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Common Home Remedies that may do more hurt than cure...

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These days, more of us are turning to home remedies because they are conveniently available (on the net, your friend, your mum...), are said to be tried and tested, and let's face it, rising costs of everything, including consultation fees, are not helping at all. However, while some home remedies appear to work, some have no scientific basis and may cause harm that you are unaware of until the problem gets significant enough to be noticed.


Treating burns with butter


Butter may actually cause infections for deep burns. This is because the skin's protective function has been damaged during the burn. Butter itself is not a sterile item, so when placed on a wound without protection, it could introduce bacteria which causes the infection.


An alternative and safer home remedy is to use cold water on mild burns to reduce the injury. Do not use ice as it will constrict your blood circulation. If there is a blister, prick it gently so that the fluid can be removed while leaving the skin intact. You can use a wet compress to remove excess fluids later. If the burn is serious, go to your doctor.



Removing eye styes by piercing them with a needle


Styes on the eyelids are extremely near your eyeballs. If you use a sharp needle so near your eye, you may accidentally hurt your eyeball.


The safer home remedy is to soak a clean towel in boiled water, then use it to compress the stye. Doing this helps to improve the blood circulation, consequently softening the stye. After that, you can apply antiseptic eye cream on the stye. You can get it at any pharmacy.




Treating acne by applying toothpaste on it


Actually, toothpaste could cause your acne to worsen by causing irritation or burns on the surrounding area. Some toothpaste contains high amounts of hydrogen peroxide. Too much hydrogen peroxide can burn your skin.


A safe, alternate medication for your acne is diluted vinegar or diluted salt water. Applying these to your problem areas help reduce the swelling of acne.



Removing fish bone stuck in throat using fingers


You may end up pushing the fish bone further down the throat with your fingers. Your fingernails may even pierce the tissue lining of your throat.


Instead, go to the nearest doctor immediately. This is a severe problem which can be really dangerous if you try to solve it yourself because there are many important and delicate organs below your esophagus. Usually, the person won't choke to death immediately as long as he doesn't try to swallow it or move too vigorously in attempts to dislodge the bone.



Removing finger warts by cutting them off


Most people are not professionals at cutting finger warts and may end up leaving deep cuts that cause damage to the skin. Also, using dirty or contaminated instruments to cut the warts may cause an infection.


Instead, use a pumice stone to file it away. You should be able to purchase it from your pharmacy. If you want quick results, you should have a doctor remove it surgically.



Removing ear wax through ear candling


Our ears are actually self-cleansing. By inserting foreign objects such as buds or ear candle cones into the ear, you may end up with complications such as ear infections and compressed ear wax, which could lead to clocked ears.


Instead, use ear drops, which can be found at pharmacies, which softens ear wax and allows it to flow out naturally.




Before you subscribe to a home remedy, do research, try to find some scientific basis in it, and above all, trust your common sense.

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I'm wondering why you would even consider using your hand to get a stuck fish bone, that's just a horrid idea .-. Also, is a stye just an inflamed eye lid? Just wondering.


Anyway, good tips you have there, I'll consider the acne one if I ever happen to get any :)

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These days, more of us are turning to home remedies because they are conveniently available (on the net, your friend, your mum...), are said to be tried and tested, and let's face it, rising costs of everything, including consultation fees, are not helping at all. However, while some home remedies appear to work, some have no scientific basis and may cause harm that you are unaware of until the problem gets significant enough to be noticed.


Treating burns with butter


Butter may actually cause infections for deep burns. This is because the skin's protective function has been damaged during the burn. Butter itself is not a sterile item, so when placed on a wound without protection, it could introduce bacteria which causes the infection.


An alternative and safer home remedy is to use cold water on mild burns to reduce the injury. Do not use ice as it will constrict your blood circulation. If there is a blister, prick it gently so that the fluid can be removed while leaving the skin intact. You can use a wet compress to remove excess fluids later. If the burn is serious, go to your doctor.

Removing eye styes by piercing them with a needle


Styes on the eyelids are extremely near your eyeballs. If you use a sharp needle so near your eye, you may accidentally hurt your eyeball.


The safer home remedy is to soak a clean towel in boiled water, then use it to compress the stye. Doing this helps to improve the blood circulation, consequently softening the stye. After that, you can apply antiseptic eye cream on the stye. You can get it at any pharmacy.

Treating acne by applying toothpaste on it


Actually, toothpaste could cause your acne to worsen by causing irritation or burns on the surrounding area. Some toothpaste contains high amounts of hydrogen peroxide. Too much hydrogen peroxide can burn your skin.


A safe, alternate medication for your acne is diluted vinegar or diluted salt water. Applying these to your problem areas help reduce the swelling of acne.

Removing fish bone stuck in throat using fingers


You may end up pushing the fish bone further down the throat with your fingers. Your fingernails may even pierce the tissue lining of your throat.


Instead, go to the nearest doctor immediately. This is a severe problem which can be really dangerous if you try to solve it yourself because there are many important and delicate organs below your esophagus. Usually, the person won't choke to death immediately as long as he doesn't try to swallow it or move too vigorously in attempts to dislodge the bone.

Removing finger warts by cutting them off


Most people are not professionals at cutting finger warts and may end up leaving deep cuts that cause damage to the skin. Also, using dirty or contaminated instruments to cut the warts may cause an infection.


Instead, use a pumice stone to file it away. You should be able to purchase it from your pharmacy. If you want quick results, you should have a doctor remove it surgically.

