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Do You Prefer Cats Or Dogs? Your Choice of Pet Says Something About You

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Not to exclude the myriad of other critters people choose to have as companion animals, but it just so happens cats and dogs are the most popular in most societies. As such, more theories (emphasis on "theory") abound regarding these particular pets and their people. It is said, for example, that cat people tend toward an independence of spirit and aloof quality, whereas dog people gravitate toward group activities and exhibit great loyalty. Is it mere coincidence these qualities also manifest in their respective pets? I think no. It would appear, at least to me, that people gravitate as much toward animals that share their own traits as they do other people. Heck, some folks even physically resemble their pets (or certain wild animals).I consider myself much more of cat person, hands down. There's nothing like the soft purrr of a feline to lull one off to sleep at the end of a long, hard day spent posting at the Trap. While I love dogs, there's a certain coarseness about the drooling creatures that offends my sensibilities. While cats are living works of art; dogs are wrecking balls. Cats are independent nobility; dogs are slobbering cling-ons. Cat's curl up in your lap; dogs sniff your crotch. Cats roll in catnip; dogs roll in excrement. There. That's my two cents on the subject. How 'bout you? Do you prefer cats or dogs as companions, and why? And do you feel you share some of the personality traits of your cat and/or dog?

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Hmm, considering that my 'ambition' in life, if it can be called such, is to have a cold, stone walled castle on a mountain, with a view over several ranges, and leopards (wildest and fiercest and stealthiest of all cats) as pets, so I'd say I'd like cats.The average cat is nice, but it's become too tame under the influence of humans over thousands of years. I've made the acquaintance of leopards in my time in the jungle and find them a beautiful, intelligent and independent species, and one that it would be fascinating to make friends with. Besides, a leopards fur is like strands of bronze and gold (truly) and it's gaze is like the sphinx.Many people consider 'wild animals' too wild to befriend. However, I have found that these creatures are less insensible to kindness than some humans. Kindness, patience and gentleness can win the friendship of the wildest creature of the wild.Oh, as for dogs, they're a leopard's favorite food, so I'm afraid that keeping both leopards and dogs is rather difficult, so I'll go with the superior being.

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I will say cats, because I have one, and she is really cute. A big poodle can't come and sit and start purring on your lap, now can they? So i would have to say cats.

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Oh, as for dogs, they're a leopard's favorite food

Heeeheeee! Yes, ounce for ounce, I'd say the feline is a stealthier, deadlier creature than any canine. :P One can't help but appreciate, and perhaps romantacize the wild things of this world, but thousands of years of domestication have made the common dog and cat dependent on man to a great degree. We hold the power, and we are responsible for their current state of dependency. As such, we have a responsibility to maintain that which we have created. I always encourage potential pet owners to steer clear of the temptation to acquire "exotic" animals while we have so many unwanted, deserving dogs and cats languishing in pet shelters across the civilized world.

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I'm a certified cat person. I agree with the idea that we are naturally inclined to pets who are like us. I'm aloof, distant and fiercely independent: so are my cats. The kitties here at my house are the best companions I could ever want. They're not so aloof that they can't bother to let me pet them, but they're not so co-dependent that they have to look to me for approval every time they take a leak.Cats are far more entertaining than dogs. I love watching the cats wrestle with each other. I enjoy watching them sprawl on the floor, right in the middle of the sunbeam, and hours later wake up and give me the evil "Why did you move the sun?" glare.And I definitely love breaking out the laser pointer and watching them chase the red dot. :P

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I would have to say i am a cat person cats are so much easier to handle if they have to go use the bathroom they can go in the litter box and they dont need to wake me up in the middle of the night to take them out.

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I have to go with dogs, for some reason I just cant stand cats ,, to me they seem nasty , and I dont know why? Its just ive never have liked them at all.. so Dogs all the way.. besides dogs are just a bit tougher looking and you really cant take a cat out for a walk and not look like a sissy.

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they're not so co-dependent that they have to look to me for approval every time they take a leak.

Hee heee :P I totally agree! I think that's one of the things that bothers me most about dogs -that is, their constant need for approval and lack of independent spirit. Cats are leaders, dogs are followers.

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I always encourage potential pet owners to steer clear of the temptation to acquire "exotic" animals while we have so many unwanted, deserving dogs and cats languishing in pet shelters across the civilized world.

Fortunately there aren't these problems with 'unwanted' animals in the Himalayas where I live. As a matter of fact, very few people here even keep 'pet' animals (of course they keep goats, yaks, etc.), so most of the dogs and cats around here are quite wild. The dogs pack together and hunt mountain goats much like wolves would do. They're dangerous even to the average lone human in a pack with a good pack-leader. Cats go their own way, much as they do all over the world.

Leopards actually live in the lowlands reasonably nearby, so they're not exactly an exotic animal where I live. To acquire a leopard one would merely have to travel to a jungle and ask a mother leopard (politely) to allow you the honor of bringing up one of her cubs :P If you survived the conversation I daresay she'd let you have one, ROFL

Feeding the leopards you owned would be easy, you'd just have to 'go hunting' with them every night (did I mention those packs of wild dogs that nature provided just to feed your 'pet'?). Free food for your friend, and one of the most beautiful and wild creatures by your side, what more could anyone want?

