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A Lot Of Spam Suddenly!

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There seems to be lots of spam on Xisto forums these few days! Link-filled posts made by 'members' with only one post count! I've clicked the 'report' button quite a few times in the past week :lol: Not that it bothers me at all, but I thought the admins might want to look into this. And I'm really curious and surprised by all that spam too. I've been on Xisto for many months and I hardly saw any spam except recently.

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Yes. Suddenly spam increased. I am also reporting spam. Even some of the links leading to websites with viruses. These websites might harm people with less protection. I don't know why spam increased suddenly. i am reporting at least one post daily.

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Well that is you can really do is just report the spam, because the programmers of the spam bots are figuring out how to bypass the captcha and the email verification that gets sent. So not much admins can do expect to patch the forums, ban the IP and what not of which are both complicaed especially the patching of the forums since there is a lot going on with the credit system. Of course, don't forget to give the person a spam rank before you report the post :lol:.

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yes I have seen a lot of this too here, and also on other sites in the last few days. one site and will not give the name here for reasons I will not go into has a forum. in the last week they have had over 200 join with fake names or e mails. True a lot here do post for credits. I am guilty of it myself. But I do try and make good and clean types of postings

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Of course, don't forget to give the person a spam rank before you report the post laugh.gif.

Actually, yes, the marking of the Posting with a Spam tag will assist Admins from identifying Spam sources, so please do that.
The Spam tags can be found by clicking on the 'garbage can' image at the bottom-right of the posting.

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Yes, we (as collective members of Xisto) try our best to fight spams and spammers.And such is the price for having a good forum that it attracts spammers trying to squeeze in on the action. Keep doing what you guys do best! And let's keep those spammers away from our forum :lol:

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Of course, don't forget to give the person a spam rank before you report the post :lol:.

eep I didn't realize there's such a thing as a spam rank. I'll look out for it and do that next time I catch another idiot.

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