Removing ear wax through ear candling


Our ears are actually self-cleansing. By inserting foreign objects such as buds or ear candle cones into the ear, you may end up with complications such as ear infections and compressed ear wax, which could lead to clocked ears.


Instead, use ear drops, which can be found at pharmacies, which softens ear wax and allows it to flow out naturally.

Before you subscribe to a home remedy, do research, try to find some scientific basis in it, and above all, trust your common sense.


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Home remedies work pretty good if you get the right ones! Butter on burns is not the best choise anyway. Aloe vera is a far better option. You can use the juice squezed right out of a plant, or keep some of the pure gell handy for those ocassions. (it also works good on sunburn.) Another Aloe vera trick I learned is if you have a really stuffed up and the inside of your nose is all dryed out you can soak some cotton balls in Aloe vera and pack them up in your nose for 5 or 10 minutes and it will really loosen up the congestion. Also, eye infections respond well to drops of Aloe vera. (be sure to use pure aloe juice with no additives for eyes) Aloe vera is something every household shold have on hand.I would think common sense would keep a person from poking around by their eyeballs with a needle, and the same can be said for cutting off warts. Warts, like plants, grow from the roots, which are way down under your skin. Cutting off the top is no more helpfull than cutting your grass in the summer, it will just grow back. There are over the counter products for wart removal. Now, it has frequently been said that I have a big mouth, but even I can't get my hand down my mouth to retrieve a fish bone. I always heard you were supposed to eat white bread to gently push it down without causing any damage. As for cleaning ears, I have used a Q tip to dig around in my ears forever. Always heard about the dangers of compacting the ear wax, but it has never happend to me, so I'm not even going to worry about that one. My ears itch if they get anything in them and it drives me crazy if I don't swab them out.

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these are all good but I do have to say that there some risks in doing the home treatments.Like the old one of a tea spoon of surgar if you have the hiccups? that can be bad if your a diabedic.I feel and it's only me. In a lot of cases, it is always best to talk with your doctor or someone who know's the facts before you try any of these.

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Well, this is where one must let common sense prevail. Anyone who is diabetic should know better than to take a spoonfull of sugar. If you have a disease like diabetes, you should make it a point to learn all about it that there is to learn. There are lots of home remedies for hick ups. Holding one's breath, a big drink of water, all work too. I just don't see the need to run to the doctor for little piddly things.

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I've never heard of the butter on burns one. Doesn't sound like a very good idea. I've heard of the toothpaste on acne one, some of my friends swear by it but I can see how it could irritate your skin. I agree with sheepdog, aloe vera is great for sunburns, it works wonders. Personally since my parents are doctors they don't usually go with the 'home remedy' options so I've actually never tried most of them. Interesting list anyway. Thanks!

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I wouldn't trust any home remedy unless I heard it firstfrom a doctor.A real one.

LOL, well, that sort of shoots out the need for home remedies if you go to the doctor to get them! Home remedies are what you do to avoid going to the doctor. And you can bet a doctor is not going to tell you any home remedies, after all, he makes his living by treating ailment, he certainly isn't going to give you a way to treat yourself for free and not have to pay for his advice!

I think some people go to the doctor far too much.

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Dear friend what ?I think personally is home remedies are to be used only for first aid purpose only apart from that I don't think it should be used. I mean to say in critical conditions you should really consider a doctor or expert medical practitioner otherwise as they say you will harm yourself instead of curing your problem.?

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I do believe in some home remedies or natural remedies, they work good if you use the correct one and not some weird one that sound more like a urban legend than a remedy. For me for example I always use chamomile for stomach ache and it works perfect, or if your have a a sore throat you can drink honey with lemon and it soothes the throat, or Eucalyptus with honey is good for the throat as well. And the natural remedies are much better for your body, I truly prefer those.

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I do believe in some home remedies or natural remedies, they work good if you use the correct one and not some weird one that sound more like a urban legend than a remedy. For me for example I always use chamomile for stomach ache and it works perfect, or if your have a a sore throat you can drink honey with lemon and it soothes the throat, or Eucalyptus with honey is good for the throat as well. And the natural remedies are much better for your body, I truly prefer those.

true like for a small minor burn. Aloe vara works wonders on small burns like a sunburn or a small kitchen burn. Also using Oat meal on a rash such as poison ivy also works. Great too if you have chicken pox :P

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true like for a small minor burn. Aloe vara works wonders on small burns like a sunburn or a small kitchen burn. Also using Oat meal on a rash such as poison ivy also works. Great too if you have chicken pox :P

Now that is once I've not heard... Using oatmeal for a rash? Now I've used Aloe Vera for home remidies in the past. My grandmother had a plant in her window. Not sure what happened to it after she died. But I've been looking to get one myself. So useful that stuff, and cheap if you grow your own. Yep just what I need. lol

But yeah, for anything more then minor cuts, burns, and the occasional rash. I would see a doctor before trying any home remedies.

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Aloe Plant Facial StainCommon Home Remedies

I applied aloe vera plant gel on my son's face where he had licked it raw (suggested by the dentist) and although I know that it will stain I also know that it washes off.  Well in addition to the aloe I put aquaphor gel on top of the aloe to help soothe the chap skin.  This morning he woke up with the purple stain (which I expected) and I told him just to go wash his face with soap and water...Well he still has a purple stain.  I can't get it to wash off and I'm looking for any suggestions!  Please HELP! 

-question by Mindi


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