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Do Not Try This Trick At Home

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This past monday certainly started off good for me, I had been trying for 3 days to get some pups sent off to their new owners and the flight cancelations were driving me crazy, I made 2 trips in our gas hog pick up all the way to the airport for nothing. (not to mention having to get up at 2 am to drive up there, only to be told the flight was cancelled.) Finally got them off monday morning and headed home. We had also been putting off having our Christmas with the grandkids due to weather and everthing else that was going on, so was looking forward to a bit of a relaxing afternoon with the kids. We were giving them a puppy for Christmas, and I just love watching the interactions with kids and puppies. Once we were home I started piddling around the house since we had some time to kill before we headed over there. I had some jalapeno peppers left over in the frig from the garden that I had to sort threw to pick out the best of the ripe ones so I could save the seeds for next year. I knew I should of put rubber gloves on, but I wasn't planing on doing that many and my hands didn't start to burn so I just cut them open and scooped out the seeds onto a saucer to dry. I washed my hands real good when I was done, and I didn't feel anything at all. So I figured I was fine. Getting up at 2 am never sets well with me, so decided to take a short nap before we left to visit the kids. When I got up I headed for the bathroom and started throwing cold water on my face, and then it hit me! It was like someone threw acid on my face, it just set me on fire! It was AWFUL. My eyes were burning and I couldn't even open them. I have never had anything burn that bad. Hubby mixed some baking soda in water and had to put my hands in the bowl as I couldn't see to find it, I kept splashing it in my face, but I had no idea what baking soda would do to my eyes, so I kept them shut. It did sort of put out the fire in my skin, but not by much. I could only open my eyes in water cupped up in my hands. Let me tell you, that is a miserable way to spend an hour or so. I couldn't believe that there was enough of the jalapeno left on the skin of my hands that I couldn't even feel, but yet it set my face on fire like it did. Especially after washing them and then sleeping a few hours. So, if you ever need to process jalapeno's, WEAR RUBBER GLOVES!!!! Even if they are ackward and difficult to work with.

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Definitely, I had a very similar experience to this, but instead of Jalapeno's it was a Naga Jolokia (the hottest chilli/pepper in the world) and I accidentally touched it without even thinking. Sadly, because it is so hot, you actually need gloves to touch it, not from burning your eyes but because it can burn your hands and can induce pain for up to half an hour. Luckily my host told me to wash my hands when she saw me touch it. So I go and wash my hands and go to dinner, unfortunately one thing she forgot to tell me is that it stays on your hands for up to 5 hours after very thorough washing. I pushed my hair to the side of my face, and my skin started to burn really badly, and I started watering at the eyes. The funny thing is, the host thought the meal was so bad it had made me cry.

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I'm pretty happy that someone experienced this before me, and I will definitely keep that advice in mind.Luckily, I don't really prepare foods and so I have never experienced that before.Is it worse than onions?

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been there done that, and even with rubber gloves. it still gets onto your hands. wash real good with soap and milk. yes milk. helps to remove the oils

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Is it worse than onions?

You can walk away from where you are cutting up the onion and get away from it, or just blink your eyes a few times and it's gone, but this burned 100 times worse and there was no way to stop it.

Now the seeds are dry and I don't even want to touch them to rake them off into an envalope.

I couldn't believe that just water from my hands touching my face did that. I had washed good with antibacterial dish soap, so I didn't think there was anything left, since I didn't feel anything on my hands. Oddly enough late that evening I had to bath a dog, and when I got my hands in the soapy water they started burning finally. And that was quite a few hours after the original incident.

I ain't never handling peppers again without gloves on, no matter how ackward they are!

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Yes.Something like that once happened to me once with Jalepeno peppers.Those things are incredibly strong,both in taste and what they can do to yourskin.I'm surprised the army hasn't used them in weapons. Always wash everything if you're around those things.

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