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Healing With Color

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So what is "healing with color" and how does it work?There are many ways to use color to help balance the body ( mind/emotions/soul) out. All colors operate on their own wavelength and everyone reacts to these in their own way. It has been shown that color does affect not just the senses but the body itself.There are many ways to heal with color. Let's look at some examples: There is healing with colored light ( subjecting yourself for periods of time under certain hues).Healing with color based meditations ( focusing on a color in your minds eye). Healing with colored breath ( another type of meditation where you focus on a color as you breathe in and out......."breathe in the good -pink, breathe out the bad - olive green " <---as an example). Just surrounding yourself in a color ( outfit, material, room of said color) or focusing on a gemstone (candle/other object) to balance yourself out can be considered using color to help heal. If you work with chakras at all ( the bodies energy centers) then you know a little about working with colors ( on an energy level) already ( as each chakra is associated with a particular color).We are visual creatures by nature and colors make a huuuuge impact. Think for a moment what is the color of fear to you? What is the color of happiness? What does brown bring to mind? How do you feel about red? Does blue do anything for you? Other cultures have been using color therapy in its various forms for many years. For example in Chinese medicine there are five colors that are considered healing colors and each relate to a body organ. So now you have an idea of what it is. So how do you use it? Are you feeling low on energy? Choosing the right color(s) can help give you that boost.Are you feeling keyed up and unable to focus? Again color therapy may be able to help calm you down so you can center and focus. Let's look at some colors and see what they are associated with:Red: * Health * Passion * Love * Strength * Courage * Fertility * Will power * Sexuality * Physical Vigor * Energy * Protection * Stamina * Enthusiasm * Strong emotions * FireOrange: * Assistance in legal or buisness matters * Ambition * Career * Goals * General Success * General Attraction * Pleasure * Warmth * Energy * Self Control * Encouragement * Concentration * Adaptability * Stimulation * Overcoming Addiction(s) * Positive thinking * Action * Joy * Inspiration * Friendship * Changing luck * Positivity * Control * Power * Sudden Changes * Selling * Kindness * Material GainYellow: * Intellect * Confidence * Attraction * Divination * Purification * Communication * The Sun * Healing * Eloquence * Thought * Persuasion * Charm * Creativity * Accelerated LEarning * Memory * Unity * Inspiration * Sudden Changes * Skills * Psychism * Breaking Mental Blocks * Energizing * CaliravoyanceGreen: * Money *Luck *Prosperity *Abundance *Health *Healing *Peace *Fertility *Abundance *Growth *Harmony * Employment *Plants *Luck *Balance *Renewal *Rejuvenation *Helps against jealousy *Personal Goals *Charity *Success *CooperationBlue: *Harmony *Innerlight *Peace *Truth *Guidance *Wisdom *Spirituality *Healing *Psychism *Patience *Happiness *Openness *Meditation *Forgiveness *Protection *Devotion *Inspiration *Calming *Reassurance *Understanding *Sincerity *Fidelity *Opening blocked communicationAs you can see there are many uses for colors and a variety of ways to incoporate them into your daily living to help you feel better.Here is a project for you to take on for yourself. For the next week pay attention to the colors you are attracted to and the way you are feeling then log it down in a journal. You may be surprised to see what you find. You can also take the week to use colors more consciously and log in what, if any impact they had on you.

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I think a lot of the color attributes are totally made up, but definitely there are some emotional responses associated with each color, and color therapy definitely affects how you feel. Another important thing is how bright or dark the color is, because darker colors can be more depressing.

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Does this really work? It sounds quite weird to be honest. But if they have tested it out, then maybe I should believe some more in it. I have noticed that there are some things that I feel is associated with each colour, but I have personally never... well thought that it colours could heal. BUT I do feel that colours can make me sick, and make my eyes hurt... Like a horrible green, pink or yellow colours... Blah.

