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Which Is Your Funniest Or Most Disappointing Cooking Disaster? Tell me the fun and the sad times of a cookout gone wrong

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I thought It would be fun to see how many people have bungled up while cooking, I have had many experiences where I have bungled up huge and It was hilarious most of the times.


Once I decided to make toast to compliment my milk and I got the bread and put them in an oven for our toaster was dead. I left the thing on medium heat and for 5 or 6 minutes I think and I left the kitchen to pick up a few things from the living room and for some reason I forgot the toast and about 15 or 20 minutes when I return the toast was on Fire in the oven and imagine the horror and panic. I closed the oven and let the fire burn out for I could not put any water then and I kept sprinkling water till it died down. I was so thankful for there could have been a big fire if I had not remembered but later my bro tells me that a few weeks ago my dad burnt his pizza to a cinder in there.


The worst time is hen my boyfriend visits me. For some reason I tend to make a lot mistakes when he is around or I know the fact that he is gonna visit me. I once made tea using the water I had set aside for soup. Well the only problem was that the soup water had salt in it so the tea ended up tastingweird and I had to add a lot of weird spices and honey to make it taste like some kind of a herbal tea. The poor thing never complained though. It was hilarious cause I could not stop laughing at all.

:) Hope you guys tell me your experiences. Normally I am a good cook but sometimes I can create havoc

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Well, maybe not mine, but my friends' worst disaster was when he was cooking a potato and coincidently a fly flew into the microwave. After 1 minute of heating the potato exploded, when he opened the microwave the fly fleew out, 5 seconds later the fly exploded. Remember, always punch holes into a potato before putting it into a microwave

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My first attempt at cooking chichen was awful :) . I remember I was making the recipe that is basically a chicken breast with ham and cheese in the middle. I was cooking it and after I was done with the cooking, everything looked fine until I started eating it. As I was getting closer to the center of the piece of chicken I noticed it was still raw in the middle! It was so gross that I quit cooking for weeks. :)

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I would say I many disasters in the kitchen, grease fire, mix in the wrong ingredients or the food didn't get fully cooked, but I would have to say the the best disaster I had was when I took a cooking class in high school and for a part of final project we had to make onion rings. To say the least we forgot a step and they didn't look like onion rings :). Another one of my favorites was a great fire, it was late at night maybe 11-12 pm and of course I was hungry, so I threw some brauts into the oven and well you know what happens when grease and heat mix? Least to say I basically forgot never to drown a grease fire in water, although it did put out the fire after a few minutes, using water to put out a grease fire is a no no because it could easily spread out and make it worse. So those are a couple of my stories of disaster with food and or cooking.

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Well my greatest cooking disaster has to be the time I tried heating some water in the microwave in a bottle with the cap on. The bottle exploded and we had to send the microwave for repairs.

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When I was a teenager, I put a Hot Pocket into the microwave to heat. No big deal - it's really, really easy to heat a Hot Pocket...or it should be, anyway.I walked past the microwave about one minute later to see the food IN FLAMES.To this day, nearly a decade later, I still can't figure out how that happened. There wasn't anything in the microwave but the Hot Pocket and a paper plate. I've never had any problems since then, though, so I guess it was just a fluke.Or maybe I'm the world's worst cook. :)

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reading thru the posts, i noticed that most of you mentioned microwaves. we all know that heating food in a microwave oven isn't called cooking at all. :)anyway, my worst probably is when we had to shift from cooking rice on a rice cooker to a stove top. i've cooked rice on a stove top before but ever since we had the rice cooker, i have totally forgotten about the steps in cooking the rice on the stove top. apparently, we had to save electricity because the rice cooker uses too much of it. anyway, everything started well, i placed the right amount of rice with the required amount of water and waited 'til it boiled. once it boiled, i stirred it constantly, and when all the water has evaporated, i got this lump of rice cake. i later realized that once the water boiled, you only have to stir it once and leave it 'til the water has evaporated, just like in cooking pasta. to say the least, i wasted half a kilo of rice.the funniest would be (well this is not mine, it's our helpers... we had to tell her what she did wrong) was when our helper was cooking our dinner. my younger brother volunteered to cook so our helper could do other stuff. our helper was assisting my brother during the start of the session. when my brother turned to me so we could talk while the pan was getting hot, our helper splashed cooking oil on the pan. to our surprise, she splashed a cup-full of cooking oil, when all we needed was just a tablespoon. good thing my brother was able to transfer most of the oil to an oil holder. i was horrified because imagine if that was the way she was cooking all our dishes, then it would mean she's feeding us oil in every meal.

