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Dreamweaver 9 (unkown Title) Is Coming Out

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Well I found out this little bit info from a instructor at a college grade center I attended tonight said just briefly that a new Dreamweaver is coming out. From the bit of info I got DW8 has been out for about 18 months. If I remember correclty DW MX was out for like 2 years and some change before DW8 came in to update all the new stuff (XHTML and CSS).Also this will be the first dreamweaver to have the adobe product name under since adobe bought out macromedia last year.Should be interesting if they do any updating for the code to clean it up and implement more CSS stuff with itand what not or just be like DW 8 but with adobe on it.She didn't give a date but I expect it to be a summer or fall thing this year when it comes out, I have haven't found any website that talk about this, but if anyone finds them post them up.

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Oh, goody, another crappy wysiwyg piece of junk to fix code from.Maybe this one will work, but I doubt it. None of them handle cross browser issues worth junk. You just can't code a piece of software to accommodate the IE family of Browsers where you use their faulty rendering to fix another broken tag, then need a third hack to fix what fixed the first thing that broke and round and round you go. Best thing to happen is the IE conditional comments to select which version you are hacking and keeping it clean. Wonder if DW9 will do that?

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I personally can't wait. I think that it is really great adobe and Macromedia will be together and their file formats will be incorporated into the program easier. I can't wait to here what new features will come out of this. I just started learning Dreamweaver 8 this year and my teacher kept talking about how when the new one comes out there would be a lot of changes to the program. So i really hope the program does come out soon.

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@haslip I am shocked DW does not produce junk code (except for the CSS templates they have, found out that little tidbit just awhile ago.) I never use the design view tab in DW because it never displays your page correctly no matter how solid your code is.Remember its not the coding that is displaying properly its how the browser is interpreting code that makes it look messed up like it does (IE).

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Great, Adobe have done it rigbht on time. If they do add more CSS options that would be great. More and more sites are abonandoned then tables and gone for CSS styled websites. Which means faster loading times for everyone!

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Remember its not the coding that is displaying properly its how the browser is interpreting code that makes it look messed up like it does (IE).

IE can be hacked to displayed correctly. Check out IE conditional Comments.

And wysiwyg editors don't perform the hacks is all I am saying. You still need coding skills to "hack" their output.

As for the DW8 and its display function, are you able to select which Browser you use for display? Some Browsers are more capable than others. Specifically, Opera 9 and Konquerer both currently pass the Acid Test and the FF3 version expected out in the 3rd quarter of 2007 will also meet that standard.
If you have several Browsers installed, can you view the DW generared code in all of them to show the differences in rendering?

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Oh, goody, another crappy wysiwyg piece of junk to fix code from.Maybe this one will work, but I doubt it. None of them handle cross browser issues worth junk. You just can't code a piece of software to accommodate the IE family of Browsers where you use their faulty rendering to fix another broken tag, then need a third hack to fix what fixed the first thing that broke and round and round you go. Best thing to happen is the IE conditional comments to select which version you are hacking and keeping it clean. Wonder if DW9 will do that?

The only thing I've ever had to do with Dreamweaver is clean up the code. I've never had cross browser issues with my code when I code in dreamweaver. I don't test in IE anymore though. If it works in Presto and Gecko I don't really care. Edited by Tetraca (see edit history)

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That's awesome I have alwways been fond of dreamweAver and liked the previoius versions I wonder what some new thiings will be included the latest version of it, I also would like to know the costs and basic information like thst. A cannot wait for the next update.

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For dreamweaver in your prefences you can set up your previews for each browser, you can have a primary one and then secondary ones, then click ok then go to file and pick the browser that you want to preview. However the Design view is built in so unless you design your site through the design view, you will have to suffer the ctrl + s and then select the browser and press f5 to view your site. Of course their are some editors that are set up with a browser design view, just have to suffer the junk code most of them produce.That is true they don't before hacks, but depending on how your trying to design your site you can get away from using hacks. So says this Instructor in a class I attended last night.

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I really cant wait for the new dreamweaver i design my sites in there all time when i view my sites i view them in Firefox i don't really do it ie but my when i code there is only a slight difference in my layout when i look at in ie. Also in ie there are some css that looks weird when i view it in Firefox it looks smoother and better.

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jlhaslip have you used it before? I have used many many editors and that's by far my favorite. It gives you warnings on mozilla, IE, ect on browser compatibility. Plus I dont even use the WYSIWYG part of it. I use the coding part, because the WYSIWYG part doesnt work right since i am using includes. The CSS could maybe be worked on, but the php, xhtml, ect is pretty up to date and warns you and underlines bad code. I DOES have cross browser compatibility tools.

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That sounds pretty interesting. I'm wondering if they are going to integrate it more with Photoshop. You know how you can edit it Image Ready from photoshop, but I bet if you have it sliced you can just hit "File > Edit in Dreamweaver" I might upgrade to this version if it has a lot of changes, if not I might just wait, because I don't do too much coding anymore and probably won't need it. I have barely used the features in DW8 though because I'm not too experienced. Should be exciting either way though. Can't wait.

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That sounds pretty interesting. I'm wondering if they are going to integrate it more with Photoshop.

I think Adobe would be dumb not to. I never thought about that, but that's a great idea and if they dont do that send them an email haha. I mean Adobe IS macromedia now, so it would make sense and i bet would help sells a bit more.

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Well I got a email fron amazon about pre ordering Adobe CS3 software so that means it is coming out a which is actually April 20th. Of course I went to adobe website and actually found it.


They actually added in some new stuff as well besides change the name, they added in ajax support and of course they added in adobe photoshop support into dreamwever as well, which is a good thing for web design who design through photoshop. and then the minor upgrades. their is alwaso a beta version of adobe dreamwever out their as well, haven't found it yet, but should be interesting to try out and see what is new.

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