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Do You Believe Dragons Breathed Ice?

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Hi There guys,After Reading that whole post about Dragons and did they exist, i did some researching on the creatures and one website actually said that some Dragons could not only breathe fire but could also breathe ice. And I don't know if this is entirely true but it does seem prety cool. Like imagin two dragons fight one breathing fire and the other breathing ice. Yeah does sound Farfetched but it could of happened. No one knows really. Oh and they say that dragons had different races. I cant remember it exactly but they were sayin something bout some races Having four legs and some having 2. Could of been true. yet it could of. Seeing as there are pictures of Dragons Sometimes With two legs and sometimes with Four.An y who tell me what you think.

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I don't believe that dragons existed at all, but if they did then I think it would be much more likely that they didn't breath anything but air. If they did breath fire or ice then that was probably what killed them off. One hiccup and your insides are coated in ice/flames.

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If dragons did exsist which I highly doubt they did.(It was just people believing dinos had wings and magic powers) They wouldn't be able to it just wouldn't make any sense. How could their bodies be able to function that way? That is my opinion on this.

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DRAGONS DON'T EXIST. They never did. Never will. Could they breathe ice? That's like asking if Santa could breathe ice. Sure. Not only could they breathe ice, but Kool-Aid and radiation while we're at it. Here. I'll give you logical proof of why and how Dragons could not exist.


Dragons, as mythological creatures, were naturally dreamt up by someone. Every trait which a dragon would posess is created of fiction, not limited by the basic laws of logic. Any idea that is considered free from logic can be modified in any way by anyone at all, because, since it is freed from logic, it is impossible, and is forced to remain a constant idea. It cannot be a tangible thing, because it is illogical. For example, let's say that dragons can breathe fire. How would one go about doing this without scorching its throat? Fire, according to logic, is hot, as it is the biproduct of a chemical reaction that involves oxygen. I don't know the rest about combustion, I'm not a physics major. I do, however, know that it is HOT. Fire breath would, according to logic, come from the stomach. Anything that had the proper chemical ingredients to produce a projectile combustion reaction would take up much more space than the back of the mouth would allow. As of this, the combustion would take place in the stomach and travel up the esophogaus and out the mouth. The esophogaus and throat would be damaged beyond repair, and the dragon would be unable to swallow food. And since, as has been noted, reptiles cannot chew their food, this would be fatal. Fire breath is illogical, not bound by the ties of logic. Therefore, it cannot exist. It would be suicidal. Say a reptile were born with a freak gene that actually allowed it to breathe fire, it would do it once and kill itself. It would never reproduce. Also, it needs to be noted that this would have to happen twice, in the same ecosystem, to both a male and female, and they would have to mate at a very young age for the gene to be passed on. Even then, the offspring would likely not survive very long, and would be forced to inbreed to pass on the gene again. This would produce an effect in which some genes are skipped (Similar to incestual relations in humans, although it is not as frequent in animals), and Natural Selection would likely choose against the fire breathing gene. No creature that could breathe fire can exist.


Secondly, the prospect of an animal reshaping itself into a human is impossible entirely, even through freak mutations. It would require two sets of genetic code, and therfore twice the normal amount of chromosomes as the average organism. Even if it were able to somehow become a human, what would happen with the genetics? What traits would it have? Since dragons don't exist, we cannot cross-match the effects that "dragon genes" would have when transfered to a human. Green skin? Doubtful. It would most likely be a humanoid form with extreme discolorations of the body, and it would undoubtedly lack vital organs it needs to survive. Also, need I mention that it would be unable to maintain homeostasis? If Dark Lugia transformed into his "human form" while indoors, his body would become too cold and he would die. If he were in "dragon form", he would likely have claws (We can't say for sure since some people ENVISION dragons differently from others, with no definitive final form and defining traits, kind of like goths), and puncture his keyboard when he tried to type.


Thirdly, there is no fossil record of anything even close to a "dragon". Evolution does not happen immediately. It would require a gradual process of creatures being selected for with favorable traits. It also bears mentioning that dragon traits are NOT favorable; with a longer tail, a reptile is easy prey for many of its predators. No record of any reptiles changing gradually to be more dragon-like has been found.


So, sure, maybe we can't prove that someone isn't a dragon. But we can prove that dragons don't exist. And with this fact, we prove that they are, in fact, not a dragon. If any furry has qualms with this, bring them up so I can shoot them down as well.

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There are people researching all kinds of things that don't exist. Just because somebody is researching something doesn't make it real.And they have never found a skeleton that was confirmed to be that of a dragon. If they did it would be all over the news and dragons wouldn't be considered mythical anymore now would they? Most dragon 'skeletons' are not dinosaur bones as you would expect, but actually prehistoric mammal bones. Oriental dragon 'skeletons' were mainly those of marine creatures of the past.

