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Age Verification

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Has anyone encountered an efficient age verification system that doesnt rely on either cradit cards or paypal?The target age group for my website is 16+, so obviously 16/17 years olds wont have access to a credit card, & many people who do have cards are reluctant to give their details out online.Short of relying on people being honest about their age when they join (not a good idea normally), I cant think of an effective way of doing it.I'd appreciate any ideas you have regarding this.

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All i can think of is...1. Is there really stuff on there people under 16 shouldnt see.2. if not just trust them. If someone was to lie could they see things really graphic.3. If this is the case then it doesnt matter if somebody was to lie.Just personal things but hope it helps for what its worth. If you find something though bro let me know please just because im curious.Goodluck

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Be like Microsoft, have a list and ask them for their age. If its below sixteen just don't let them through, perhaps leave a cookie on their computer which won't let them in for a day or so. Sure some people will lie about their age, but that's not really that much of a problem, at least I don't think so, people will always lie about their age. But at lease with this system you can say that you do ask for their age.

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Good point bro thats the main thing. Just make sure you ask for a persons age eben if they lie you have asked. Write a statement up stating that you ask for a users age..

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The main reason I want it isnt as there will be unsuitable content on show, its more to prevent a clash of personalities. A 21 year old uni grad wont have much in common with a 13 year old who 'spks lyk dis innit'Ive worked on student websites in the past & its amazing how annoyed people get about this kind of thing.Im just after a peaceful life I guess :)

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There is simply no way to get total verification of their age, short of requesting a copy of their birth certificate be posted or faxed to you! If it is for legal reasons you can't let under 16s in then simply post a legal notice and have two buttons, "Yes, I'm over 16" and "No I'm not". If they click Yes, then let them in. If they click No then either send them back to their previous page or close the browser.

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Be like Microsoft, have a list and ask them for their age. If its below sixteen just don't let them through, perhaps leave a cookie on their computer which won't let them in for a day or so. Sure some people will lie about their age, but that's not really that much of a problem, at least I don't think so, people will always lie about their age. But at lease with this system you can say that you do ask for their age.

Instead of asking their age directly, you can just add some general questions like Name, fav color and ask them to enter Birth Date. Entering birth date w/ year is much better than asking the age directly which gives them the hint that something is going to be blocked :-)

Make sure, you set a permanent cookie after that selection.

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Disguising it or throwing it in with other questions is a good idea, but if they're smart then they won't fall for it. I usually choose a random month and day and go for the lowest year they have. It's surprising how many sites believe that I was born in 1912.

Edited by beeseven (see edit history)

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Thanks guys. I think I may just settle for having specific areas for each age group, so the kids dont mix with the 'adults'. I will do the birthdate thing anyway, & hope it kinda works...

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Assuming that all of the people visiting your website have a drivers license, you might be able to work something out with that. If you ask people for their driver's license number, you might be able to create an automated script that checks their birthday on a website (Google for them).

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I wouldnt both trying to 'check' their age at all.. I dont think there's any good way to be sure of whether or not they're lying. I'm 20 now, but I know in the past I lied about my age to get into things.. and people always will.
Just stick a little warning on your main page; tell them that if they don't like it, they don't have to visit your site. Maybe something vaguely like the one they have on Chugworth? (That's the only one I can think of at the minute XD)

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The target age group for my website is 16+, so obviously 16/17 years olds wont have access to a credit card, & many people who do have cards are reluctant to give their details out online.

I've been honest about my age on legit sites. But sites I don't trust, or I just don't like telling me age, I say I'm a few years older(no, not porn sites.)

About credit cards, I beg to differ. I start working in August, a full pay just, about 8.20 an hour, and I'm 16. I'll get my plastics when I get my first paycheck.

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16-year-olds with credit cards? NOT! Age VerificationWhoever the 16-year-old is that posted he is getting a credit card with his first paycheck: You are mistaken. Just because you get "plastic" with your first paycheck doesn't mean you have a credit card. Federal law prohibits minors (defined as those under 18 years of age) to enter into a legally binding contract. (emancipated minors, the law may differ). A credit card requires a legally binding contract. You are signing on the dotted line promising to make payments on the line-of-credit ("loan") they give you. The plastic you get, I am guessing, is a debit card. It is not a line of credit. Nobody is loaning you money. The card has an amount on it credited everytime you get paid in the amount of your paycheck. Think of it as your own direct deposit. This is no different than you taking your own money and buying a gift card at Wal-Mart. No credit, no loans, no cash advance against money you don't actually have. It's your money on that card; it's just not in the form on green bills. This is easier on you, however, because you don't need to rely on an adult to cash your paycheck. Now please don't come back at me with: "Such and such gas station will cash my check; such and such bank will cash my check". Doesn't matter if people make exceptions for you. The law if the law. You cannot have a credit card until you are 18-years-old under United States law.P.S. Credit-cards for minors with an adult signatory is not discussed in this post. Furthermore, this post does NOT discuss "age of consent" laws with regard to marriage or sexual relations.Shawn-reply by Shawn Collins

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Request to Verify My Age re: a Request on Craigslist looking for housingAge Verification

Replying to TogiMy husband recently obtained a job in another state after being laid off for a year. I know to be careful on craigslist, but I also know there are some very good people there. So I posted what we were looking for in a place to stay. This lady responded, and wanted me to sign up at this website, which she provided a short cut link to, said she had just the place we were looking for and the people that were going to take it then backed out and stated if I would verify my age and such on this site, she would be back in touch with me. It turned out to be a porn site. How sick are some people? We all need to be careful on the Internet, let alone on Craigslist, but that was a real surprise to me.As for jobs, my husband did obtain a short term job once on Craigslist, but it turned out to be a less than honest type company, he didn't stay long. Thankfully, after all this time of being laid off we really are moving for a real thing job. A long term career position. And we are moving by the skin of our teeth, but we will make it, and without scammers like the one who sent me to the porn site.Always be careful who you deal with on the internet.Best Regards, and Stay Safe,R StanleyKansas

-reply by R Stanley


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