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I prefer cats than another animal cause I feel better with cats and I like them they are soooooo pretty, I hate dogs .. I don't feel good with them especially when it starts licking you :P

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Hmm, considering that my 'ambition' in life, if it can be called such, is to have a cold, stone walled castle on a mountain, with a view over several ranges, and leopards (wildest and fiercest and stealthiest of all cats) as pets, so I'd say I'd like cats.


The average cat is nice, but it's become too tame under the influence of humans over thousands of years. I've made the acquaintance of leopards in my time in the jungle and find them a beautiful, intelligent and independent species, and one that it would be fascinating to make friends with.

Besides, a leopards fur is like strands of bronze and gold (truly) and it's gaze is like the sphinx.

Many people consider 'wild animals' too wild to befriend. However, I have found that these creatures are less insensible to kindness than some humans. Kindness, patience and gentleness can win the friendship of the wildest creature of the wild.


Oh, as for dogs, they're a leopard's favorite food, so I'm afraid that keeping both leopards and dogs is rather difficult, so I'll go with the superior being.

Ok, just to be crystal clear here, we're talking about cats, specifically felis catus, not its wild cousin, felis panthera. Also, we're talking about Canis lupus familiaris or the domestic dog, not its wild brother the grey wolf -Canis Lupis. There are many variations of cats and dogs with regard to domesticity you could get a little poodle, for instance, which is about as needy a dog as you could find, or you could get a rottie which can take to a feral pack with little encouragement. Same goes for cats. There is the infinitely domestic Persian long-hair, and there is my little black monster who was bred from "barn cat" stock and would probably be able to adapt to the wild quite well. Feral cats and dogs are not "wild" per se, they're just not affiliated with any human clan and so they're independent. These cats and dogs, though, can be brought into a human society and, while they'll probably always be somewhat feral, they can become a part of a human family. Left to their own devices, these roaming packs of feral domesticated cats and dogs will roam the countryside spreading contagious diseases and cause all sorts of problems. The subject is not trivial and shouldn't be downplayed as it's a serious problem all around the world. I read, in researching this post, that animal shelters in the U.S. alone destroy more than 30,000 cats and dogs each year.


I'm obviously a cat person, for several reasons. First, since they often sleep 16 hours of the day, they're really low maintenance. This appeals to me on the same level as children. I don't like most children because they require too much maintenance. Cats are independent and, in the summer at least, they can be self reliant too. They do a good job of keeping the rodent population in check and they're watchful and protective too. Neither of the breeds we've got (Russian Blue and American shorthair) are terribly good at personal protection, but there are breeds out there that could rival the smartest German Sheppard. One such breed is the new Pixie Bob. It's bred from barn cat stock from the foothills of the Cascades in Washington State, US. This breed reaches a weight of 16 to 28 pounds (7-13kg) and has superior intelligence to that of most cats. The Pixie Bob can easily be taught to fetch sticks and things and to walk on a leash. It can be trained to be a "companion animal" qualifying it to be exempt from anti-pet rules in restaurants and grocery stores just like seeing-eye dogs! A very cool pet, the Pixie Bob and several other "wild-like" breeds have traits that make them much like wild cats without actually being wild. If you really feel like most domestic cats are "too domestic", there are alternatives other than going in to the jungle and trying to befriend a beast that would just as soon eat you for lunch as look at you. Wild cats, while playful at times, are always unpredictable and should never ever ever be approached in their territory. Unless you're suicidal that is, then, by all means, approach!

Edited by Watermonkey (see edit history)

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I prefer Cats.I had 3 cats before and now I've a white kitten. The cats are the most cutest and interesting animals to have as a pet.I love cats, because they are more gentle and always keeps themself clean. They love playing with us, and are more intimate with us than dogs. I love the entie Cat family, the Leapord, Cheetha, Tiger, Lion, Lynx, Panther.

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I prefer Cats, not that i do not like dogs but, cats are more interesting and hard to conquer then dogs, that is a fact.In the other hand, dogs have also very useful utilities because they are suposely smarter then cats, but that is not the truth if you ask me, the dogs are more friendly then cats, they are more helpful, and in some ways, they are really the men's best friend's, but cats can also be too, they just are much much much more hard to "conquer", hard to get their trust, their atention, their friendship because the fact number one, cats do not trust people but dogs do, and that is why cats are much more smart then dogs and humans together!!!I have 2 cats, their names are:Male Cat = Ny (short name for danny)Female Cat = Tucha

Edited by Lyon2 (see edit history)

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I really don't like one over the other.There both are very good pets,dogs can be trained but so can cats.I would say dogs because like I said they can be trained and learn a lot trick and can be train to help disabled people.On the other hand dogs are very powerful and still have potential of being dangerous......but I still would say dogs but I would have both

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