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i would believe dragons breathed fire after believing that i fell overboard into altlantic ocean and a mermaid came and saved me ,then we fell in love and lived happily ever after , now you can find a fish skeleton which has only the tail and part of the body intact ,that does not mean you found the bottom half of a mermaid right ? but you can still argue that it is the remains of a mermaid as long as you want , nobody believes in these mythical figures which have become so famous that some people dont want them to be myths at all , so it is no suprise that you can find people who believe in mermaids falling in love with people ,dragons breathing fire and santas breathing fire ,

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Actually someone made a good comment concerning this in another thread. He suggested that perhaps there was a sack of a certain chemical that, when exposed to air, exploded. This sack was located in the dragon's mouth and the dragon would breathe heavily outward as it released said chemical from the sack (it would be able to control the flow in order to protect itself, as snakes do from their own venom).I'm not saying I believe it (I don't), but that sounds like the most likely conclusion. As for breathing ice... no. That's just absolute bogus. There isn't any docile chemical that I know of that can become cold enough to turn something it touches to ice simply by being exposed to air or another docile chemical.

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First of all, dragons did not exist. People that go on and on about this are more than a little creepy. As for ice breath, if you let the air out of a tire, it gets frosty. If a creature could compress air and force it out then I could see it being "icy" but we are talking about something that is physically impossible with life as we know it. The other option would be something like the endothermic reaction that occurs in those instant ice packs, but either way ultimate we are making ice breath for what? For the purposes of making their prey cold? Not a real winner for getting a leg up as a species.

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uhm ... there are some chemicals which kind of freeze when exposed to air ... but it would not be possible to breathe ice the way the fire-breathing dragons are imagined to breathe fire (like in a huge ball of flames/ice); this chemical would merely be dropped on $target and take a while to start the freezing effect...


...but I suppose I have found something which might be (one of the?) origin(s) of the myth of fire-breathing dragons: It's a reptile living on an island somewhere around Indonesia, it's called the "Komodo dragon" [it's mentioned in John Perkins' "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" somewhere in the first chapters when he describes how he prepared for a job in Indonesia] and I've read about it before under the german name "Komodo-Waran" [in Douglas Adams' "Die Letzten ihrer Art" ("The last of their kind"), a report on his journeys to some animals close to extinction in the 1980's]:


It is about 2 meters long and half a man high [that's a little less than a meter, I guess] and lived, originally, on indonesian islands but nowadays survives on only one island. Its mouth "smells like no other creature [Adams] know, you can smell it fifty meters against the wind" and its saliva contains bacteria as dangerous to anything alive as not many other things. A story quoted by Adams: Some french adventurer in the 18th century got bitten by one of these creatures and survived the journey back to Paris but died a couple of months later because the wound simply refused to heal...


...and now go and figure out what kind of stories earlier people would tell about something like this and consider these factors: a) people like to adjust facts to make their stories more interesting [well ... people who hear this story might adjust them as well] and :) most stories where told from generation to generation since there was about no written history. This has to lead to speculations about mythical creatures...


--note: I am aware of the fact that this attempt to explain some myths is not going to give a satisfying explanation when you ask about the origin of dragons in, for example, the german tales of heroes [i'm using these tales as a reference because I am not firm in the tales of other countries. The german tales of heroes are set somewhen between 600 and 1200AD...]

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wow some interesting opinons. i'm against the existence of dragons too. i cant see any logical way of a creature being able to breathe fire, let alone ice. i don't think there has ever been evidence to suggest such creatures ever existed nor do i think they will ever find any. i do speculate as to why dragons appear in a number of ancient civilisations though.perhaps they were passed around by travelers and pioneers, i don't have the knowledge to say anything in this area. i've never really had interest in researching mythilogical creatures, though i do find them to be quite interesting.all in all, i doubt dragons could ever breathe fire or ice. i don't believe dragons even existed. at their prime, dragons would've been some make believe creature. people were alot more gullable then, they didn't have the science and logical thinking to doubt such existences.

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ice breathing dragons!Do You Believe Dragons Breathed Ice?Well, I just have one question to ask all of you... What do you really think a dragon is? I mean, it could have been a huge 16 foot lizard that could breathe ice and fire, or it could have been a a medium sized lizard, like a monitor lizard or something that had a bad report. Afterall, unicorns were actually a bad report of an extinct species of rhino! Some insects have the ability to xreate a burning fluid thing, there could have been a lizard that did the same thing... Now, back to the ice topic, I don't think they could have done that. They could have had a wierd organisim that created like liquid oxygen or something like that.. But I'm an optimist. I like to think of things with an open mind... Oh well..-reply by Deefan

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Uh... first of all I dont think dragons ever existed. At least, not the dragons that 'breathe' fire and 'ice.' The only thing I think they would probably breathe is air. And nothing more. If dragons could breathe fire, their insides would get bad and overheated. Where would the fire come from, anyway? Their body temperature would not be that high, they dont have an indoor heating unit, they dont have any gas supply but natural gas from their rear end.If they breathed ice, within 10 seconds they would probably be frozen to death, and I doubt they have an icemaker in them. What if people could fly? Lets research that shall we?Just because you're researching a certain topic doesnt mean its real, or has occured, or anything like that. The purpose of researching is to see if something HAS existed. Not if it still exists.

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