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Beliefs Vs Science Rapid growth of science killing Beliefs.

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Science is growing and its growing fast. Just think about the growth of science for the last 60 to 80 years. Most of the things now we are using daily is not imaginable before 70 years ago. So think about the world after 80 or hundred years.There may be many impossible things (now on real world) exists on the world. Most of them not get afraid of any thing because of their power (with the help of science).The problem with this is that science and beliefs are running in parallel lines. Neither of them matches with each other on their concepts and policy, But most of us believed on a super power or our creator. The main reason for that is because science still need to answer many questions. But most of the spiritual religion gives you a complete picture of your life and the need for living.Religion and beliefs are the main controlling body which governs the human behavior. Without that, humans are just becomes fearless creatures like other animal, without thinking any consequences. With the rapid growth of science, It is impossible for our traditional beliefs to match with science if it grows like this. So we need to do some thing to protect our future generations and our world by preserving our Beliefs.Science only meant to destroy life, But our beliefs keep us alive for a long time. Think.. think...

Edited by ivenms (see edit history)

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I disagree, Science is meant to help life, the truth is that they're is less religion now than ever before, its faith vs logic, but i cant put faith in something that isnt logical if that make sense, logic before faith. I think its which is stronger in you. I love science, faith may mean you live longer but so does science but science means everyone lives longer. Look at religion under 50% of the nation of the UK proclaim belief in God, the only reason the univeral religion isnt athiesm is because people just stick "church of england" on the census, the truth is (I believe) that God is a way of getting out of death, but why fear death... if death is the end then theres no need to fear it because its not like your gonna realise it at the end of the day!

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Faith is found in science, and science has been known to increase faith. There's nothing contradictory about the two, especially if the objectives and interpretations are the same. You can't say religion is false just because someone said something while science said something (that appears to be) contradictory to it. Faith will continue on, whether it's in the belief or disbelief of something, and so will the study of things; that is, until the last day, of course. :lol:


... the truth is that they're is less religion now than ever before ...

Look at religion, under 50% of the nation of the UK proclaim belief in God ...

As i thought, you weren't looking at it as a whole. Religion hasn't decreased, especially since you include atheism as being a religion. By your own words, you contradicted yourself. Religion keeps growing. I think this is a case of faith before logic on your side.


By the way, religion and logic go hand in hand. People not making it look that way doesn't mean it doesn't. After all, philosophy is the field of religion.


why fear death

I wouldn't necessarily say that people fear dying as much as they fear how they're going to die. The unknown can be pretty fearful. But one who has many unfinished business would not want to die for the sake of finishing what they would be leaving behind.

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There are no gods. Religion was 'the science' of thousands of years ago. Civilized men adopted rules for their tribes to live by. These rules became the basis of their religions. If no man ever imagined a god, we would still have religions i.e. rules. Creating god to scare people into obedience never worked out too well, but religion also sought to explain the world and, as such, was the science of the day. It was only when Julius Caesar hijacked Christianity and misinterpreted Judaic teachings that men became misled and saw scientific reasoning as a danger to their (Roman) power. The church proclaimed the world to be flat. The Bible doesn't say this. The church declared Earth to be the center of the Universe. The Bible doesn't say that either. The Church of Caesar (Catholic and its spinoffs) made many mistakes for which organized religion continues to suffer. In reality, Judeochristianity is vague on scientific matters. This is a good thing. Some religions stated wild ideas like the earth is held up on the backs of turtles!

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Wow, you guys are very deep with this! To be honest, i am a STRONG believer in Christ! Not just christianity or a certain "denomination," but rather the relationship that i have with "my" God. This may seem kind of off topic, but i just wanted to say that i do believe in science! I believe that god created everything, including things that fall under science. Saying that everything in the universe just "happens" to coexist without any help of it creation would (in my opinion) require more faith to believe than just saying an all powerfull, all knowing, and all present god created it! I mean, god can do anything and the way that science works with god is basically, everything obeys him!What i mean is:1. God created science, physics, mathematics, etc2. All those have to abide by their specific laws, created by GodNow, think about it.... these natural laws are created by god and they have to do what god says.... It's not like they have a brain and can just say no to 2+2=4. If any one of these fell out of place, the universe would collapse!Now can you say that by chance, everything happens to work together? The universe was just created by default on its own? Its kinda weird.-------------------------------------------------------------------------i also wanted to add another thing. SCIENCE IS ALWAYS CHANGING. Do your remember when people thought the earth was flat? Or when we thought that a particle was the smallest piece of matter until we discovered that the atom was?Well, what happens when we have a stronger microscope to figure out that something else makes up an atom? What if there is something smaller? You may say that it isn't, but people said the same thing before we discovered the atom!i'm sure there is proof that an atom is the smallest, but thats besides the point.... what i am trying to say is that, in our present time, we have evidence to prove everything that exists; and only when we find evidence that something greater than that exists, will we believe that that is true!ITs kinda confusing to me too, but just think! In the bible, even jesus recognized slavery. And throughout history, people have had their thoughts of slavery and even americans during the civil war thought slavery was right!It wasn't until we made it a law that people started to understand that it is not right. I am against slavery, but i want to bring you guys to mind that the world changes and with every change, our views also change! Everyone has their own opinions, but it's all how we take those "opinions (or said beliefs)" and live by them!

