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Is 15 To Young To Start Drinking? Just wondering what effects getting drunk in the weekends has on my mi

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a wunt gu dwn tht road m8 a did wasnt vodka tho bad fo ya liver dat jus keep it at weekends n dont gu o va top thee addictoin will get ya like it got me n once its got ya its grasp is really tight hard 2 stop a staryted at 10 am 19 now n still cant stop itll mess ya life up jus like it as mine pal n if thts wat u want then carry on but if u wnna do sumet we ya life then you no watta do

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To be active Alchololyc is too Young yes, but if you drink this day, and next few day's you aren't drinking than it's okay :) I'm 15 and i drink when I go to discos only :D I don't want to drink constantly, and neather should childs from 15 years

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I was drinking at an early age. Before 15 and smoking pot everyday too so take it from an alcoholic and past druggie, don't do it. Focus on school and try and find some other interest that will not mess you up in the long run. Life's too short so don't spend it on useless stuff.

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The world is getting crazy. Of course that 15 is too young for drinking. That ages are the best part of everyones life, and it's really sad if young people destroy it. I know kids which drink every night, and they are only 14 years old. That is very sad fact, but today there's no kid which didn't try alcoholic drink.

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when the body isn't fully developed, i would assume that drinking and drugs would play a role in the sucessfull devolopment of your body. not to mention that alcohol has been proven to be a killer in adults....so at 15, you better keep that in mind.also, it's illegal to drink at 15 isn't it? and where are your parents? do they not care enough about you to smack you upside your head a few times to guide you in this area?partyin' is alright bud. a lot of kids do it and that wont ever stop....so just be as responsible as you can. the more booze and drugs you have in your system, the less responsible you will be. funny thing is...you may feel you are still responsible, but you AREN'T! alcohol has that affect on people among other side effects. i played darts every day at one time in my life. the only dart boards are in bars. i have seem alcohol affect different people in different ways. i wouldn't mess too much with it at 15. there are other productive things you could be doin; bud. i am not gonna say you'll be throwing your life away, but it sure as heck wont help your life at all. so you have to decide what's most important to ya

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jeez stop scaring the dude, i started when i was 14 and as long as you dont over due it and get drunk every weekend is fine and is acually good as you will have experience by the time you are legal to drink and you will be more responsible about it then.

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really? 14? i am proud of ya! but ummm....i wouldn't be bragging about that stuff to everyone. and ummm you think you know it all right? it's ok to drink at 14? if you have kids...are you gonna teach them that way of life? i really would like to know how the younger generation feels about raising their own kids how you are talking now....

true, kids shouldn't have the responsibility of adults. that's why when you first get your license to drive, your insurance rates are tripled. you'll learn soon enough. there's a reason why they are tripled

and ummm where are your parents that let you go out and drink on the weekends so i can call child services. at least the original poster asked something honest. you are talking just plain stupid.

i knew a guy once. my bud and i went to high school together. he thought it was ok to drink at 17. well, he graduate from high school. he was actually a b-a student so the booze and the weed didn't even affect his grades. but anyway, on grad night he died suddenly because he thought it was ok to drink AND drive....

oh. but whatever bud...you keep living that life and see where it gets ya. you can take on the same philosphy of the girls that go to school with you that think they will never get pregnant

jeez stop scaring the dude, i started when i was 14 and as long as you dont over due it and get drunk every weekend is fine and is acually good as you will have experience by the time you are legal to drink and you will be more responsible about it then.

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All i can tell you is that during grade 9 for a period of time i drank almost every day just as something to do, definitely not alcoholism as i barely drink now and back then we'd do like 1-2 shots each. And i can tell you i have'nt had any problems in the long-term but i'll tell you ALCOHOL is one of the WORST drugs EVER the morning after i've done Ecstasy, Magic Mushrooms and Ketamine and all of which had a milder comedown than alchohol for me.

