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Suicide Is Wrong

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If the thing ruining your life is multi-billion dollar company or a terrible government there's not much you can do. People don't kill themselves just because of other people. I agree- if one man/woman was making my life miserable I'd be tempted to pay a group of people to beat them up or sue.

Only cowards commit suicide... they cant face anything and they kill themselves then.

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i guess if you want to take the religious way, its wrong too.. but yea, come on people suicide is not the way to go, if you need help, find help, there is help out there, no matter how messed up your life might be.. theres always someone out there whos willing to help you..and if you just cant live with that, theres always medicines that can somehow keep you positive..but yea, there are many associations out there illing to help.. like TO WRITE LOVE ON HER AMRS

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why in the world would you give the things that are hurting you (most likely people duh) the joy the HAPPINESS of seeingyou give up? and kill yourself! come on.. you are only making them happy not yourself!

I think whoever is causing the pain would have to be fairly "extreme" to enjoy it when you kill yourself,
Infact, you would probably cause them to kill themselves, beacuse the guilt they would feel every day could well drive them mad.

unless your extremely religious and believe in life after deathcome on.. what are the ods of that?! are you really going to take the risk? jesus.. just wait to die and liev life to the fullest

Not that im religeous, but suicide is a mortal sin, god said that to take ones own life, is a sin. so even if you believed in life after death, you would have to go to hell.

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I have to tell you something...Suicide is NOT wrong at all.take this situation: you are a prisoner/convict/and so..you are a SLAVE and you suppose to do whatever a peson or group of persons want.think about this thing: YOU, prisoner no. 333 are suposed to kill your family or a dozen of people (let's say at least 6) to go free, so what you do? you kill them and save your life? or you save your life and kill them?! here you can kill them let's say if you don't know them, if you don't care about them and also if you consider yourself more iportant than they are...it's ok to kill them if you worth more than they are, but it's really ok ? and it's really ok to kill even if they're not but they're your family?I believe that suicide must be used only and only when is the last and the best option to choose...any other attempt to kill yourself with no reason in mind is madness, madness is also what terrorist do.. they kill for a cause but not for a better one...

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A lot of people who jumped and died regretted....cos halfway down they thought OH NO I CHANGED MY MIND!Suicide is a way to escape reality but Buddhists believe you'll come back to it again after you're reborn...so why bother with suicide?Er...n, I am not a Buddhist although I do believe in supernatural and reincarnation.

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Suicide is a thing which have been taken by the people who think he/she is not capable of doing any thing in correct manner due to this he/she may die which is nothing lose to any one except them.
teff john


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wow. Have anyone of you ever been through hell in life? Its easy to look at any situation and think theres a door way, theres a way out. I am never one to ever think of suicide and I had been a cousellor in my community dealing with suicidal people. I would listen to what they said and sympathise with them and basically help them realise that there is a way out even when things seem bleak. Now there are things which they would say like My girlfriend dumped me and i had a fight with my mom. Yes whn oyu read this i know for a fact that these seem trivial and minute issues. But then we have the other side of the story. The side which we hardly experience the side where we are the receiving end. So many of us think that in situations that make us weak we would prevail but thats not really true. because everyone of us has a weak point we have a point in out lives where we have minimal gurad because we have hope and belief and when some one takes this away and we feel like we have nothing left suddenly we havent the will to live. A simple thing like having a family thart doesnt understand you and you only have your girlfriend as the one thing that makes life worth living then you loose her, suddenly you dont have a reason to go on. So you wanna end it than suffer. Just because you and I have other things to live for doesnt mean the next person lives for the same value. everyone is different so different things push us over the edge. Time is a healer but time is a killer too. Someoen mentioned that when you wanna kill yourself take a walk on the beach, i'll take the beach as an example. If I had a marriage made in heaven for 15 year or 20 years and we always used to go to the cinema and beach and walk holding hands. If you used to literally do everything together and even the smallest of things reminds you of the ex especially an ex who leaves suddenly when your thinking all is well.its all going to just get the brain running in over drive, seeing the beach will only bring sad memories, and everything will just scream pain and hurt and the thing that drives us to commit suicide usually isnt loosing that person but the pain nd memories aligned to this. The laying awake all night, the heart racing pulpitation, the panic attacks and anxiety attacks, they hurt all that takes its toll sooner or later we break and get to a point where we cant take it anymore. You see no doctor cares about us as long as we havent got to the danger oint of wanting to kill ourselves. So it keeps eating up inside and soon we are so tired of the hurt nd pain we want it to stop. No One understand so they cant really offer support or rather the solution we want.So sometimes whilst in that situation we get to a point where snap we see death as an option. If you ask 5 minutes prior the people dont really think death is an option but just like some people who say I'd never be a christian or be religious nd one day they get to a moment in ife where they decide I'll accept religion the same is with suicide they get to a point where they just snap and think maybe death is an option. So instead of judging we need to realise that for some people life can take its toll and they get to point of thinking death is an option.Whether its illegal or not we need to address the issues that lead to suicide as opposed to making people who are hopeless feel like they are sh*t

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A lot of people who jumped and died regretted....cos halfway down they thought OH NO I CHANGED MY MIND!Suicide is a way to escape reality but Buddhists believeyou'll come back to it again after you're reborn...so whybother with suicide?Er...n, I am not a Buddhist although I do believe insupernatural and reincarnation.


Very well said. :)

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