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Kagome Higurashi

How To Get Skin Like A Japanese Girl. How to get rid of acne fast and natural :wub:

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You can get skin smooth as... as... well, I don't know how smooth but it'll make your skin nice and acne-free! :D


[hr=noshade] [/hr]

OK! So I bet YOU are wondering how all Japanese girls never in their whole life get a pimple. Well, it is not really their genetics that much. Its.... (Drumroll) Camellia Oil! No, not Cammomile! Camellia. Most people have not heard of it. It is a secret passed down generation to generation by Japanese Women. I should know. I'm a Japanese Girl. My name is Kagome Higurashi. And This is how to get Beautiful Skin!!! :D:D;) I'll tell U in my next post!!! :D


[hr=noshade] [/hr]

OK! you can go to a place like Amazon.com or Ebay to get Camellia Oil. it's a little expensive. You HAVE to get the PURE !!!AND I MEAN IT!!! pure. none of the other stuff works like the pure stuff. if you get the pure, you could have all your acne gone in a week or less. But if you buy even the slightest impure, it may take up to a month to get rid of acne. It works good to get rid of and prevent acne. I'm not spamming, but Im just telling you. Japanese families put Camellia Oil on a toddler's or Baby's face and they do that until they are 5 and they have like a sheild against acne. Camellia Oil can be used on people who already have acne too. Here's what you do.You splash your face with Hot or Warm Water. Do not use a washcloth. Just splash your face. the, wash Your face with a drop of Camellia oil about the size of a dime. Let it soak in for about 1 minute and a half. Then wash with cold water. Emphasis on Cold. Hot water opens your pores. So, It makes it easier for the oil to soak in. Cold water closes you pores and traps the oil in your pores. Or something like that. My mom did this to me until I was 5 and I Havent had a pimple ever! ;) You can do the same thing without camellia oil,too! You can Do the steps above but with something like Coco Shea moisturizer. Or soap. ( Remember to wash your face to get dirt off before you put on Camellia Oil or Mosturizer.) Sorry It was so long! I wanted to get all the details in. You can trust me! This works! ( I'm from Japan But Moved to America 2 months Ago ) Hope your skin gets Clear!!! ;););););););)


[hr=noshade] [/hr]

Oh! By the way, if you want any more info, just come to the bottom of this page and click on Add reply or some thing and ask a question. Most of you already knew that.... But for anybody new, I thought I'd put it here. Well BYE!!! ;)


[hr=noshade] [/hr]

Ok, I just want to let you know there are 4 ways of Japanese skin treatment I revealed the first one just now. I'll reveal the 2nd way to have Perfect skin. I won't do it now, but I will in an hour or tommorow, so just wait! ;)


Ok! Sorry, but today I am still getting information put together for the next way to get pretty skin. I know I said that I would have it, but... ;) I'm sorry. i'm only half-done with it, so you have to wait until tommorow. Or maybe even two days... ;) Sorry! I'm new at this... So I'll try my Best to get the info in tomorrow! ;) BYE for now! :) Okay! Here is the second way to get clear skin! This is a little bit of a bad way to get clear skin if you really like hamburgers and fries a lot. Okay here it is Method #1

Throughout the centuries, the Japanese have managed to develop highly effective skin care methods that deliver great results. The Japanese, as with the Oriental cultures in general, take a holistic approach to health and medicine. And of course, the Japanese skin care methods are no exception.


Holistic approaches to basic health matters have proven themselves to be very effective. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The Japanese skin care methods are about the prevention of the ravages of aging, and not about attempting to cure a chronic age-related skin condition that has taken hold in the first place.


One of the most common Japanese skin care methods is known as the Okinawan diet. In addition to conferring longevity and greatly reducing the risks of cancer and heart disease, when compared with the usual Western nations, the Okinawan diet is known for giving the Japanese who follow it shiny, smooth, youthful skin well into their advanced years.