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i also wanted to add another thing. SCIENCE IS ALWAYS CHANGING. Do your remember when people thought the earth was flat? Or when we thought that a particle was the smallest piece of matter until we discovered that the atom was?
Well, what happens when we have a stronger microscope to figure out that something else makes up an atom? What if there is something smaller? You may say that it isn't, but people said the same thing before we discovered the atom!

i'm sure there is proof that an atom is the smallest, but thats besides the point.... what i am trying to say is that, in our present time, we have evidence to prove everything that exists; and only when we find evidence that something greater than that exists, will we believe that that is true!

ITs kinda confusing to me too, but just think! In the bible, even jesus recognized slavery. And throughout history, people have had their thoughts of slavery and even americans during the civil war thought slavery was right!

It wasn't until we made it a law that people started to understand that it is not right. I am against slavery, but i want to bring you guys to mind that the world changes and with every change, our views also change! Everyone has their own opinions, but it's all how we take those "opinions (or said beliefs)" and live by them!

I really liked the part about slavery you posted. That was a thing most people do not know about, whether it is because they flat out do not want to recognize it, or because they just do not know any better.

My view on science is that the original poster was correct. Science is starting to tell, based on THEORIES, where things come from. It's explaining how to mutate people, mutate diseases, etc. And then it uses that proof to say there is no God.

Although science may prove that things can be CHANGED, it does not even BEGIN to explain HOW we got here in the first place. I strongly feel that as a mutational scientist(whether it's breeding certain animals for added effects - mutating foods to make them grow better - etc.) you really can not be very religious.

They are pretty much the direct opposite in my eyes.

Whereas religion is here to say that "God is the supreme being and we need not to ask questions, as he will answer them for us once we go before him at his throne" science is saying the opposite, which is "God can not possibly exist because where is the proof? We can prove that people grow by doing this, so obviously we can prove that God does not exist"

It actually scares me a lot to see how far science is progressing, as it is completely destroying the belief system that a lot of people have.

I, for one, will always write off what scientists say, and still believe in the supreme being(God.) What bothers me are people like my little brother who come in to school(He's in 5th grade) and tell me that he learned we were made by monkeys mutating. I spent hours talking to him about it and he flat out won't even believe me now because "That's what my teacher said."

If *anything* people need to quit corrupting the young, and allow older people to make the decisions of what they want to believe. But choosing to talk to younger people about these things is by far the worst type of corruption I feel is possible.

I want to apologize if I did stray off topic a little or whatever, I kind of went off on a tangent because this is something that really does bother me, deep down inside. I don't understand how so many people think it's right(Not saying anything about you all - just in general) and it pains me to see it happening.

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rpgsearcherz- your little brother's teacher is wrong. We didn't come from monkeys. We ARE monkeys. Teachers are dumb. They also like to imply that we came from chimpanzees. There were no chimpanzees 6 million years ago! We're human monkeys and the chimps are another group of monkeys.

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rpgsearcherz- your little brother's teacher is wrong. We didn't come from monkeys. We ARE monkeys. Teachers are dumb. They also like to imply that we came from chimpanzees. There were no chimpanzees 6 million years ago! We're human monkeys and the chimps are another group of monkeys.

Wrong and wrong. We aren't monkeys, we have the same common ancestor as apes do.
And no we aren't a group of monkeys. Monkey is it's own species

and to the original creator of this topic

Science only meant to destroy life, But our beliefs keep us alive for a long time. Think.. think...

wrong. Science isn't meant to destroy life, it's to make it better. Look at all the medicines we had now and not around jesus time. This is why people are living longer and healthier, because of increased science
Your beliefs don't keep you alive, they keep you trapped and brainwashed in your own *BLEEP*. You spent your life doing rituals that don't mean anything and believing in something that doesn't exist

Then you go against science, the very thing keeping you alive

If you were ever sick, had a major cut bleeding or whatever, or had to go to the hospital OR ANYTHING that you take pills for and such, if it wasn't for science, you would be dead my friend.

and also you said

Rapid growth of science killing Beliefs.

There is a reason why this is. People are realizing the truth, and are seeing science can explain a lot of the things that say "God did it"
Read the people's post above mine, that's all.
Notice from truefusion:
If you're going to copy complete sentences from others, then quote them; don't use bold bbcode.

