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The Blog Fever Growth of Bloggers

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No Man Is An Island.
The Need to communicate is an innate desire of humans and was born with us.

Man being a Social Animal, is blessed with the power to think, Communicate, And Express

These are the things that distinguish him from Animals giving him the tag of being the cleverest being.

No matter how much we boast that we are totally independent, we still have this Dependency hidden deep inside the darkest corners of our heart.

It isnt that we are totally naďve to the society; the thing is that we do need a source, a person near and dear or maybe not, to communicate our things to someone, to share our joy and sorrow

We cannot just gulp our piece of emotions on our own

The same thing is with what we want to express

Yes, We dont have any freedom to murder someone, or commit a crime

But of course we still have freedom to express what we want, our needs, and our feelings

Blogs , the revolutionary creation of some wise person is the medium via which we can express what we want to portray to the society and to the mass.

Blog is the short term for web log, a website that one can keep as a diary

We arent born News reporters, nor we are scholars

But as they say, even the smallest spark can set fire resulting in explosions.

Rather without a shadow on doubt, blogs have become a necessity in our lives

Yes, People do write personal diaries, but on the contrary what is the harm in sharing it with the world around.

I do remember the time when, blogs were banned from India, but then people protested against it and the ban was lifted

True with that, People are the ones who make the government, and with that they can even shake it.

And yes, am too possessive about it! There are many around like me, as they find it as a part of their lives. We do hop on other blogs, with time gather knowledge as to what is this globe all about, and what do others think

And yes without a doubt, it is a great means to Engulf more knowledge and to even share yours with others

Personal blogs can be effective means for people to promote themselves and their interests, and some people find them to be psychologically fulfilling tools for self-expression and satisfaction.

To conclude I would just say, that few years ago, there was nothing like a blog but as of now they have become very influential components of our lives as well as the Internet, and their importance is growing exponentially

- Courtesy of my blog
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I have a blog. I'd love to post in it more, but it never recieves any feedback, so it just feels like I'm talking to myself or a brick wall, you know?

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I have a blog. I'd love to post in it more, but it never recieves any feedback, so it just feels like I'm talking to myself or a brick wall, you know?

It takes some time, but if you truly enjoy blogging, stay with it. Advertise yourself; join networks; tell your friends! Even submitting to Digg won't hurt -- if your posts are worthwhile, they'll really take hold wherever you let them travel. It's taken me about two-and-a-half years to get to where I am now, where people actually know me online, but I took every available opportunity and I'm now very comfortably exactly where I want to be.
Good luck to you! Don't give up on it!

Yea thats why i dont bother with blogs you never get anything out of it really, unless your blog is popular cough*rob*cough* Otherwise its a big waste of time.

See, that's entirely the wrong attitude to have about it. If you have any passion for writing, discourse, commentary, or simply social behavior (we're human, face it), you're going to enjoy blogging. If you're in it for the money, give it up. There's no real instant success in the field of blogging and I feel that services such as ReviewMe and the division of TLA that accomplishes the same thing taints an otherwise awesome establishment. I'm a blogger, and the freedom to express myself online, by my terms, is exhilarating. But then, for every one of me, there's ten of you who feel there'es only one side to blogging -- money. Just...ugh...don't! If you're in it for money, you can't just strike it lucky. You have to establish yourself, update regularly, produce good valued content, advertise advertise advertise, and get readers. Of course, popularity without interest for the sake of popularity is absolutely empty in value. Money without dedication is a scam. If you have true passion, you blog without discretion. That's how you get popularity and money -- by then, you won't even care. That's the beauty of blogging.
Edited by biscuitrat (see edit history)

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I've got a blog. It's all about MMORPG Games and making money on the internet.But anyways, blogs are very influential and have a lot of usful knowledge. I accutally found one on wordpress that was handing out english reports =]

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I used to blog but no one came to see it. Then I started blogging on other services so you could post your blog about some news and everyone who looked at the news could visit the blogs and then mine came more popular. :lol: Now I'm still blogging.

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Well blogging is great, but I've always felt the need to create my own blog on my own site. If anyone knows of a good free php system or code that i could use for making a blog on my css website, please let me know! I'd be very greatfull..I think that most people doesn't blog, because they fell like they are talking to someone, but because they are acctually making some sort of online diary and that is the primary usage of blog systems - the freedom of free expression...

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Try cutephp. its completely customisable and only really generates the text code inside divs. all of which is changable. you can add a class or id to the div that is automatically generated to get it to fit with your css :lol:Its very nice give it a go.

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...I'd love to post in it more, but it never receives any feedback, so it just feels like I'm talking to myself or a brick wall, you know?

Yea thats why i dont bother with blogs you never get anything out of it really, unless your blog is popular

cough*rob*cough* Otherwise its a big waste of time.

I used to blog but no one came to see it. Then I started blogging on other services so you could post your blog about some news and everyone who looked at the news could visit the blogs and then mine came more popular. :( Now I'm still blogging.

I used to have a blog, but I stopped writing in it because of the lack of responses. Perhaps I only wanted to get attention so since it didn't work, I stopped. :S

It appears that one of the things bloggers have in common is the need, or desire, to be heard and, as the quoted passages imply, the need to be acknowledged. I know, I know, it sounds like a vaingloriously egoistic thing; it sounds like attention deficit people thirsty for someone to wave hello at them. However, it is not.


First, it is perfectly natural for us, humans, to want to be acknowledged. After all, if we, as humans, cannot stand being ignored for too long, how much more as bloggers?


