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Fighting is it worth it

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Well is it?If someone is really ticking you of for no reason would you bash em or leave to tease you some more?Well this guy at school is really pising me of bad, for about 5 weeks now, but ever since i watched ep 37 of naruto yesterday i learnt that he shouldn't be doing.( i watched the ep, were Gaara says " they were looking at me funny" or someting well yeah, i'm gunna go Naruto on him .

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The most logical decision is that fighting should be used as a last resort and only as the last course of action when everything else fails...And especially when there is nothing wrong in a situation, should you really have to do anything ?It's quite illogical to base real facts on anime anyway...

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I don't think it's really worth it. The only time I would fight is if someone started it with me. I wouldn't start a fight, especially because I'm small but that's not the point. It's not worth the trouble and hassel of the police or school administrators, whichever the case may be. It won't solve anything either. You'll just get into more trouble with that person later. Or people may think of you as a bad person.

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Well, let me say this about that... I agree with what has already been said, however, let me relate a story about an experience I had while a youth. I guess it was in Grade 7, might have been Grade 6 though, memory fades after a few years.I was pretty much a shy, quiet guy minding my own business, tried out for a Hockey team and made it onto the team as a Defenseman. There was another fellow who didn't make the team and figured it was me who took his place, so he and several of his friends decided I needed to be taught a lesson, so hassled me one night on my way home from school. Hassled me good, too. Cuts, bruises, bloody nose as i recall. Since there were 5 of them I didn't stand much of a chance. :)After about a week, I was all healed up. Took it upon myself to show a little retribution. One on one, this time. I stalked the biggest guy, caught him heading home from the local store one night after supper. Paid him back even though he was bigger and supposed to be able to kick my butt. Over the next couple of weeks, I found each of them seperately and had a little to-do with them, one on one, one at a time. I didn't hurt them, just took them down and nicely explained that next time I would not be so nice as to let them walk away. And if they had a problem with that, to say so now and I'd honour their request immediately. I didn't inflict any damage on any of them, simply showed that I could do to them singly what they had done to me as a gang.Rest of the year and many more after that went pretty well. I can't emphasize enough that fighting is not my preferred method to resolve a dispute, but there may well be time when it is neccesary. Someone looking at you funny isn't reason enough.

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TV Show: Real people with real problems act as unreal persons with invented problems who real people with real problems look at to forget about their real problems.After all you told us, the most likely reason you have for bashing someone else is "he's been looking at me funny". Would you like to be beaten up for looking at someone else? If you do, go ahead. If you don't, better think again...

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I would say yes, but i'm quite a violent person thinking about it.The way You have to look at is generally in schools, if you dont start a fight, you wont really get in trouble for it. Well thats how it works at my school any way :rolleyes:Not only that, but if the entire school sees you kick the *BLEEP* into some smart *bottom* who thought you were some *****, you get a lot more respect.I've tried and tested this theory, people pick on the kids that they know wont fight back. Just trust me hehAs for fighting in the streets, if you have ever had a street fight you will understand how amazingly fun they are. I know this sounds bad but yes, the rush you get from them is better than any high i've ever had.But, with all that said, i dont go around looking for fights. If some punk wants to start sh*t with me, then thats his problem and im not going to back down from that. I am not, however, one of those irritating kids that thinks they are harder than bricks and can start on who ever they want.Bottom line - Yes, fighting is definately worth it, just dont get gripped by the pigs :)

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fighting should only be used as self defence, and there should be some rules to it.....not going "naruto" on them and punching them out cold....nor using knifes and painful street-fighting moves :rolleyes: just enough so they dont attack you again.....the only other reason i see for fighting is to defend those who can't defend themselfand yes, i AM a goody-goody two shoes... :)

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not going "naruto" on them and punching them out cold....
nor using knifes and painful street-fighting moves :)

The knifes i'll go with definately, i hate the constant fear that someone could start a fight with me and stab me :S

But, the no "painful street-fighting moves" depend on the situation.
If you're fighting in school then yes, this should go. But on the streets, not at all. You'll do anything neccisary (within reason, obviosly) to stop the oponant, if that means breaking an arm then so be it. You have to look at it that if they were willing to start the fight then they were willing to get hurt :rolleyes:

And about the knocking someone out, again, in school no, on the street, yes.

