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Whales Being Killed counties still do this.

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Today a couple of us was talking in the shoutouts of whaling and all. that got me looking into what countries still continue to hunt and kill whales.


Honestly I thought that only japan was still doing this. why kill something that there very few left in the world?

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I think existence of whales is vary important for echo system .As i know if we total the mass of every species then krill is on the top. Reduction in the quantity of whales will fill the whole sea with krill and by this way whole echo system will destroy. So for shake of our own life we shud stop killing whale.

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I think existence of whales is vary important for echo system .As i know if we total the mass of every species then krill is on the top. Reduction in the quantity of whales will fill the whole sea with krill and by this way whole echo system will destroy. So for shake of our own life we shud stop killing whale.

I am agree with you. Killing whales results unstable ecosystem in sea affecting whole ecosystem.
I think they get better profits while killing whales. But Have to stop killing whales. Government have to make rules against killing whales. All creatures in this world have right to live in this world. So we have to stop killing whales as well as other creatures.

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Wait a minute!The whales that are being hunted for food are not the whales that are in danger to die to extinction!The countries that are hunting whales are mostly norway and Iceland. They hunt whales for food, it's their tradition, like you like eating a pork - they like whale meat. The same thing with seals, Inuits or whatever they are have all the right to hunt for something they've hunted for several hundred years.The negative thing I see here is that whale meat has lot's of toxins in it since whales live usually a long life, their meat gathers a lot of it (WICH IS HUMANS FAULT, WE ARE THE ONES THAT THROW STUFF IN THE SEA!!!!). Whale meat is very expensive, so it won't be used too much, EVER. The amount of hunted whales a year for market is restricted.Please remember to think from the both sides before you just jump to the section you say " Why anyone would ever kill so wonderful animals?".

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Wait a minute!
The whales that are being hunted for food are not the whales that are in danger to die to extinction!

The countries that are hunting whales are mostly norway and Iceland. They hunt whales for food, it's their tradition, like you like eating a pork - they like whale meat. The same thing with seals, Inuits or whatever they are have all the right to hunt for something they've hunted for several hundred years.
The negative thing I see here is that whale meat has lot's of toxins in it since whales live usually a long life, their meat gathers a lot of it (WICH IS HUMANS FAULT, WE ARE THE ONES THAT THROW STUFF IN THE SEA!!!!). Whale meat is very expensive, so it won't be used too much, EVER. The amount of hunted whales a year for market is restricted.

Please remember to think from the both sides before you just jump to the section you say " Why anyone would ever kill so wonderful animals?".

I think you have missed the point here Bamiboy. yes some are being hunted for food. BUT like from Japan they are hunted for (so called) research. and everyone knows that this isnt research but the using of these mamals for everything from cooking oil to makeup. That is the Point here. Not For Food, But for the use of them.

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Well yes, Japanese hunting ships do hunt, but it is illegal beyond their borders. Many whales don't go into their hunting area, and the ships are usually acting illegaly by going far off to the sea in areas of Indonesia and the Antarctis, even though antarctis isn't owned by anyone. Yes, they should stop hunting but I think that as long as there are whales in those, the hunting won't stop. Very sad thing but it is more the fault of the hunters who hunt illegaly.When I first saw this topic I thought you ment the hunting in atlantic. The same thing with the Indonesian hunters that trap sharks in the Australian area, they hunt them just to cut their tale of and throw the rest in the sea.I think the solution to this problem is to use radar on borders, so they can see when a hunting ship/boat/whatever is going over the border.

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I think existence of whales is vary important for echo system

It is important, but there are 2 sideds to every coin.
Stop for a moment, and consider, what besides man can prey on Whales? They basicly have no natural enemies. So, if the whale populations were left unchecked, and whales were teaming in the oceans, other species that also compete with them for the same foodstuffs would suffer and possibly become extinct. Nature is a complex system of checks and balances. No one species can allow it's population to run unchecked without disasterous results for that species. Overpopulation will cause starvation and disease to cull the population, causing more suffering to the entire population, where as hunting individual of the species to cull leaves the healthy population to thrive and reproduce in a natural manner.

they are hunted for (so called) research. and everyone knows that this isnt research but the using of these mamals for everything from cooking oil to makeup. That is the Point here. Not For Food, But for the use of them.

Even if they are not directily eatten as food, that really doesn't matter. The fact that they are used, completely and entirely, is the important part. As long as the animal is used, and not just killed as one poster mentioned, for just the tail or some other single body part, (like elephants being killed strictly for their ivory) this should not be a problem.

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Well yes, Japanese hunting ships do hunt, but it is illegal beyond their borders. Many whales don't go into their hunting area, and the ships are usually acting illegaly by going far off to the sea in areas of Indonesia and the Antarctis, even though antarctis isn't owned by anyone.
Yes, they should stop hunting but I think that as long as there are whales in those, the hunting won't stop. Very sad thing but it is more the fault of the hunters who hunt illegaly.
When I first saw this topic I thought you ment the hunting in atlantic.

The same thing with the Indonesian hunters that trap sharks in the Australian area, they hunt them just to cut their tale of and throw the rest in the sea.

I think the solution to this problem is to use radar on borders, so they can see when a hunting ship/boat/whatever is going over the border.

key words are there ( own warters) thing is the don't. same with a lot of other countries.

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It's horrible that they still kill these whales.Any poaching is completely awfull. Lions,tigers,elephants etc. To think they kill elephants just for the tusksto make aphrodsiacs,Loggerhead turtles for cosmetics.It boggles the mind.

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Actually Norway hasn't hunted whales for hundreds of years they started around 70 years ago and it isn't really part of their diet most of what is hunted is sold illegally to japan. The amount of whales hunted each year is restricted but hunters go over this amount every year. Whales have been hunted so much in the past that they still haven't recovered from what was done to them 30 years ago. Whales don't mature as fast as other animals so they can't reproduce as fast, their numbers are decreaseing fast and they will become extinct if hunting like this carries on. Once they are extinct food chains will become a mess and other animals will suffer, hunting whales effects you. 

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