In the Okinawan diet, vegetables and seafood are the heart of everyday diet. Sweet potatoes, green peppers, and bean sprouts are among the most highly touted vegetables as they provide large amounts of the antioxidants vitamins C, E, A, and zinc. The natural process of oxidation which takes place within the human body every time we eat and digest food causes the production of "free radicals". These “free radicals” advance the aging of the body if left to flow freely, and that includes the aging of the skin (which most people forget is the body's largest organ). Foods that are antioxidants, therefore, slow down the aging process of the body and the skin.


Next, the fish in the Okinawan diet contains Omega 3 fatty acids. These are the "good" cholesterol that the body needs. Omega 3 fatty acids not only fight the aging process, they are also known to prevent wrinkles by keeping the skin moist with healthy oils. The number one cause of aging skin is the increased lack of moisture. So, this skin care method is able to help keep your skin looking young and smooth. As such, many Western health practitioners advise people to replace at least 25% of their current amount of red meat consumption with seafood.


The skin is also kept youthful with calcium. To this end, the Japanese Okinawan diet focuses on consuming tofu, soymilk, tempeh, and yogurt. Animal milk is not consumed,except when in yougurt,because it causes lactic acid buildup in the muscles and can cause digestive problems and mucous.


Another important part of the Japanese diet that contributes to skin health is tea. The green and oolong teas that are favored are rich in the above-mentioned antioxidants.


However, the Japanese skin care methods also include special knowledge of skin cleansers called exfoliants. Exfoliants are used to gently remove the outer layer of skin, where there are many dead skin cells and dirt from wind and weather that can clog up the pores and make the skin look aged. In the West, one of the best exfoliants is apricot scrub. In Japan, after the skin is exfoliated, the new, youthful skin gets treated with moisturizers and pore-tightening botanical oils.


Adzuki beans, rice bran, clays that are rich in minerals, powdered sea vegetables, and powdered herbs such as ginseng are used as exfoliants (the herbs and vegetables also act as toxin expectorants). Jojoba oil, Camellia oil, Aloe Vera, apple cider vinegar, and herbal teas are used to moisturize and oil the skin.


Using these secrets of Japanese skin care methods, one can look 10, 20, even 30 years younger; enjoy greater overall health; and live longer and with more vitality than they may have thought possible. Other than these 3 reasons, one will be able to benefit a lot more from using these Japanese skin care secrets.


Full credit is given to Isnare.com where I found the article.

Ok! That's all for today! Hope you liked it! Ok. Today, I don't have it quite yet. I'm still working on it. I'm sorry! I'll have it posted here in about 2 days. I don't think i'm gonna finish it tomorrow, so... well, Be patient and i'll have it here! ;) ;)


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When copying from other sources you MUST put the information in
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Edited by Kubi (see edit history)

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Sorry if there is something I am missing, but "you" say that you eat a lot of yoghurt and do not consume any animal milk. If I am not mistaken yoghurt is made of milk, I have no idea if it is different from country to country but we make it mostly of cow milk. "You" also say that calcium is important, and that is something we in Scandinavia do believe. It strengthens your bones and a lot of other things I will not bother to explain... but here we get the calcium mostly from milk. I drink a lot of milk - it has always been considered good and healthy here. (Even though later studies has gotten different results, so knowing what is healthy is very hard.) I am only 15, so I should not worry about ageing. But I know that blueberries contains a lot of antioxidants, and it seems like you are saying it is healthy so I am happy with that part. :) The only thing I have used Jojoba oil on is my hair, so I never tried it on my skin. Many things "you" are talking about is very hard to get here, and some things are just hard to do. I have learned that tea is not good for your teeth, and I do not think it is any different with green tea. I only find tea good when I put a lot of sugar in it, and I... well, I do not think that is very healthy. :D Thank you for sharing this, but at the same time I gotta say that because you did not write big parts of this yourself you quote it.

