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Hows School Goin?

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Well i started last monday and well its going pretty good got all good teachers only 2 i dont really like but they are good still (i can deal lol) otherwise the other 4 are awsome!!!!!so tell me how your schools going (if you have started) or what you hope is going to happen!

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I started August 8th so I have had 3 weeks of school already. It isn't that bad this year so far, much better than last year. I have cool teachers, only one class I think I'll have trouble in and that's AP Euro History. The teacher is cool and is funny but he only lectures all period which I still have to learn to deal with. I think Chemistry is going to be my favorite class this year. I love science except Biology or atleast the teacher I had last year.

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lol bio... that was a fun class i just screwed around all day in that class and passed it with a A... so easy lol plus the teacher was awsome...chem is also gunna be a fun class once we get past the first part and start doing labs lolfire is fun with explosives...

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lol bio... that was a fun class i just screwed around all day in that class and passed it with a A... so easy lol plus the teacher was awsome...
chem is also gunna be a fun class once we get past the first part and start doing labs lol

fire is fun with explosives...

I've already done 2 labs and start another one Monday. I think we are gonna do a lot of labs. They are fun. Biology was horrible for me. The teacher was grouchy and depressed everyone, she would yell at anything as if we were all idiots if we didn't know something. Only times she was nice was after school or if she was sick. I didn't really enjoy that class because every time I thought of it I thought of the teacher. We had a lot of work and it was pretty hard but Chemistry is the opposite.

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Washington Univerity (In St. Louis)....well I'm hoping to complete my DEGREE!!! I am so proud of myself for getting accepted into this school. I love it here, except for one thing. They always make you study so much, you can pull all-nighters studying...not partying like the people in UT. lol :/ Well, It's great here though. The professors are great and all the students here are pretty nice...I think.

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i won't be starting school for another few weeks.. ahhhhh.. i haven't completed any of my goals for this summer, which made it like all my summer..... I'm looking forward to this school year because .. I GOT MY DRIVER LICENSE, no more school bus and waiting in the cold of every morning. I'm also looking forward for HOT transferred students coming to my school. lol

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I hope my Biology class doesn't stink Plenoptic. So far it hasn't been too bad for the two weeks I've been in school. It's kind of weird switching for middle to high school, but I've gotten used to it. My teachers are nice but I think they are going to work me hard. Oh well, it's life.

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Mine doesn't start for another week and a half, but I'm kind of looking forward to it. I'm taking an artificial intelligence class with the best. Teacher. Ever. I still have to write an essay for APUS, though >_<

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Mine hasn't started yet! 10 more days til school starts for me (Sept. 5). I went to my orientation on Tuesday (August 23) and saw the faces of people in my school/division. I noticed I was the only asian there. Not that I'm racist or against anything, but I'm more into asians than into any other race. Anywho, my school looks okay. The gym looks like any other school's gym, but then the halls don't have AC or should school halls have AC? Do school halls need/have AC? lol, well the classrooms have AC so it's all good... I guess.I think I have some "mean girls" in my division. And by "mean girls" I mean those who throw food at people who they don't think are good looking or are too good looking. And some other boys and girls that look/sound like they would throw paper airplanes/notes across the classroom when the teacher's back is turned but my division looks fun. :D I'm half anxious for school and the other half doesn't want to go to school. I'm anxious for school because I would meet new people and stuff. And the other half because there are too much drama in school. And I have to worry about my grades now. I wish summer wouldn't have to end/past by so fast. D: and did I get a little out of topic? lol. oh well I'll stop here then. xD

Edited by AnGeL KiSS (see edit history)

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I still have yet to start school, I start on September 1st. I'm going to be a sophomore this year, and I am looking forward to the new school year and being able to catch up with the people I haven't seen this summer.

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shool is hell :D5 days of school = 2 speeches so far7 essays so fardefined over 400 words so faryou could say it is hell....

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shool is hell :D


5 days of school = 2 speeches so far


7 essays so far


defined over 400 words so far


you could say it is hell....


Wow. @__@ sounds like alot of work. College right? 400 words... thats alot. Probably more than words I've defined the whole year in 8th grade. :D

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