Purely because its easier than you think, strong punches to the face and most people are out. Around me, all fights end in either being knocked out or running off.

Yea i live in a pretty bad area :rolleyes:

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Fighting or really paying atention to what he does or fighting him back in the same way he bothers you would only make him happier and lead to escalation. Fighting should definitely be the last resort. I think you should just ignore him, let him waste his time.

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I agree with what everyone else has said. There really isnt a good reason to start a fight unless someone else starts it. No matter how much people annoy you, just walk away and ignore them. I know it can be hard but just go chat with your friends or find a girl to talk to. Trust me, it is not fun for people to make fun of someone when it doesnt get to them since thats the whole point.

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There are 101 good reasons not to engage in the fight, however frustrating it may be.I know how bad people can piss you off, and i know it can get to you, but not only are you putting yourself into danger by engaging in a fight, your also braking the law.As a martial artist, were often reminded of the severe dangers that come from fighting, and it is very moving to see the results of real fights. Fighting should only be used in self defence,as an absoloute last resort, nothing no matter how annoying it may be should ever warrant you to lash out. If you really do not believe that you have the self discipline within you to leave it be, perhaps just tell someone, explain to them what the problem is, and also say if they don't do anything about it, you'll smash his head in - can't say much fairer than that.. then the schools had warning, and it's hardly a 'sissy's way out'. Either way, I wish you the best of luck, and hope it works out ok.

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Well Well what do you know? To fight or not to fight? is the quesion I have asked myself quite some times in different situations. There was one time 4 years back when I was returning home from Gym in the evening after a gruelling workout/boxing routine and I was stalked and attacked by 8 guys. It turned out that they had been tracing my routine and following me for days before their final big move so there I was returning happily(on my bike) from the gym half dreaming about the protein shake I was gonna make for myself when I got back home and I was stopped by these guys close to a dark and secluded place and at once without giving any reason or any verbal action they all pounced upon me with all that they had. What chance had I in front of 8 full grown boxers of a rival gym? not a lot but still I tried all I could and eventually got myself a broken rib, 12 stiches in head, cracked jawbone and broken left hand(Yeah I was in a pretty bad shape at that time for 2 months or so). I passed out coz of a blow to my head and they left me for dead. This brawl cost me my onetime dream career of a boxer as my left hand was broken in two places and not to mention that I didnt have to do anything to avenge as my dad took care of all that for me. The irony is that I didnt know until a day AFTER this incident why I was beaten up so badly, HUH it was all about some stupid girl that I barely knew and was accused of going around with. My suggestion to you all is to stay out of fights and not to indulge in them just to show that you CAN. I could at that time and can take on anyone I think of now. Fighting MUST be considered the last resort when all fails, if there is no other way out then so be it. Kick the *Bleeep* out of your opponents no matter what.

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Hey me_boxer_dude,, What can I say man... It's insane.. It's not the way it should be, and there was nothing you could do. I just want to say that i share your passion for boxing and martial arts, and from what I know from experience, it sounds like although you were injured quite badly, you did alright for yourself. Don't give up on that dream of yours, no matter how bad it seems. I had my knee cap kicked clean out of my leg at the 2005 Jane Kuan Do nationals. I was in a german hospital for a month afterwards, and they told me I'd never walk again. Now, a year on and I've already co-founded my martial arts team (a dream of mine), graded just yesterday to 2nd Kyu in Karate and I still do Judo. They said I'd never walk - it just got me going stronger, and although the odds were against me, like anything mate, as I'm sure you'll know if your mind is on it, you can achieve it. I just want to say don't give up man. The drummer from Def Leppard played with one arm... Man has climbed a mountain with no legs, blind fighters can win the judo games... just don't stop aiming high man.. it's inside, and your obviously a strong person, I can pick that up already, and I have total respect for you, so I just want to wish you the best for the future, and tell you - don't stop believing mate. Total respect...Sean.

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