I've read in an article once that blogging caught on when people realized that they, themselves, can be part of the media. Before, people relied on professional reporters, cameramen (plus camerawomen), editors, newscasters, writers and publishers to deliver the news. Now, that very same power (and privilege) seemed to have been snatched from those people and shared with the little ones. It was said that people liked blogging because, finally, they can be heard by everyone!


I, for one, found the last statement a complete exaggeration. Why would everyone want to read your posts? Even celebrities with a worldwide following cannot ensnare the interests of totally apathetic people; why would anyone new bother reading up on your day-to-day activities? How on earth could you hope to broadcast your "message" around the world? It is perfectly possible but highly implausible.


Second, there was a saying that goes, "You are unique, just like everyone else." We, as humans, have spent millenia in this third rock from the sun, which means, we have been thinking of a lot of things. It is very rare now that someone comes up with a radically new idea that will shake the very foundations of the world. In other words, why would people be interested to read specifically your insights when there are literally hundreds of other blogs in the world that say the same things you do?


Then there also is the unpredictability that comes with being human. After all, your readers are humans, right? Humans, as they are, are quite moody creatures. They may decide to comment on your blog on a whim, or if they're really moved to tears by your melodramatic life or profound musings. However, most of the time, they just think, "Oooh, nice idea," then they log off or browse to other blogs.


A lot of times, the people who read blogs are, themselves, bloggers. A lot of people who read and comment on posts are bloggers. A lot of these bloggers are thinking, "Should I comment or should I just post a paraphrase of his/her idea into my blog?" Quite unfortunately, a lot of these people choose the latter option.


So if blogs don't satisfy the basic human need to be heard (and acknowledged) why do people blog? (No, I'm not an anti-blogger seeing that I am a blogger myself :lol:)


People usually blog: (in no particular order)

1. for money. Mmmm, Adsense, Adsense, Adsense! (Some have even made careers of blogging)

2. to hone or showcase their skills and fulfill their passions on webpage design or writing

3. to vent out the frustrations they wouldn't dare scream out at home (Online "anonymity")

4. to meet new people, make new friends

5. to make a difference


The first reason is very compelling but, in some cases, is not enough. Some of those people do succeed in raking in profits by blogging. Whether they get feedback or not is of concern to them only if it has any effect on their... income.


The second reason is also very compelling. These people are doing what they like and damn if nobody comments, they will continue blogging. Blogging, to them, is not primary source of income (although they're far from rejecting the opportunity to earn a little on the side) but a hobby.


The third type is also quite prevalent. The inherent negativist within each person emerges whenever something's wrong. See, we complain when things are not quite right, we blog our complaints, we flame, we rant on and on, on and on, blah, blah goobledegook, until we run out of words. Then we click the "Post" button and Boy! Doesn't it feel good to have talked it out with someone? Who? Well, potentially, everyone, practically, very few. Blogging, for these people, can be therapeutic, though. Quite beneficial to them, I suppose, but then what is it to the world?


The fourth and fifth one, well, they're probably the anti-thesis of the third. Where the "ranting maniac" cages himself or herself with walls of words and screams in his or her own private hell, the fourth and fifth ones think "outwards"; they mind the world. A lot. Who might I meet out there? I wonder how many fishes there are in the proverbial sea? How do I get the world to see things my way? Can this post grab the world by its very balls and... well, you get the picture.


Oftentimes, though, I meet these people in a disappointed state. They sometimes ask, what's the point of blogging if nobody ever replies? See, altruism -> blogging -> ... -> still no feedback -> disappointment -> no more blogging. I hope you still get the picture.


So what am I trying to say? Nothing. I'm just racking up credit points; see how long I have written already?


Just kidding. My point is that if people don't comment on your blog posts, don't be discouraged. Blogging, after all (and supposedly) is not about the ooh, ahh, wows and "Nice blog you got there. You can also visit mine at..." replies; it's all about expressing yourself. A lot of people will not give a damn but isn't that exactly how the world works? See, if I literally scream my opinions right now, would any of you people in your respective sides of the world mind? I'm sure not; it is the same with blogging.


Now, if it really, really, really bothers you that nobody seems to be listening (or more accurately, nobody seems to be acknowledging), then you might as well as yourself your reasons for blogging. biscuitrat is right; if you cannot figure out where passion, drive, dedication, motivation or <insert synonym here> goes, then maybe blogging isn't for... everyone :(


In any case, why don't you guys post your blog links here? Who knows? Maybe some people (me, for example) might find your insights quite... insightful :lol:

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I do agree with what is said here. A lot of us just lose motivation to continue blogging because we don't receive any feedback at all. I can say that is happening to me, the only ones who comment are people who actually know me in person, and even so, it is very rare to receive their comments. The others are just spammers advertising their website or product and people who see a need to come insulting me for no apparent reason. But usually I don't let all these get to me, I just try to make my blog better and better. I average say 30 unique people a day to my blog, and the challenge for me is to actually get them to stay longer, maybe comment on any of the entries.

It would be really good to have some interaction in my blog, but that doesn't stop me from blogging. I like blogging because I would like to make myself heard, not only about my personal life but other things which I find interesting. Of course, I never divulge anything personal in my blog, that goes out to my close ones.

In anycase, this is my blog URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

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I also used to write a blog, but other priorities took over and I didn't have the time to post something anymore. Heck, I'd be lucky if was able to make a post for every month! Gotta try something different if I want to get back into it. BTW, the only replies I've gotten in the past were relatives (always welcome) and spammers (not so welcome).

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