup. So what's so bad about high fructose corn syrup? It's a quick burst of energy for the body, which gets put to use very quickly after intake. In order to put that sugar to use, you need insulin. Insulin comes from our pancreas. If your pancreas is constantly working, then it is being over worked and will soon give out or your body starts resisting insulin, which is type 2 diabetes. When your cells can't handle all the sugar or no longer need any more sugar, it starts resisting all the insulin the body is making, and starts storing the sugar in fat or flushes it out of the system (if there's enough water). This normally leads to you becoming tired over time. It's also a known cause for obesity. So if you exclude it from your diet (which you may find really hard to do in the beginning), you can force your body to depend on other things and eventually get rid of diabetes and be less tired throughout the day—and probably even lose weight while you're at it.




Non-organic milk isn't as good as people think. The cows for these kinds of milk are normally given antibiotics and hormones. If your body receives too many antibotics, your body may resist any further antibotic intake. If that happens, and you need to go to the hospital and are given antibotics, your body will resist it. Obviously that is not something you would want. And just like the cows, too many hormones and you start growing faster than normal. Do you want to grow faster?




Try to get organic meats, no matter what the meat type. Food companies tend to add food coloring to the meats to get a more acceptable colors—like red beef. Since meats tend to be massed produced, the animals are given biochemically modified meals to help promote growth and body processes like laying eggs or producing milk. The animals for organic meats aren't given chemically modified meals.




What's so important about water? Enzymes, the things that allow the cells to absorb nutrients, is activated in water. If you don't provide the body with water, the body will take water from itself. If you lose about 20% of water from your body, you can pretty much bet yourself that you will die. Interestingly enough, people now-a-days, at least in the States, do not consume enough water as they should. In fact, i would not be surprised if they tested themselves and the test showed that they are dehydrated. As a general rule of thumb, a person should consume at least half their body weight in ounces of water a day. So if you weigh 150 pounds, you should be drinking at least 75 ounces of water a day. Many foods contain water naturally, which reduces slightly the water tax on your body. But since the body takes water from itself, you should therefore drink water before eating—you want to make sure you are hydrated before eating. But drinking water afterwards or during a meal isn't bad, especially if your body is asking for it. Although you can be more loose with water intake, you still don't want to over do it. Water intoxication is not pretty.


So what kind of water should you be looking for? Yes, there are kinds that should be avoided too. Amazing, huh? Firstly, try to avoid any water in plastic containers or bottles. If the water tastes like plastic, never buy that kind again. If they advertise, for example, 35% less plastic, then that is a safer bet. But there are some companies that bottle their water in glass. If it's not plastic bottles, then that is the better source. Secondly there is how "hard" or "soft" the water is. The softer the water, the more acidic it is. Therefore avoid "distilled" water at all costs. It is the "softest" water on the market, and it'll tax your body for the nutrients required to put that water to good use more than any other kind of water. Your best bet for drinking water is to ensure that the pH level of the water is around 7.5 to 8.5.


For those of you that drink tap water straight from your sink, you may want to think twice before you do again. Due to all the non-sense with medicine, when people go to the bathroom and excrete whatever the body tossed out from the medicine they took, the water gets recycled to be put back into our tap water. Research found that traces of medicine (specifically Prozac) were found in the sea life, in fish and other sea creatures, and that these tap water facilities weren't really equipped to deal with medicine in the water. I'm not sure if they fixed that, and i'm not sure if the bottled water companies deal with that at their plants, but if you're not using a water filterer for your sink when you drink out of it, you might just be drinking bits of medicine (assuming a water filterer can filter that stuff out). All of these medicines all have their own side effects, and it is uncertain what can occur if they're mixed and taken in really small doses. So the next time you eat a fish, too, think about that.


Poisonous Toxins


There are a lot of toxins found in food that should be avoided which are very common in processed foods and the like. A lot of them deal with artifical sweeteners. Go look up "sugar substitute" in Wikipedia for a list (the ones in section 3). In this section i'll talk about some that aren't on that list, ones that are found more generally in foods. Be sure to look for these in the ingredients of the processed foods you buy. But if you visit fast food restaurants often, then you can rest assured that they contain plenty of toxins, specifically MSG. As a general rule of thumb, if you can't pronounce the ingredient, or if you don't know what it is, drop the product.


Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)


Glutamate is produced by the body naturally; however, in the refined form of monosodium glutamate, it can be problematic. You probably already know about MSG, or have heard the term before. It is used to make food taste better. Food companies know this, so they add it all over their food. MSG is cheap, and can be found in table salt—the very thing you use at home. MSG has been known to lead to high blood pressure. This is why people recommend sea salt over table salt, because sea salt doesn't contain any MSG. If you were to try and give yourself high blood pressure with sea salt, you'd have to consume a whole lot more, probably to the point where the food is too salty that the body starts rejecting the food. So it would have been pointless to even try in the first place. It's similar to table sugar and natural sweeteners in this sense.


Sea salt also has more nutrients than table salt, since table salt gets all the nutrients sucked out of it through methods like bleaching, et cetera. So, yes, you might also be taking in chemicals that you yourself use to clean your clothes with (or whatever you use it for). So if you're one that has been diagnosed with hypertension (a.k.a. high blood pressure), rather than taking less table salt into your diet, toss it out and replace it with sea salt. Any doctor that doesn't aim to replace table salt and processed foods from a person's diet with alternatives like sea salt and organic foods, and that person is suffering from high blood pressure, you might as well leave and go find another doctor. Just like medicine, they're not seeking to eliminate the cause of the problem, only reduce the symptoms—two different things.


Sodium Nitrate


You might find other food ingredients that end in "nitrate" or in "ate." This stuff can be found in meats and dairy products. Don't confuse this with sodium nitrite, since some people use the terms quite interchangeably; but do research on sodium nitrite too. In large amounts sodium nitrate can kill you, since it prevents the body from receiving the proper amounts of oxygen to the cells—also known as hypoxia and anoxia. Anyone who exercises should be able to tell you how important oxygen to the cells is.




This stuff is in many products than just foods. This has been known to cause inflammation in people if absorbed from food. When that occurs, it is pretty much a nice resting spot for bad bacteria. It is said to be found in certain baby foods, which can stunt growth. So be sure to check the ingredients of the baby food you buy. Carrageenan may also promote bowel ulcers.


Acesulfame K


Acesulfame K is somewhat of an artificial sweetener, therefore can be found in diet drinks, but probably not found on store shelves (alone). This is one of the reasons why diet drinks work against you. It leaves you feeling empty, therefore can cause fatigue—not a good cycle to be in.


Nutrients Label and Ingredients


By law, the food companies have to provide all the ingredients found in the product and the nutrients pertaining to them. Though these are there on the package or container, many people don't even look at the labels. Many that do don't even know how to read the label properly. Ingredients on packages are ordered by priority or by most used to the least used ingredient. Nutrients aren't necessarily ordered by priority, though it may seem that way. First and foremost, what you want to look at is the servings and how many servings per container. You grab the servings per container and multiply each percentage on the label if you're going to eat the entire thing. Otherwise, multiply the servings (not the one per container) by how many servings you're going to be eating, then multiply all the percentages by that number. Then you can properly figure out the amount of nutrients you'll be taking in. Some people skip the servings and just read the nutrients, which is unwise.


In case you're wondering what "DV%" or the percentages are: DV is short for daily value. It is based on the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for that nutrient. Meaning how much is considered acceptable before being considered extreme. People can basically get by on 64% for each nutrient and be considered healthy. However, fats and cholesterol should be kept at a lower minimum than the other nutrients. People need around 500mgs of sodium a day, but the average American tends to go beyond the RDA a day.




Should people take supplements? What are supplements? Supplements are normally isolated nutrients, separated from their complex compounds. What does this mean? It means that in order for your body to digest and put these nutrients to (good) use, it has to find other nutrients in order to do so. This is why it is recommended to take these with a meal, otherwise it'll take these nutrients from your body, therefore not affecting the body as expected. So if you're looking to increase a nutrient in your body, look for real foods that are high in that nutrient or supplements that are high in that nutrient but contain more than just that nutrient ("whole food" supplements), or you may suffer from a deficiency. Also, consider getting "natural" supplements over the more synthetic supplements. In "natural" supplements the nutrients are isolated from real food and not made from scratch in a lab.


