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Simple Answer Needed [resolved] redirest from trap17.com to .com

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Just got my dot.com up for my site and was wondering. for the few people that I have not been able to get with that come to the site. they would be using the old address. also the adress of the site is on the web as echo_of_thunder.trap17.com and now as http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ anyway to change that or just have to start over?

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I noticed that you are using phpbb. If they have a Mass Email script, send a Note to all the registered members about the Change of Domain name.

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If you want to redirect your echo to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ follow these steps.


1. Login to your CPanel.


2. Then in your CPanel click on Redirects in the Domains tab. There you'll have options to redirect your page. Select the type as permanent(301).


3. And at (www)? select echo_of_thunder.trap17.com

Then at redirects to type in your new domain name...http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Leave the www redirection option default.


4. Then click on Add.


Simple...After this if anybody try to access your Xisto subdomain they will be automatically redirect to your main domain. :lol:

Edited by OpaQue (see edit history)

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I noticed that you are using phpbb. If they have a Mass Email script, send a Note to all the registered members about the Change of Domain name.

No never heard of it.


and ty express both of you are a great help


If you want to redirect your echo to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ follow these steps.


1. Login to your CPanel.


2. Then in your CPanel click on Redirects in the Domains tab. There you'll have options to redirect your page. Select the type as permanent(301)....

just tried it and did not work.

maybe it takes a few mins or its just me because I have been here all evening . I am a old man lol and my eyes are bad lol ty will look more into it tomarrow.

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just tried it and did not work. maybe it takes a few mins or its just me because I have been here all evening . I am a old man lol and my eyes are bad lol ty will look more into it tomarrow.

Are you getting any error when trying to do this? Or what is happening after you redirect as I told? Edited by xpress (see edit history)

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and ty express both of you are a great help

xpress has always been like that. I hope a lot of pple have noticed that and will give him the respect he is due.

...send a Note to all the registered members about the Change of Domain name.

...or put up a big banner on the front page of echoes_of_thunder.trap17.com to tell people about the new address.

Your new name seems easier to type. What where you thinking when you chose such a name the first time?

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Are you getting any error when trying to do this? Or what is happening after you redirect as I told?

No error messages at all. fact it tells me it's done. yet and I tried it a day or so later I still get the apachy page? I did as you said express. and nothing. thanks Will just wait and see I guess.

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No need to wait for that much time, I think.

What is the domain(address) displaying in the browsers address bar? Is that domain(may be your new domain if redirection successful) working normally? If you enter echo in browser and if it redirected to
http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/(you must see this in address bar) then redirection is successful. If not redirection failed.

Without redirection, Are both of your addresses(your subdomain and new domain) working normally without apache page? Please answer the above questions.

Edited by OpaQue (see edit history)

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okay here is all is in a nutshell

echo-of-thunder.trap17.com comes up as the apache page comes up.

as you can see when you go to the link above.

the new domain echoofthunder.com is working perfectly.
Just wish I knew more about all this so I would not have to be bothering you all with all this silly stuff. maybe someone should write me a domain for dumbies lol Only Kidding. There should be something out there to make all this plain and simple for thoughs of us who really dont know what there doing.

Edited by OpaQue (see edit history)

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echo-of-thunder.trap17.com comes up as the apache page comes up.

Then the problem must be with your subdomain name. Is it correct and working? Or had you requested for cancellation or changing of sub domain? Because wrong address always gives the apache page at Xisto. for example try http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or any funny name. This will give you the apache page.

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Then the problem must be with your subdomain name. Is it correct and working? Or had you requested for cancellation or changing of sub domain? Because wrong address always gives the apache page at Xisto. for example try http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or any funny name. This will give you the apache page.

Bingo. I forgot to make Xisto my main account and .com my sub, Oh well whats one more bad link on the www lol thanks for all your help.

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