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Well, I want to clear something up at the very beginning: Suicide is for selfish people who are not strong enough to deal with life. My advice to anyone thinking about that stupid thing that doesn't change anything: "Your life is no worse or better than anyone else's. There will always be someone who is worse off. Find other ways to deal with life. If suicide is your only option, think about the people who you will hurt and who will miss you. If you do not think there are those who will miss you, look again. Do you hate selfish people who only think about themselves. That is what suicide is, only thinking about your own problems. Life should be treasured. Don't be ready to waste it."So yes, it is completely self-centered, pridefully selfish. From a religous point of view, we owe an allegence to God who thought of us first, loved us first and put us on this earth for a very good reason. Rather than die in self pity, why not pray and ask God the reason for our being. Judas was so proud that he thought himself above repentence; unworthy of forgiveness and chose to commmit suicide. Jesus said it would have been better he were never born. If a son came asking for forgiveness with sincere heart, what parent wouldn?t forgive him. How sad for the parent of a son who didn?t trust in his father or mother?s forgiveness and ultimately waste his life by commiting suicide.

Edited by heavensounds (see edit history)

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I do not condone suicide at all. I think it is a way of being a coward and giving up on your life's problems. I think, the people that overcome life's hardships and make something of themselves can be considered herioc. Its our actions that define us, and if suicide is the choice of action one takes, then they are deemed a coward. Sorry if that sounds too harsh.

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Hmm Today my sociology professor talked about suicide in society and showed that statistically, protestants, men, unmarried people, wealthy people, and people with no family ties are much more likely to commit suicide than women, catholics, poor people, people with strong family ties, and married people. And he showed its not just some random events, its a trend. He showed that in different countries, men are 2 to 40 times more likely to commit suicide than women. Also, black people commit suicide much less than white people. These are the facts. It was pretty interesting though. It seems like lonely people kill themselves more than people with lots of family etc. So what do you think about it?

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Look there's nothing you can really tell him but everything will be ok and that everything will get better you see I know because I am suicideal and I am always trying and my problem is that no ones ever there for me or there to tell me that I am here for you or just a hug I try to comit suicide yesterday night and failed I really don't want to be here I have nothing to live for I lost my frist baby and uncle in the same month and that was the month that my aunt die from cancer I really am sick of life I don't get showed no love at all not from my mom or my dad I just have no reason but if thats what your firend is going through just be there fo him thats what he needs right now just be there let him knw you care for him ok everything should be just fine after that just don't throw nothing in his face ok and give him a hug let him stay the night with you or something you know make him feel loved ok well I'm going to try agian today so good luck to you and your friend ok bye for the final time /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley6.Gif

-reply by lala

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Hmm... suicide is a very sad situation, it usually involves long term troubles, problems, issues, etc. and is described in a short phrase. Suicide is the worst thing a human can do, besides killing another and suffering the lost. Killing yourself is killing your dreams. Each human has a unique dream, in which one day hopefully they might fulfill their dream and die happily. Suicide is not a happy ending, and I greatly incourage you to spend more time with that friend, help solve their troubles but dont make it worse. When they feel sad, feel sad for them too, and make them realize you really care about them. They think of suicide when they think there's no way out, no hope left, no purpose in life because they feel that their life is ruined.You, on the other hand, because you're their friend you can help them with this. They respect you, you respect them, and they will truly listen to what you have to say, in return you shall do the same. Because you're friends, you share a special bond with them that no ordinary doctor or councellor or psychiatrist could ever shard the same relationship with him.DONT let him suicide. Stop it before it's too late. Get suicide out of his head.

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I thought of no replying this because the subject touch a very sad place of my heart, but I'm replying anyways because maybe I can help.My best friend commited suicide when he was 13. (I was 12) It was shocking, I even felt mad at him for several weeks because of what he did... And then week passed by and I started to feel mad at myseld because I felt I could do something, but I just didn't.He never showed a sing that he was commiting suicide - though I knew he had a lot of family issues - but I never thought he would.You have that first step : You know your friend would.What I feel it's nessesary in this cases is to listen them, be with your friend, show him you care - That's important. When a person thinks about suicide it's because they feel they doesn't matter at all. Show them you care and they are important to you.Next thing: try to convince your friend to look for professional help. And if you can't then talk to their partents. Tell them they better do something because they're actually losing their son.He'll be fine. Just have faith and help him.God bless you for being such a caring friend*** EDIT***Geezz... I didn't notice this was such an old post...Anyways... I hope it's all ready now. I hope my reply would help anyone in this situation anywaysGodbless

Edited by Polipop (see edit history)

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I WANT OUT!!Suicide

Coward's way out I don't think so its the hardest thing to do God know I would love too checkout!!