Food Laws and Regulation


The FDA here in the States regulates a lot of the food produced here; however, it mostly deals with medicine. It is against the law to exclude any ingredient in the ingredients list that the food or product has. However, there are some exceptions with the names of the ingredients, like Red 4 (a.k.a. carmine). Red 4 normally comes from a specific bug called cochineal, that normally breed in cacti. The FDA does not require the term "carmine" to be in the ingredient list, and can pass as Red 4. Also, the FDA does not regulate the term "natural" found on food packages or containers. Therefore even though it says "natural" anywhere on the package, it does not necessarily mean what we would expect from it. If it's not 100%, then be skeptical if it's non-organic. The term "fat free" does not mean 100% fat free. It means that there is so little fat that it might as well be called "fat free." This is usually 0.5 grams of fat or less. So be skeptical about the marketing concerning these foods. Don't give in to the terms or labels if the ingredients show otherwise.


The food laws in Europe are a bit more strict. They've banned ingredients that are still found today in American food. They are also strict on the names of the ingredients, therefore "Red 4" is shown as "carmine." So anyone who lives in Europe are better off than in the States; albeit, there are still certain things to worry about.


Organic Foods


Organic farms have to follow strict rules in order to be considered an organic farm. It is because of these rules that the food obtained from these farms are more nutritious than their non-organic counterparts (if it can be said that their non-organic counterparts have nutrients in them). Because these farms don't have much if any government support like the conventional farms do, organic food can be found to be more expensive than their non-organic counterparts. However, what's more expensive: bad health or organic food? If you're putting money over your (and your family's) health, then money controls you, not the other way around. There are many ways to spend less when buying organic foods. A lot of people give out coupons; many people don't use coupons. Sometimes just by not buying these non-organic products and replacing them with their organic counterparts, you actually save money in comparison. Why? Because the majority of the non-organic foods cause hunger and don't fill people up as much, so people are eating themselves out of their homes. The organic foods containing more nutrients make the body feel fuller longer. If you feel fuller for longer periods of time, then you won't be so inclined to buy more food so frequently.


Natural Sweeteners


By "natural" i really do mean natural: found in nature. There are plenty of natural sweeteners out there that even diabetics can take. The most advertised ones are Stevia and Agave nectar. Stevia is favored above the others, but i personally would go with Agave (but not necessarily for diabetics) only because it just seems more natural to me. In sweetness, 1/3 of a cup of Agave is said to equal a cup of table sugar, but does not have the same effect as table sugar. Stevia is said to be about 250 to 300 times sweeter than table sugar, so you would only need to poor very little amounts of it to sweeten just about anything. Stevia is known to have a bitter aftertaste, but it's bearable and you should get used to it over time. Honey is another natural sweetener, but you should consider getting the 100% pure honey. If you buy cheerios, why not pretend it's honey nut cheerios by adding honey to it? Maple syrup is another good natural sweetener. All of these are a whole lot better than the artificial sweeteners like, ugh, Splenda. I can't even believe that Splenda is found in a lot of commercial drinks today, knowing that there are plenty of natural sweeteners out there.


Health Tips


Other than the ones already mentioned: Walk outside for some sunlight and fresh air, as staying inside has its own toxins. That's why people put plants in their house, because the plants help reduce toxins in the house; others buy air sanitizers and what-not. Exercise a lot—get that sweat flowing. There are a lot of things that aren't produced in the body if you don't exercise. Man was made to work the soil, not sit around all day and be idle folding your hands.


In Moderation


So, after having gone through all of this, have you changed your definition of "in moderation"? What's "in moderation" to you now? Would you even consider the things you are eating today? If you find that you don't need to change what you eat and are eating well, then consider yourself blessed and be thankful and know that science can be abused. Here in America, more people are being prescribed pills in the name of science in a disturbing rate than actually trying to figure out the root of the problem, and it's being imitated in other countries as well. Medicine does not cure—they are not designed to. The main (and only) purpose for medicine is to suppress symptoms. If you don't get to the root of the problem, then the symptoms will only continue coming back, and you may find yourself taking pill after pill after pill seeking desperately to put an end to it all. At worst you may find that that pill caused another problem, so you have to take a pill for that too. At best you may get down to the root of the problem and drop the pill(s) altogether. Pills have their uses, sure—but they are not something to be dependent on. People will promote "in moderation" with food, but i've never once heard or seen someone promote "in moderation" with medicine.




Do i need a disclaimer? Is this for educational purposes only? Is it not intended to be a replacement for whatever it is you're taking? I will say this, though: You may not be able to take yourself off of every pill, but human civilization didn't make it this far with pills. If you're going to try to get yourself off of a pill, make sure you have an expert observing, that is, if you're not a lost cause (yet). Otherwise you may feel the effects of a body that has become dependent on pills other than itself, and may actually cause more problems than what you originally had.


