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Summer Vacation Are you going anywhere this year?

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I thought a vacation topic would be fun. :unsure:I'm going to Gatlinburg, Tennessee from June 23 to Jun 25 and I'll be back home on the 26th. I'm so excited to go as I haven't been since I was twelve (I'm 24 now).Are you going on vacation?

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I do tons of stuff over summer, that's why I can't do summer school (I don't need it, just want to get some classes out of the way). This summer I'm going to hawaii for a week then staying with my aunt for a couple day when I get back. Then we usually have another week long trip like to a lake or something. And I'm sure I'll have at least 4-6 weekend lake trips. How fun :unsure:, I'm almost never at home over the weekends.

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I'm going to Florida this summer with my family. I think we are stopping by Universal and places around there. It should be tons of fun. Can't wait until I'm out of school!

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Winter vacation for us down in the southern hemisphere, although Summer does come round christmas. Thus many summer themed chrissy songs too. But as for winter, probably just a drive interstate or so down the North Coast of NSW maybe.

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Every year my family does the same thing; 3 weeks up at the cottage.It's very relaxing, go to bed late, sleep in, do as you please, and do so with no telemarketers...

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@arnz: Oh shoot. I know better than to make this summer only, as I have a friend in Austrailia. I wish I could change the name of this topic.@t3jem: That's awesome! I wish I could go to cool places like Hawaii.@husker: I haven't been to Florida since I was four. I want to go back! :unsure:@Renaissance: That sounds nice. I like quiet getaways like that. Staying in the woods, like camping or even in a cottage like you have is the best.

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Well, I will be heading back "home" to visit friends and family - including my parents wedding anniversary (50th..to be exact). Not sure if I would call it a vacation, though..I may be doing some informational interviews at some companies with an eye to land a job sometime next spring...

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@Renaissance: That sounds nice. I like quiet getaways like that. Staying in the woods, like camping or even in a cottage like you have is the best.

It's a 2 hour drive so we try to go as often as we can on weekends but 3 weeks is the best indeed; there's nothing like it.The one problem comes when it's time to leave :)

Oh yeah, I know you said that you're going back to Tennessee this year, but what do you normally do?
Edited by Renaissance (see edit history)

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Normally, we stay home, so this vacation is a really big deal. I haven't been on vacation in five years when I went to Arkansas to visit family. It was fun, but there wasn't much to do.

Edited by lekrissy (see edit history)

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Winter vacation for us down in the southern hemisphere, although Summer does come round christmas. Thus many summer themed chrissy songs too. But as for winter, probably just a drive interstate or so down the North Coast of NSW maybe.

How things change... with the weeks off work and all.. Everyone going elsewhere instead of the above, So instead.. I guess its fishing most days, with maybe some visits to the pub (pool, bands, etc.. maybe a gamble or 2) and maybe a dip every now and again. If the weather goes hotter than usual due to the likes of El Nina and so forth.

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Unfortunatley, I, personally am not going on vacation this summer. I would have really liked to have gone away sometime this year, but because of all the finances, we couldnt go. I'm really hoping that I go on vacation sometime next year..i really feel as if I NEED a vacation desperately. The places I'd like to go are:1.) Los Angeles! I really want to go to Los Angeles or any part of California for that matte because it would great! It seems like a cool place to go and all my favorite rappers live there so maybe I could meet some of them!! Oh yeah, and I could PARTY like theres no tomorow!!2.) Arizona .. I'd like to the Grand Canyon .. but I might think twice before going to AZ because its REALLLLLLYYYY hot!! But I've met some people that live there and they say they like it better than Cali, so maybe I'd have to deal with the heat .. but other than that I think it would be cool3.) Las Vegas! Well .. really .. who doesnt want to go to Las Vegas? You could go and gamble, and theres sooo many sites to see as well. They have really cool buildings and really nice (and probably equally as expensive) hotels and there would be a lot to do. I dont think its possible to be bored in Las Vegas.4.) Miami .. I've wanted to go there for a while too! I wanna go to Disney World, I think it would be fun. I've actually never been and really want to go!Well, those are just my top 4 places of where I would like to go on vacation, but I guess overall, vacation is vacation. I would go anywhere that someone would take me! hahah =P

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Walt Disney World is amazing! I've only been once when I four-years-old, but I remember plenty and I had a lot of fun!I want to go to Ireland, Japan, Florida again, California, Italy, France and many other places. I want to go to California because I want to be an actress. lol

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I will go with my family to the Montenegro it is small country on Adriatic see. We are going there for the last ten years and I will jut continue going there.Also I am going to Corfu it is Greek island also on adriatic see this is my first time to go there. Hope it will be just great.

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I thought a vacation topic would be fun. :)
I'm going to Gatlinburg, Tennessee from June 23 to Jun 25 and I'll be back home on the 26th. I'm so excited to go as I haven't been since I was twelve (I'm 24 now).

Are you going on vacation?

I have been to Gatlinburg twice over the past two years. Once last summer, and once over Spring Break. I enjoyed it a lot. Hope you have a good time.

I am not sure where I am going. As of right now I'm going to take some summer classes at a local college throughout July and early August. I'll get 4 college credits for it so I'm happy with that. I also will be getting my drivers license (watch out). Other than that I'll hopefully be working and just hanging out other than that. Oh and then there are the stupid summer assignments for school next year.

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I will go with my family to the Montenegro it is small country on Adriatic see. We are going there for the last ten years and I will jut continue going there.
Also I am going to Corfu it is Greek island also on adriatic see this is my first time to go there. Hope it will be just great.

Oooo! You're lucky! I want to go to Greece one day! I hope you have fun!

Plenoptic: Cool! I haven't been there since I was about ten or twelve. I'm really excited about it! :)
Edited by lekrissy (see edit history)

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