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New York Times Says Vista Is A Copy Of Mac Os X This is a short video about how its NOT

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This is a funny video that proves Windows did not just copy Mac OS X. It's by the New York Times and I actually didn't how much they were the same.


Check it out it's funny how much the resemple each other.

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OMG M$ did rip them off ahahaha, Apple could so sue the hell out of them for this. It is so obvious that it is sickening, I have a feeling Vista is not going to last long once apple starts with the lawsuits and they show.Widgets does not equal gadgets :lol: and yet are the same thing. Glad I have XP, what even funnier he only mentions the apple users and not the linux users.

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I would definitely stick with Windows XP. Like SM said though Mac was indeed ripped off. That's amazing how much they have gotten away with. With the release of Vista in January they are probably going to have so many problems coming for them. Bill Gates will file for bankruptcy. :lol: It's too bad no one can have their own ideas anymore. And Windows used to be the best operating system out there. Now they are turning into a cheat. Although I'm sure Mac has copied a few things from Windows too... just probably not so much. ^_^

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Most people would be smart enough to wait a few months before they purchase vista. There won't be many drivers for it(maybe the Microsoft drivers for there games), and it's ganna be bugged...From what I hear, they're releasing it way to soon.It's not a ripoff guys, can't you see the search botton on Vista is in the bottom left corner. DUH.

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Didn't Apple come before out before Windows then Bill Gates tweaked the UI a bit then released it. For a long time Windows made it's own stuff and was original. I believe that if Apple keeps making great inovations that they will end up ahead. The problem is that they are so far behind and they dont really accept to many games. Actually Macs new OS has a thing called spaces which is a rip off of Linux systems, but that is the only thing i saw.

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Ah, i noticed this too, from screenshots of Vista. But yeah, Microsoft copying other OS's (i.e. Mac OS) is not new. I'm still amazed that Microsoft won the case several years ago. I think the verdict was similar to: Microsoft modified things JUST ENOUGH to get by.

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First of all, Apple can not sue Microsoft over the similarities in the look and feel of the operating system. Those things are not copywrited and thus there is no legal ground for sueing. Secondly, lots of the features that are used in Vista and OSX were first developed for Linux which and was freeware. Finally, after using Vista some at work and talking to other who have, we all have agreed that is actually flows a lot better than XP. With a dual core chip, 2 gb ram, and a 256 mb video card, it runs super fast and actually does numerous things quicker than XP on the same system. As for compatibility there is a compatibility mode that you can run software in as if it were XP so programs that crash in vista can be emulated in an XP environment.

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Ya, your right they can't sue, but it's SO close to the same. I mean Widgets/Gadgets and the default Gadgets are the same as the default Widgets! That's amazing to me. I am a long time windows user also. I only switch to Mac for my Graphic Design courses. Now i am in love with it and its a lot different and i think cleaner then windows.

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:/ Microsoft's running out of ideas? How sad... But seriously... it looks a lot like Mac. They might end up losing more reputation with that. They could've kept the same old things instead of trying to "innovate" them and end up having them look like another OS. :lol: Are they seriously trying to ruin their reputation or something?Well... I'm going to stick to Windows XP a little longer. I'm already annoyed that it takes up a lot of RAM by itself because I need my RAM, and I can't exactly purchase an upgrade in my financial state. Sure... it looks pretty, but I don't enjoy lagging 'til kingdom come. I can't leave Windows entirely yet because I need it to run certain programs...

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Well I can't say I have used Macs very much... in fact only once when I was in France (off topic: I just hate the fact that they have a keyboard so different from the normal versions... It took me 10 minutes to write a 3 line email :lol:). Yeah I think there are some similarities between Mac OS X and Windows Vista, but I don't think Microsoft has stolen everything.What I can't really understand is the video. Is is supposed to attack the claims that Vista is a copy of Mac OS X or the other way around. Because, in my opinion, the video lets you think the exact opposite of what they say. C'mon the last thing with the chess board was a killer. Yeah as if the main difference in the two operating systems come in the chess game. True journalism... Mac OS X has grass chess board and Vista has marble. Yeah thats really important.Anyway I won't be switching to Vista very soon... at least not as my main operating system. I have it installed as my secondary one and I can say it looks pretty good. As far as the hardware requirements they are high, but not as high as I expected. On my AMD 64 3000+ with 1GB RAM and GeForce 6600 it works decent, even very fast... of course I don't have many software that might slow it down. I don't even have an antivirus on it. So it is still irrelevant. On the other and Vista seems quite unfinished to me. I think Microsoft has rushed it too much... We have waited 5 years I think we could have waited another year. Windows XP is the next Windows 98 x 10.

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@FF what do you mean they can't sue over similarities of how it looks and runs? By copyright law any similarities between any two items could be considered copyright infringement depending on the dates when those two items comes out. Now thats a loose translation of how copyrights work.Of course that being the case the creator of linux could sue both Apple and Microsoft on some stuff that went open source to non-open source. Then Apple could sue Microsoft on some junk. Then Microsoft could go bankrupt since they took everyone else's ideas. You would have to see it in the coding to find out if Microsoft did in fact did do some copy and pasting.. Of course whats funny is that Bill Gates has got some control over Apple computer, since he help Steve Jobs get out of Bankruptcy back in the 90s.Who knows' he could me pimping out the Mac OS just to see what people think about before working on his own. :lol:

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bah I don't think vista will be very succesful at all. the only reason I (and probably countless others) use windows is because we don't want to use macs because we're narrowminded individuals who don't like change and thrive on familiarity :lol: 98===>XP- was okay, a bit buggy but I could surviveXP===>Vista- *hides under blanket* "I'm scared, what's going on in my desktop- gadgets???"! every time I use a mac it takes me like 20 minutes to open something! microsoft what are you doing!?

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I saw a great one some guy did on youtube. As this Microsoft guy is announcing all the new features, the guy who made the video is on a Mac Os X doing the same exact features.And M$ ripped tabbed browsing. They aren't very original, but you can't sue them for stealing Mac Os X. You could just call it a parody.V for Vista!

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every time I use a mac it takes me like 20 minutes to open something! microsoft what are you doing!?

Why does it take you 20 mins to open something. They have a dock to put all your most used Applications (programs on Windows) which I have 20 and they fit nicely and the other ones i dont use often are only 3 clicks away. Same amount of clicks as Windows Start > All Programs > Program > .exe file On a mac its Mac HD > Application > Application. Actually quicker.

Yeah as if the main difference in the two operating systems come in the chess game. True journalism... Mac OS X has grass chess board and Vista has marble. Yeah thats really important.

Thats is true haha. He did say a lot though. I mean a calendar, photo thing, search, chess game, gadgets. Its not like he did only stupid things.

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