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My worst cooking disaster was probably when I was trying to make mashed potatoes. I took the shaker and started shaking salt, but its holes dispensed so much salt per shake onto the dish that it made it taste more like eating salt than potatoes.My grandpa once tried reheating a Arby's sandwich with the wrapper still on it. It started on fire in the microwave. Luckily it stopped after we opened up the microwave.

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My worst cooking disaster was in Vietnam and in America. I tried to make flan. haha. I thought it was easy seeing how my cousin made it from scratch. The steps and the ingredients were easy to get and make but when I tried it on my own it didn't come out good. The syrup for the flan got hard. I guess I added too much sugar and more solute equals crystallizing and plus it wasn't the right heat temperature. I was using high heat to make the syrup. Other mistakes in cooking maybe leaving fries in the oven and baking them until they're hard and really really crunchy. Other than that I"m pretty good at cooking. Maybe a few oil splatters in my face but its alright. lol. Never put frozen food right into the frying pan of oil. Let it thaw out first. I'm retarded enough not to read the labels and assumed I know how to make stuff.

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Lol i remember really screwing up while heating up a burrito in the toaster oven.but the burrito was wrapped in a paper towel, i forgot why i did it, but i put it in there set it on high and sat back for a couple minutes reading a book. i look back and the toaster is on fire. i had to pick up the toaster oven and throw it out the door because we didn't have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen >_<it's either that, or when i left eggs in the kitchen boiling and forgot about them and got reminded of them by the stench of rotton eggs. all of the water had evaporated and the eggs sat there in the pot heating up.. man it STUNK LIKE MAD and the house did too, i swear for a couple days. ewwwwww!

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A common cooking disaster would be when someone accidentally uses salt instead of sugar or something like that. I once did that

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Curried Rice, yuk. I followed the recipe exactly and if I had added only half the curry, it still would have been too hot for us. I guess the yellow color didn't really appeal to me anyway. What a disaster. Threw it in the garbage and don't really remember what we ate instead, but it had to be better than the rice dish. :)

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Man, I was laughing my *bottom* off reading all these posts. I once tried making a sort of weird gravy I read up in a magazine, I was very happy because I was gonna make it for my boyfriend(Yes again he was the victim) He was supposed to come but then later cancels it as he had to work overtime so I decided to cook and get it for him BUT I do not know what I did wrong but the whole mass was tasting very bitter and I tried fixing it but it refused to taste good so I finally canceled our lunch date and I stayed at home sulking about.I had once left water to boil in a metal kettle, this water was for tea for a couple of my friends who had come and as I left the water and went out to entertain them one of the girls was talking to her mom who stays in another town so we ended up talking to her for half an hour and I forgot the kettle.When I return back to the kitchen after an hour I see the kettle a bright red with no water in it left the kettle for a few minutes and then threw it in a big tub of water from a really weird angle. Me and my friends laughed about it for a long time because one of the girls had fainted when she saw the kettle.

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Just one word of advice from personal experience. My step-father did this, not I, but it took weeks to clean up: Never leave a pot of honey on the stove with the burner on. Bad bad things can happen very quickly...

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Similar to Velma's story, I once set a pot of water on the stove for making noodles or pasta, I forget... the phone rang, I got involved in a conversation, forgot the pot of water, went out for about an hour, and came back to a red-bottomed pot. Thinking quickly, I ran some water in the sink, snatched the pot from the stove and placed it in the water, it was all good, until i realized that the soldered metal bottom thickener was still on the stove and there was solder all over the Lino floor...It was a few days until the stink left the house... luckily, there was no fire from the red hot solder hitting the floor...

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