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Sorry if there is something I am missing, but "you" say that you eat a lot of yoghurt and do not consume any animal milk. If I am not mistaken yoghurt is made of milk, I have no idea if it is different from country to country but we make it mostly of cow milk. "You" also say that calcium is important, and that is something we in Scandinavia do believe. It strengthens your bones and a lot of other things I will not bother to explain... but here we get the calcium mostly from milk. I drink a lot of milk - it has always been considered good and healthy here. (Even though later studies has gotten different results, so knowing what is healthy is very hard.)
I am only 15, so I should not worry about ageing. But I know that blueberries contains a lot of antioxidants, and it seems like you are saying it is healthy so I am happy with that part. :) The only thing I have used Jojoba oil on is my hair, so I never tried it on my skin. Many things "you" are talking about is very hard to get here, and some things are just hard to do.

I have learned that tea is not good for your teeth, and I do not think it is any different with green tea. I only find tea good when I put a lot of sugar in it, and I... well, I do not think that is very healthy. :D

Thank you for sharing this, but at the same time I gotta say that because you did not write big parts of this yourself you quote it.

:D Yeah, I just got this off another website so I had thought that it might be good for anybody who had acne or rough skin. I did mainly quote the artile, but two thirds of it was mine. So, I'm glad you half-way liked it anyway. ^.^ P.S:It says "Animal milk is Not consumed,EXCEPT when in yogurt," You might have sped-read through it accidentally. :D
Edited by Kagome Higurashi (see edit history)

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Several reasons why Japanese gals have smooth skin (well....majority of them):1. Their parents had them when they were young (good genes)2. They do not live in summer all year round and humidity is not a problem there3. They usually don't suntan and they slather generous amounts of sunblock whenever at beach4. They eat a lot of raw UNCOOKED expertly-slaughtered seafood like organic salmons - source of Omega 3 oils5. They visit natural spas in mountains etc6. They use anti-UVA/UVB (sun ray) skincare products7. They go to bed early8. They feel loved! :)P.S. Camellia oil - how is it written in Japanese?

Edited by wordpress_lover (see edit history)

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:) Yeah, I just got this off another website so I had thought that it might be good for anybody who had acne or rough skin. I did mainly quote the artile, but two thirds of it was mine. So, I'm glad you half-way liked it anyway. ^.^ P.S:It says "Animal milk is Not consumed,EXCEPT when in yogurt," You might have sped-read through it accidentally. :D

I did understand it, so I did not speed-read through it. Yoghurt contains a lot of MILK, that was my point. I can not get away from milk, it is such a big part of peoples life here - and it has always been a part of me and what I eat so it can be kind of hard to change that. I'll rather not. I like milk. Milk is tastes good. Milk is good for your body, your skeleton teeth etc...

Some of the things "they eat" can be really hard to get my hands on here, and sometimes it is just way to expensive, yeah but... we will see.

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I did understand it, so I did not speed-read through it. Yoghurt contains a lot of MILK, that was my point. I can not get away from milk, it is such a big part of peoples life here - and it has always been a part of me and what I eat so it can be kind of hard to change that. I'll rather not. I like milk. Milk is tastes good. Milk is good for your body, your skeleton teeth etc...


Some of the things "they eat" can be really hard to get my hands on here, and sometimes it is just way to expensive, yeah but... we will see.


Cows' milk is HEALTHY.....until men used technology

to manipulate its natural goodness. When cows are

forced-fed CORN instead of their natural diet of grass,

they fall sick and are treated with steroids!


"No other animals (besides calves) drink cows' milk."


How healthy can cows' milk be?


Beware of what you put in your body. Governments profit on people's

diseases and illnesses. We eat unhealthily without knowing and at the

expense of being given the wrong info!


The real reason you want to drink fresh, non-pasteurized milk is to

begin correcting five generations of degeneration.


Pasteurization, 145 degrees for 30 minutes neutralizes the carrier

(digestive) enzymes that help you digest the food product. Thus the

pancreas has to do all the work getting the remaining nutrients digested

(when you drink pasteurized milk).