Ive got to the point now where I just don't wanna be here anymore Ive just had enough simple as that!!

I just wish we could buy guns in the uk then my pains and troubles would be over in a second,I'm going for the sleeping pills myself I know its unlikely I'll die from them but if I take enough each night I'm hoping my liver and kidneys will just give up like the rest of me has. 

-reply by Pee'd off 

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I am the mother of a son who comitted suicide and I learnt this...My son would have never in a million years do anything to ever purposely hurt me. When he first died , I denied how he died and that came from teachings thru life, and religion was a big part of it. But one day I just couldn't do it anymore. My son, went to a place that must have been the worst place ever in order for him to have taken his life, he went to a place I never want to go , and thats where my spirituality kicks in and I am grateful. I took the focus of myself and asked questions. And  unless we are there,  we will never understand and rather then get all riteous on this topic , I will just stay greaful and have the faith, he never did this to purposely hurt anyone. No one who takes thier life does. Think about them for min, when they were here and if you knew them really good , what do you think? makes a big difference when you remember thier character and who they were. I love him still with all my heart and I wish I knew what to do but the reality is , there is too much condeming the ones who took thier lives and not enough solutions from the heart for prevention of it. It's not a shame and it's the least of all times to judge that poor soul. I refuse to believe that God didn't just take him in and help him through his saddness, my God is forgiving and wouldn't let him suffer anymore, it's the humans judging that make it otherwise. So quit wasting time and become apart of the solution. 


Forever Proud... Joey's Mom

-reply by Joey's Mom

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Dear iGuest, I accidentally stumbled upon your post when I was doing research on Nome Alaska and I couldn't get it out of my head. I know this post is from July and I know my reply is very very late, but I couldn't help but say something. Your message was too heartwrenching to even sleep. I know things can be really terrible at times, so much so that its near impossible to go on but if there is just one thing that you still like in the world the flamed sky of a sunrise, the feeling of warm clothes out of the dryer, the first bit of sun after a dreary winter, even a memory from a time that you were happy, hold onto it (whatever it may be). Things really do get better, but it takes time and effort. Don't give up and PLEASE don't die. I Care

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Suicide. It's a waste of life. I believe it's a waste of a 1 in an infinite probability that is life. But I guess there are just people who can't accept some realities or just give up easily.I had a friend with a suicidal tendency. Her boyfriend broke up with her so she drunk a bottle of toilet bowl cleaner (I believe it was Mighty Duck). She locked herself in the bathroom and it took his sister's fiancee to break the lock. Fortunately, she survived. She may have learned her lesson 'cause she never looked back again. She's married now and is living happily, I hope. There are people who wants to die because they want to transcend to the next cycle or they want to answer what's beyond life. Can't they wait? You're going to die anyway. But then again, it's there choice. Live and let die.

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Im thinking of suicide and how to commit it. Butt he thing is I dont want a violent way that will hurt and sh*t I just want something like a carbon dioxide death which youo just fall asleep and die. Sometimes my life gets unbearable and i wanna end it but I just wanna go to sleep an die in the sleep not slit my wrists cause it painfully and gory and bloody I just dont want the pain. Ive thought of a train but t hey the thought of it knocking me and havingt o spend ten years on life support or in a wheelchair isnt coolI just want a nice calm way. does anyone have experience in this area.

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I collected some stats for suicide, I don't agree to it and can't be tolerated to a modern society. It is being common lately in my country as we are a country in development. Suicide is the eleventh most common cause of death in the United States. People may think of suicide when they lose hope and find no other solution to their problems. Is often associated with major depression, alcohol or substance or a major stressful event.People at greatest risk of suicide are white men, although women and adolescents have the highest number of suicide attempts. If someone talks about suicide, you should take it seriously. Encourage them to seek help from your doctor at the emergency room or call 911.Therapy and medication can help most people who think about suicide. The treatment of mental illness and substance abuse may reduce the risk of suicide.

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