And as per rules, this does not represent Xisto, or Xisto, in any way, shape or form. :D

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so very true and some great information. I too have had that same problem but the cause was being on so many antibiodics over the years. they are good for one thing yet hurt you in other ways sad to say.

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For me okay in moderation means that:You know what you are eating and how is it gonna affect your body.You are in control of yourself, you can decide what to eat and how much to eat it.Or that somebody else is watching after you :D

Really useful information topic, truefusion. But I'm afraid you forgot to mention alchohol, that is very bad for your liver too. I remember the case when some "E-coded" stuff was made illegal in Finland because it didn't get out of your body for years. It was some red dye for sweets.After Finalnd joined EU it had to be made legal again, since all EU countries have to have the same food laws or whatever they are...I visited USA once, I went to this little shop to buy something and what I found was very shocking, sweets in there are so damn colourful, lol I think if you'd make a big ball of them it would be like a second sun. :P

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For me okay in moderation means that:
You know what you are eating and how is it gonna affect your body.

You are in control of yourself, you can decide what to eat and how much to eat it.

Or that somebody else is watching after you :D

Really useful information topic, truefusion. But I'm afraid you forgot to mention alchohol, that is very bad for your liver too.

I remember the case when some "E-coded" stuff was made illegal in Finland because it didn't get out of your body for years. It was some red dye for sweets.
After Finalnd joined EU it had to be made legal again, since all EU countries have to have the same food laws or whatever they are...

I visited USA once, I went to this little shop to buy something and what I found was very shocking, sweets in there are so damn colourful, lol I think if you'd make a big ball of them it would be like a second sun. :D

Now I understand a lot for thanks for posting this :P That big post above kind of got boring so I went to look at your comment and understand it now :D

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But I'm afraid you forgot to mention alchohol, that is very bad for your liver too.

I forgot to include many things that should have been included, but since i don't drink any alcoholic beverages, i haven't done much research on it. However, concerning alcohol, the research available today can be quite contradicting, as with other research concerning other things available to us today. If i were to equate anything that's already on the list to alcohol, it would be caffeine, because they do similar things to the body: they dehydrate the body. Alcohol also reduces the B vitamins in your system. Obviously the amount of damage (if it can be called "damage") it causes is based on how much alcohol you drink. When information is contradicting, i normally revert to Scripture if there is any information about it in there; it only condemns heavy drinking for alcohol. If you do research on all the diseases pertaining to the liver and alcohol, you'll find that most if not all the problems is related to heavy drinking. On all the research i've done concerning food, i've found Scripture to be quite accurate.
The liver is pretty much always working; its main purpose can be considered detoxifying the body. What you don't want to do concerning the liver is give it things it was not made to handle. Anyone taking medicine is always passing that medicine through the liver. That is why if a person is going to consider detoxifying their body, they should either reduce or stop taking medicine before they do so, or else the medicine will get in the way. Whether or not medicine is designed to go well with the liver is beyond me, but the chances of someone sponsoring such research i would expect to be very slim. The best way to avoid any damage to the liver is to eat things that promote a better functioning liver and do research on how much what you eat taxes your body.

Now I understand a lot for thanks for posting this :P That big post above kind of got boring so I went to look at your comment and understand it now :D

What do you now understand about what i wrote about?

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Well only if you drink too much it can. A Can or small glass a day shouldn't affect your liver.Just rapid or contact drinking will!!

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Well only if you drink too much it can. A Can or small glass a day shouldn't affect your liver.
Just rapid or contact drinking will!!

I meant from my big, boring post. :D What did you learn that was in baniboy's post that could also be found in my big, boring post?

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Lol your post is over sized though :D I think I am going off now I have $4 to kick some *bottom* on L4D :P

Ash, did you even read through truefusion's entire post?
Off-Topic to Ash: Don't let the Witch kill you Ash. :D And don't try and burn her either. She WILL hunt you down till you kill her.

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Some good info there. You know, there's a lot of toxins out there that the average person can't identify. I mean who would know that saccharin and aspartame (sweet&low and Equal) sugar substitutes are bad for you? In addition, I haven't seen any noticeable side effect from just having one or two...But I will say this: what I feel is TOXIC to me is high amounts of sugar or fat. It wrecks my metabolism and even messes with my serotonin levels, I really do feel mood swings more often when I eat bad. Heh... but I have tons of caffeine. I had 4 shots of espresso today and I'll probably have more. I drink lots of water though.

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