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Problem With My Website Image wont show no mater wat

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I am currently redesigning my website. There is something which is really baffling me about a particular image in the website. When viewed off line with either Internet Explorer 7, Opera v9.0.2, Mozilla Firefox or Netscape Navigator 9.1b, everything works quite fine and there are no missing images. Come to think of it that after I upload the pages to my website, I was astounded to find out that some of the images simply refused to display despite uploading every single file and folder in my offline website.


I have gone back and cross-checked to make sure that I didn't miss any of the images, but still, the same thing continued hapening. I have uploaded these particular images more than 3 times and yet, they aint showing. Just have a look at my website at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and tell me what you think of the missing images on my home page and some of the subsequent pages.


Apart from this, I found that after uploading the web pages, my home page in particular is distorted by the Opera web browser while viewing it online. I cannot figure out why this is happenning too. When viewed offline, all the pages are ok, but they are something else while online.


Can someone please help me figure out why these things are happening? I have started considering redesigning the website completely using a fresh design and outlook. I know the task is gonna be one heavy and tedious one on me, but I might have to embark on that if this problem persists.


Thanks for your anticipated help.

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I would recommend to try validating your website. For CSS you can view the errors in coding here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
For HTML you can go to http://validator.w3.org/ and see if you have errors to be fixed. It's not working for me right now so you'll have to check yourself.

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Dude, I have an idea. I had a problem very similar to this. Although I'm not sure about the distortion thing...Check whether the images are .jpg or .JPG for each individual one (or .png or .PNG if those are the type you used). I know different programs save the extension differently, and so the link in you're page must be exact - capitals for the extension if needed. I made my page offline as well and everything worked, and like you it didn't online until I found this. You can check whether the extensions are like this for each individual photo using the "file manager" in cpanel.James

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odomike, simply review your code. i tested two images on your index page which appear to be missing...

wrong: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
correct: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

wrong: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
correct: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

judging from these two examples, one thing is clear -- you incorrectly coded your page, which refers to your images by a different name. in the first example, your code shows an extension in ALL CAPS (.JPG in above example). be ware of your extensions as they appear in your code, as they can be case-sensitive. as corrected, which would now appear, try it with lower case this time (jpg). on the second example, you have simply spelt it wrong. see as corrected. these are just basics, which you should always bear in mind when coding.

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Ok guys. I have taken all your corrections. thank you so much for hastening to my cry. I am going back to my DreamWeaver and Frontpage ASAP.Will get back to you guys in a little while.Once again, Thank you so much to you guys.Umm.......I dont know and cant really say what exactly is happening here. I have made the corections you guys suggested but the same thing is still happening. I am honestly getting fed u with the website. Let me see...I might have to restart on a brand new scale.What a work in front of me.....Ohhh

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The most likely reason for the images not displaying is that you have used capitals in files names where they don't actually exist. Windows ignores cases in file names, while Linux/Unix doesn't. As Xisto uses a Unix based operating system you need to check every file and make sure the path is exactly the same as what the file name says.


The changes serverph suggested don't appear to have been made in the version of your site that is online. Make the changes and see what happens. Another reason images may not be displaying are lines like the following:

<img src="e01.gif" alt="" border="0" align="absbottom" width="12" height="14">
The only allowed values for the align setting are: top, bottom, left, right and middle. The ones like absmiddle and absbottom you have used are not part of any HTML standards, and therefore only work in browsers that don't follow the standards, like IE. If you want those sections to work in Opera and other browsers that comply with standards, you need to recreate your desired effect using standard HTML and CSS.


Try running your code through the W3 Validator and fixing any errors it brings up.

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I tried accessing the missing pictures as seperate URLs like the following:


I could not find any image there, I suppose it is not even on the server, it displays me an error of file not found.

As for your distortion, it is showing in FireFox and IE 6 as well, so definitely it isn't a problem with something when you upload but rather your code yourself. From the looks of things, it is definitely your CSS. Try fixing them, probably your alignment are all wrong if you are using that, or even your absolute positions.

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Ok guys. Now I am really fed up with this website of mine. I have already started redesigning the website at the moment. I know that this is one hell of a work for me but I think that will be the best thing for my current situation. I dont like all silly mistakes I made in there. I noticed there are a whole lot of them.

You can have a look at the new home page (which is still under development) at SymCom Services - Nig. I made quite a lot of changes in this new one. One of which is the fact that I had to use the percentage (%) tag to specify the width of the web page instead of using pixels. this way, I think it is better for me to leave the automatic resizing of the web pages to the browsers.

Looks neater to me or so I think.

Thank you everyone for all your efforts towards helping me make the corrections on my website. I am most grateful to all of ya.

Edited by odomike (see edit history)

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