Edited by truefusion (see edit history)

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It is just a matter of compatibility, till the ages where there was not much of scientific and economical development we were asthetics, we believed in God, we had faith in the concept of religion. But now as there is more of monetary affairs in every span of life, scientific advances have made our lives already easier, we have become more logical, we challenge the things the way they are. This is where our minds sets to the path of being more and more rational.. This rationality differs from rationality of 20 years ago, when it implied the concept of ethicality, morality and being righteous. Now it is all about being in a state of gain, gain which comes in our lives and makes it comfortable.As far as the debate of science and beliefs, there are people who have faith in God, values and at the same time we have people who are completely so called "rationals". They have a different system of beliefs, a more logical approach to the life in this age of money mindedness. They both exist together.

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Religion and beliefs are the main controlling body which governs the human behavior. Without that, humans are just becomes fearless creatures like other animal, without thinking any consequences. With the rapid growth of science, It is impossible for our traditional beliefs to match with science if it grows like this. So we need to do some thing to protect our future generations and our world by preserving our Beliefs.
Science only meant to destroy life, But our beliefs keep us alive for a long time. Think.. think...

Typical religious follower. :) So i know why people expect science and belief should go in parallel line. It is just because religious people want to preserve their faith on god aka galactus. :):D . If science invents something that shows god doesn't exist, religious preachers will literally kill science related people. That's why pope attended Stephen Hawkins conference to avoid any such cases :D. and i know many more people who manipulate science in favor of religion in the name of spirituality and pseudo-science. History shows that religion is the one thing that is responsible for destruction of the world just like some people claim it had moral and ethic side, they forget to say that it have dark side as well. Region comes second after religion for the destruction of this planet. So with these two there will be war. It's not science that causes war. its use for the selfish religion and region preaching causes more wars.

So think think think in way of science before you get afraid with it. Just because knife can kill can you stop using it for cutting vegetables? It's up to you to decide to live in barbaric era or go with science for better future.

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What is the use of scientifical advancements unless you can enjoy the life it can give you? Feelings pertain to a belief you might have in somthing. Science to one extent was a necessity but when we are in a stage where we need to balance science and belief and check any possible misleading venues science can reach us to. A nuclear bomb will have the power to destroy our civilization, but it is belief that will check its misuse.Hence, it becomes prerogative of later to bring former in balance in practicability.

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Beliefs is when people are desperate and think that something will help them because of some false 'power', and it won't help them. Science doesn't approve believing in this kind of stuff, but there are many scientist which do believe in it. That is why they have separated opinions, and they are confused while researching, probably. The celebrate scientists don't believe in religion, and sure not in 'spiritual' and 'healing' stuff. That might be good, and maybe not. But according to me, believing in something which has no explanation is apsurd, and there is no point in doing it. Lets even say that some of the people who can 'heal' don't lie, they are probably confused if they have done something coincidently, or they had a dream or something, and that way they can even fool more people with their 'skills'. On the other hand, science is something which has proves and happens because of some reason, or at least they say so. Anyway, I think that people should probably have some beliefs, but not listening to what the scientists have to say and not understanding the galaxy, but just focusing on their lifes is a prove for their un-intelligence, because there are probably worlds outside ours, and we are just a small part of the universe.

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I dont have beliefs - i only believe in science is because they have hundreds of thousands of pages on just one thing (like for example, the sun) - science is based on theories, but eventually they are sometimes proved. That atom smasher thing only failed because of a leak in the piping, and they are going to repeat it in a couple months time i think.Science is also all based around mathematics, and maths is used for simulating and equating, like particle physics and chemistry.I dont want to put anyone off here, but how do you explain exactly of what something is made of, without using science.

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I disagree, Science is meant to help life, the truth is that they're is less religion now than ever before, its faith vs logic, but i cant put faith in something that isnt logical if that make sense, logic before faith. I think its which is stronger in you. I love science, faith may mean you live longer but so does science but science means everyone lives longer. Look at religion under 50% of the nation of the UK proclaim belief in God, the only reason the univeral religion isnt athiesm is because people just stick "church of england" on the census, the truth is (I believe) that God is a way of getting out of death, but why fear death... if death is the end then theres no need to fear it because its not like your gonna realise it at the end of the day!

Science has really helped more than ever to those who always believed in it!
I speak to some people who are now even more ignorant than ever!

Faith in religion is sometimes "blind faith" as people invest their trust and beliefs in things hoped for than really proven to either exist or will come true.

Some people even go on to say they do not believe earth is a million years old although there is scientific proof its been around for so long. The Bible dates it to a liitle more than 10,000 years old.

So in conclusion, science has helped those who already believed in it. did not convert many people to its message.

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There's something I have thought along when I asked myself the question about the endless fight between beliefs and science. That is, if you remember, old civilizations adored as a god the Sun. Now, what's the sun? we all know that it isn't more than a ball of fire (without going much in detail). History has proven way too many times that faith in something that hasn't been sure or really known, failed. That's the reason why I always sticked to science. The word itself "faith" shows that there's no real proof in what you're believing, it's just that. Maybe, as I took this perspective in this age, I'll change it in the coming years. But right now, I can't imagine thinking of believing in God. I can be wrong, i can be right.

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