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when i was drinkin' and smokin pot in 7th grade, i can personally say that it afected my grades tremendously. a d average or something. i decided to stop doin' that crap and went up to a b average in the 8th but still had to struggle in the 9th to make up for my gpa to graduate. personally, i say 15 year olds are too young.

i also say that drugs and alcohol should be things one stays away from their whole life if they can help it. it's not worth any negative consequence in a person's life.

my friend in high school did drugs and alcohol. he had irreversable liver damage. that didn't kill him though. he had a heart atteack at age 17. i have seen so many negative consequences. one of my other friends hanged himself in his parents garage because he was always depressed and i can tell everyone here now that the drugs and drinking didn't help him. it made him worse.

being a teenager is kinda hard. your at the age where you start to break free from the restraints your parents have on ya. there is other kids in school doing drugs and drinkin' booze. i'm 41 now but remember what it was like. i thought it wouldn't hurt if i experimented. heck, my dad and mom drink....if it's good for them, it's good for me. the sad part is that that is the wrong thinking. it ISN'T good for them, and it isn't good for ANYONE. prove to me drinking booze your whole life is better than not and i have some swamp land in florida i would like to sell you.

anyone tellin' ya pot is better for ya than not is feeding you rumors. pot leads to other drugs like alcohol, speed, etc...then if you get in to the harder drugs, you can spend your whole life addicted.

i didn't intend to preach....but my point is, kids have it easy. there is really ZERO pressure besides the expectations people place on schooling. there is no real need to drink or do drugs. as an adult, people feel all the pressures of life and the #1 reason adults drink or do drugs and are TRAPPED, is because they want to forget. they want to feel un-trapped. they want to feel free and they like the feeling drugs and alcohol gives them over their own real life. kids don't have that reason to do that as they hardly have any pressures yet. heck, they're too young to even get a job unless it's mowing someone's law or somethin'.

but, my little speech wont have an impact. i know. it's up for every individual to find out for themselves and learn from their own mistakes. that's how life works. all i can hope by writing what i do is i hope that the kids reading this are always aware of what the drugs they are putting in to their system is creating. it is NOT good. never will be and can and does ruin lives for many many people.

some people think it wont happen to them. they are just lying to themselves. it can happen to anyone.

besides any of that stuff i already said. your parents love you no matter what they do or say to make you feel otherwise. they want the best for you even if they don't say it or say it enough for you to believe it. if you want them to worry til they die, drink it up and shoot it up....as much as you can get your hands on. who knows....maybe they will die of a heart attack worrying so much. i've seen that happen too in my lifetime

All i can tell you is that during grade 9 for a period of time i drank almost every day just as something to do, definitely not alcoholism as i barely drink now and back then we'd do like 1-2 shots each. And i can tell you i have'nt had any problems in the long-term but i'll tell you ALCOHOL is one of the WORST drugs EVER the morning after i've done Ecstasy, Magic Mushrooms and Ketamine and all of which had a milder comedown than alchohol for me.

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I go to partys and usually come back drunk with my freinds. Now what i am concerned about is what negative effects does this have on my brain development? Is 15 to young to start drinking?

i think is no! bec. in our country other teenager here drinks at the age of 11,
and i thinks alchoholonly affects our liver not our brain!
but sometimes if you over drunk you do not know what your doing :)

this topic is almost 3years old :D
i just drop my opinion!

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yo dude dont worry about it i am Russian :P Different life style haha everyone here starts drinking at this age :DAll i know is that when i will have kids i wont have have them grounded if they go a high school [arty and come back a bit drunk. I dont drink every day or every week :) I think kids should be prepared by the time they are older and know their strength

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I go to partys and usually come back drunk with my freinds. Now what i am concerned about is what negative effects does this have on my brain development? Is 15 to young to start drinking?

Yeah,i think drinking in young age will have a negative efects,like a headache,stomachache,loss of consciousness and another thinks.I am in the same age and some of my friends drink a lot of alcohol.I think that the alcohol will have negative effects in subsequent life.90% of them are drunkers.

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I go to partys and usually come back drunk with my freinds. Now what i am concerned about is what negative effects does this have on my brain development? Is 15 to young to start drinking?

Is 15 too young? Are you crazy? did all that booze rot your brain? YES! It is too young. and if your comming home drunk why havent your mother and father beathen the heck out of you yet. I sure would. Sorry to be so rough but I started doing that at a young age and it did nothing but cost me alot. So Yes 15 is too young.

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I think drinking alcohol is dangerous at every age, but special to premature kids like you. :) Drinking alcohols cause to death millions of brain cells. This is the most important complication, that can affect your intelligence. But in addition there are lots of complications coming from drinking alcohol, and they aren't related to age. But you must know something, when you are premature immune system is not fully developed so this can cause problems while drinking. Another thing is that alcohol can affect adversely the development of different tissue. Some of damages from alcohol are related to :-liver dysfunctions-brain cell death-heart failure -atherosclerosis

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