The second generation (1937) of God's little helpers invented homogenization,

a process that bonds the cream and whey. The cosmetic appearance of cream

floating to the top in the milk bottle just didn't look right.


The end result of homogenization is a scarring of the blood vessels followed by

increased cholesterol patches, followed by clogged arteries.


Fifth generation food manufacturers, the world's biggest form of industrialization,

has come up with ultra-pasteurization. This method heats the milk to 280 degrees,

rendering it completely indigestible. And for this convenience you get to pay over

$12 a gallon for pasteurized milk!



Source from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


Isn't raw milk dangerous?? No! Carefully handled raw milk is a living food, with all the good germ fighting bacteria intact. Pasteurized anything, kills all the digestive enzymes, flattens the taste and degrades the vitamins and minerals.


Texas law says farmers must sell their fresh milk only on their farms.


The dairy inspector , Vince Giordano, comes once a month to take samples to Austin to maintain Grade 'A' Raw status. The Texas Department of Health lab tests for pathogens, bacteria, coloform and somatic cell count. All raw cow and goat dairies must score lower in all four categories than pasteurized store bought milk. Additionally once a year all livestock is tested for Brucellosis and Tuberculosis.


We have gone from 2000 calories a day in 1905 to at least 3500 in 2005. We are eating more, enjoying it more and it shows in obesity and the increase in degenerative diseases.




Articles about Misconceptions of cows' milk, etc


ALLERGIES caused by milk



Don't drink milk --> http://www.all-creatures.org/health/dontdrink.html


Ingestion Of Cow's Milk In Early Infancy May Lead To Diabetes



The misunderstood Raw milk - For an in depth review of raw milk and its importance.

This is one site why raw milk is becoming an alternative.



Got raw milk? BE VERY QUIET!



Nutritional values of milk from different animals:


There are also articles at MSN.com in relations to diseases because of cows' milk.


Notice from Kubi:
All copied from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Second warning issued.

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I've searched for the oil on ebay, there isn't so much of them on there, but they only say it'll stop ur skin from age - ing so does it make ur skin smoother? im 19 so im not sure if it'll still work. My skin is sometimes dry from coming out of the shower cause i leave the heater on . usually around the nose area and near the chin. will this help? It shows alot especially when wearing foundation. it looks all flaky

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I've searched for the oil on ebay, there isn't so much of them on there, but they only say it'll stop ur skin from age - ing so does it make ur skin smoother? im 19 so im not sure if it'll still work. My skin is sometimes dry from coming out of the shower cause i leave the heater on . usually around the nose area and near the chin. will this help? It shows alot especially when wearing foundation. it looks all flaky

Is it only sold on japan? What does it make from?
If we know maybe we can create the same.

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i live in japan qhere can i get it

How To Get Skin Like A Japanese Girl.


Hey! I'm very interestin about camellia ...I live in japan almost 1 year and I didnt know about it. Could tell if I colud found here and what is the japanese name or is just camellia...Can you tell me ...Well thanks 4 your help ...Alexis


-reply by alexis

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How To Get Skin Like A Japanese Girl.


Does Camellia Oil also remove scars, blemished, and even skin tone?


-reply by Anoty

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This website sells this oil thing and I'm willing to show it to my mother, so that she can buy it for me and herself as well. You just have to be able to buy it online. >.<Victani.ComI hope this works.-reply by Jamie

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how to get hair like a japanese girl??

How To Get Skin Like A Japanese Girl.


Well I'm thinking hair and skin are both to do with the omega 3 in the eating diets of the japanese, but are there any other ways coz I'm not too keen on raw fishies :( thanks :D


-reply by shafiabegum

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Silkia Camellia oilHow To Get Skin Like A Japanese Girl.

 Is Silkia Camellia Oil pure camellia oil? Does it work? Thanks^^

-question by Bonnie


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