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Honda Creates A Human Like Robot What do you think of the Honda Asimo

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I saw a lot of videos and articals on that. I wonder how useful they could really be, and how much more lazy they can make people. Or when they'll be avalible at an affordable price.

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Seeing as they have been developing this for years, I don't think it is really going that well. From what I have read, they are pretty much no farther now than they were in the beginning. This is more for media attention than practical use. All companies have that. Microsoft has the Surface and Honda has the Asimo. They can be purchased, but they are ludicrously expensive.

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Man, I read about this and saw videos of it a long time ago as well. I forgot all about it though.This is scarily neat though. I say scary because we are getting to the age where robots are going to be doing a lot of work that people used to.Yet we complain about the lack of jobs because of "illegal immigrants" coming into the USA? Seriously? And they are trying to get robots that can do the job instead? It just doesn't make sense.My fear is that robots will end up so advanced, and so used, that people will start using them as murder devices and stuff. Think about it - send out a robot to kill someone. Now you can be out in the ocean 50 thousand miles away while it's happening, completely safe.I know that it's a pretty "out-there" view as to what may end up happening because of it, but at the same time, I guarantee that if it can be thought of, someone has done, is doing, or will do it.

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Ha, man, they basically already send robots to kill. At least they are still partially human controlled. That is scary still. But when we have robots that will choose who to kill automatically, that will scare me. I can't trust that judgment.

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Well the only people who have the killer robots are like the government and other high-dollar agencies like that.I'm talking about in the future when everyone has robots in their home. When you can get a $20 robot that washes your car, takes your dog for a walk when it has to go, cleans your room, and everything else you want, :P.It's amazing how affordable these things are already getting. The iRoomba was like $2500 a year or two ago, and it's already down to the $200 mark.I will definitely be getting one of these ASIMO's when it is actually affordable, which won't be much longer than a couple years after it comes out!

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That's all over the net and TV honestly. As much PR as Asimo is getting, you would think that the network tv would say wow that would be a good show. All jokes aside though. I feel sure in time that they will work out all the kinks and bugs out of Asimo. in time it will be like that robo dog, you will see it all over the TV and news paper ad's. But can she make a good cup of coffee is all I wanna know? :P

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Lol, Echo...Watch the ASIMO turn into a "Little Brother, Little Sister" toy or something.I could market that so easily...."Ever wanted a little brother or little sister but your parents say no? Well no more waiting on the stork to drop one off, boys and girls, ask Santa Claus for a new AsiBro for Christmas!"

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Honda has Created a Human Like Robot called the Asimo.
Check it out:


There are also video's of it all over You Tube, even one of it taking a fall down some stairs.

What do you think?

Dear friend its good. The main thing to be concentrated is the afordability. Unless and until it becomes affordable to a middle class person I don't think it will be of a big use. What do think over it. By the thing is good that they have made a good start and it will be in the market soon. Obviously more companies if can come with products similar to asimo then only the competition will increase and will result in a benefit for the customer. 

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That is really nice. Companies are getting better in making synthetic intelligence. It's a big step for human kind.Although the best "intelligence" made by human nowadays can't even reach the class of a mosquito, this really is a big step. I've seen all these movies where robots decide to take over and they destroy human kind like in terminator, matrix and I, Robot. But still I can't imagine how robots could really take over. For example let's think of a future robot which is asked to fill the glass with water. It'll do the things that are programmed in it's artificial "brains":Open the faucet.move the glass under the water.wait untill the glass is fullwhen it's full, put the glass back on the table.Alright, now it can't do this:Open the faucet.move the glass under the water.wait untill the glass is fullwhen it's full, put the glass back on the table.SLAP THE HUMAN'S FACE...UNLESS IT'S PROGRAMMED TO DO SO?

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That is really nice. Companies are getting better in making synthetic intelligence. It's a big step for human kind.Although the best "intelligence" made by human nowadays can't even reach the class of a mosquito, this really is a big step.

I've seen all these movies where robots decide to take over and they destroy human kind like in terminator, matrix and I, Robot.
But still I can't imagine how robots could really take over.

For example let's think of a future robot which is asked to fill the glass with water.

It'll do the things that are programmed in it's artificial "brains":

Open the faucet.
move the glass under the water.
wait untill the glass is full
when it's full, put the glass back on the table.

Alright, now it can't do this:

Open the faucet.
move the glass under the water.
wait untill the glass is full
when it's full, put the glass back on the table.


But it can do so if it's programmed to act accordingly to what the robot "thinks" is appropriate at that time. However, I don't think I'll be seeing robots that advanced in my lifetime... And I'm still young :P

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That is really nice. Companies are getting better in making synthetic intelligence. It's a big step for human kind.Although the best "intelligence" made by human nowadays can't even reach the class of a mosquito, this really is a big step.

I've seen all these movies where robots decide to take over and they destroy human kind like in terminator, matrix and I, Robot.
But still I can't imagine how robots could really take over.

For example let's think of a future robot which is asked to fill the glass with water.

It'll do the things that are programmed in it's artificial "brains":

Open the faucet.
move the glass under the water.
wait untill the glass is full
when it's full, put the glass back on the table.

Alright, now it can't do this:

Open the faucet.
move the glass under the water.
wait untill the glass is full
when it's full, put the glass back on the table.


Well we learn from our brain taking in new information. And they are working in getting real brains in robots as well, because not only would they make better learning tools, they can hold much more information than something like a hard drive.

As for your question....AI can go pretty far. About the slapping thing, it is possible. Think about it like this:

You program something with these settings : Sit, Stand, move hand left, move hand right, blink, extend leg.

Now you tell it to do random functions. At some point it's bound to move the hand left, then right. Solely by randomized functions it has now essentially "hit" someone.

But with robots that can read our brain...Yes, I fully agree that it would go even farther than my little example.

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