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I myself have used color therapy before and I find that it can help. The other day I had a terrible headache ( I don't get headaches often but when I do they are doozies). So I lay down for a few to see if it would go away. It was picky. So I focused on the spot where the pain was and decided it was a dark ugly purple red color. I decided to focus a golden color on the pain blob and slowly infuse it with the healthy golden light. Did it work? Well My headache did not entirely disappear, however it was a lot better than it had been. I eventually took some Tylenol to get rid of it entirely. So I do believe that working with colors ( and in this case healing energy) can be beneficial.Cangor was right in stating that brightness and shade are important too. For instance if you are low energy and you want to subject yourself to some red for a "pick me up" you may want to watch the intensity. Too bright and you may become irritable or jittery. Too dark and you may find yourself becoming morose. It is also said that each color has associations with the physical body too. Here are some listings of such:RED:#circulation#chronic illness#non-infected wounds#scar tissue#strengthens kidneys#heart#muscles#blood#lungsORANGE: * For depression * cramping anywhere in body * relaxant, sclerosis * heart disease * boosts immune system * circulation * raises blood pressure * artery disturbance (especially in legs) * genitals * fear (alternate with blue) * endocrine balancer (when used with blue) * cleans and purifies hormonal systemYELLOW: * combating fear (obsessive, habitual) * digestion * stomach * gall bladder * liver * immune system * fortifies endocrine and nervous systems * nerve tonifier * motor stimulant * assimilation * lateral disturbances * helps chronic to become acuteGREEN: * liver * swelling or growt * anti-inflammatory * eye problems * bronchial catarrh * gout * diabetes * cysts * tumors * pituitary stimulant * washes out endo-toxins * promotes healthy bones * painful joints * allergiesBLUE: *anti-bacterial * anti-infection *anti-cramping *headaches *helps farsightedness *facilitates restful sleep *pain relieving *nervousness *insomnia *hemorrhage *herpes *warts *lowers blood pressure *fever

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Yeah. Colors do make some kind of impact to how we feel.


Like, i take attention to the color of things i keep in my room. Anything which is too flashy or too dull , makes me feel irritated.

I feel a lot better when everything around me has colors which go easy on the eyes and have a smooth texture as well.


For me , the colors and their effects on me are


white :








green :



simple and catchy



yellow :





black :






red :







pink :





orange :





blue :





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I find myself drawn to the brighter shades of most colors. Dark isn't too bad ( though it can be subduing to a point of depressing for me depending on the color). Muted or pastel shades just irritate me. They look sick and washed out.Red - overstimulates me. LOL! There was a tattoo shop I used to frequent and it's entire waiting room was RED! This was neat for like the first few moments but then I found myself edgy.Blue- Shades of blue ( particularly the darker ones) make me sleepy. Real calm and nice, but sleepy.Purple - I LOVE purple. Preferably bright purples however my room is a nice balance between a dark purple and two shades of lighter purple ( it was too depressing with all the dark).Green - I find soothing if it isn't a limey ( or neon) shade.Yellow - I have to be in the mood for. I like the buttery gold shades.Orange - I am really not fond of orange itself however I do enjoy it's darker shades ( such as burnt umber)Black - Is a nice safe feelingWhite - irritates me. It's just so WHITE and blank and bland. I refuse to wear all white socks. I know weird huh? Although there is the rare occasion where it does remind me of clean or purity. Maybe that is a socially instilled thing.Pink - is my daughter's FAVORITE color. She has a whole drawer dedicated to pink clothing and it is the color of her room ( two shades with white to break it up). I personally am not fond of pink. It's kind of bland. Brown - I like several shades of brown. Earthy and comfy feeling. Secure and bonded.So that is more or less what colors do for me ( how I feel about them).

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this a as true as milk is white. It is true that colour has a great impact on ones life as its a psychological trigger given for the emotions, which is very important for the person to have a healthy body and sound mind. It is the wavelenght that hits the retinal does this role as all the readiation pass through waves this has a direst relationship withthey expression of genes in the retinal cells which cause a totometic effect there by the brainis stimulated to produce the specific harmones which wil funtion in all the physical and psychological activited of ones indivual.This is only way how the life gts colour and the power of colour will last long in the memory till that last breath.

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Did you know that colored stones also have a similar effect ?
If and when used properly, They can also heal ailments ;)

And If you know the proper stones, they can also increase luck and other mental attributes.

I googled and found this Gemstones

Though it doesn't contain all the stones, but still its few of the common ones that you can easily find.

Gemstones work on a similar principle .. i.e. Light ;)

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I think nature has a strong role to play in terms of colors. For example, blue and green tend to be calming since they are the colors of water, sky, trees, grass, etc. Earth tones are said to be more laid back. Conversely, red and orange are colors of fire, poisonous animals, etc. and tend to be more aggravating or "rev you up" type colors. They catch your attention since they aren't seen as frequently.Hospitals use color knowledge like this...many operating rooms are painted green since it has the calming effect mentioned.

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I think nature has a strong role to play in terms of colors. For example, blue and green tend to be calming since they are the colors of water, sky, trees, grass, etc. Earth tones are said to be more laid back. Conversely, red and orange are colors of fire, poisonous animals, etc. and tend to be more aggravating or "rev you up" type colors. They catch your attention since they aren't seen as frequently.
Hospitals use color knowledge like this...many operating rooms are painted green since it has the calming effect mentioned.

i had no idea about this stuff

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