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Well as I was updating and reinstalling everything on my computerm i came across microsoft ie7 browser since i was going to update it anyways and notice that beta 3 was out all i can say its more stabled and alot faster i think also the interface is a bit more organized as well. They brought down some of the icons to the tab bar so the the menu options are not taking up a huge amount of space up top.but other then that it's comign along nicely i think being somewhat updated and with a cleaner look as well.

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IE7 certainly looks to be coming along. Look at this for small interface:


Posted Image


Maybe I'll download it but the only thing that pulls me back are my 33 extensions and the fact that half of everything new in IE7 has been "borrowed" from its competitors. Firefox 1.6 will probably have something magically cool that will find its way onto Microsoft Windows IE7.


Who cares anyway? It's only a browser...

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Well I am just gonna wait for 7 to come out because what I have works fine for me. I only use it to make sure my web site is clean looking and to go to one other site that doesn't work in firefox for some reason. That does look a lot nicer though than the current and I have seen screenshots of the other betas. Hopefully it will come out to everyone soon but I think I heard somewhere it would come out with Vista.

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Actually, the betas are coming out before Vista because the one with Vista won't be removable. Like, it's built into the OS - not good. What I'm really hoping they'll do is fix CSS errors so I won't have to hack my way to oblivion if there's the slightest error. So far, I've been lucky enough to only have to use the Tan Hack - apparently they're fixing that in the real IE 7. But by fixing, do they mean ACTUALLY fixing and removing the necessity for it or just making it not work? Because the last would just be plain pretentious.


I also downloaded the Firefox Alpha test - so far, I'm getting used to it. I definitely love the RSS support (in both browsers) but there's so much more to do. For instance, why are the close tab buttons on the tabs? I was so used to clicking in the corner. This way, I might click on a tab and accidently close it. I could always use CTRL+W or Session Saver, but I'm clumsy :)


My personal wish list:

IE needs to have anti-aliased fonts!

Firefox will not take up all my memory if I leave it open

IE will have better tab support

There's probably more, but at the moment, Bon Echo is distracting me with its spell check feature. No more bad forum posts for me!

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Internet Explorer is a really unstable and bad browser. You can obviously see with this latest beta installment that they obviously copied the Firefox interface (smaller, long toolbar where only crystal-like icons are displayed for navigation). As well, the fonts, absence of extra features and plug-in compatibility, and overall browser-feeling of the browser makes it, to me, the least-rated browser of the ones you can currently find on the internet. At the moment, the browser that I found to have had the best internet navigation experience was the pre-loaded Safari browser that comes with Mac OS X. Additionally, Camino for Mac OS X has a very similar browser experience. If you're not on Mac OS X, I'd suggest Firefox.

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I am waiting for the IE7 final for a long time now, perhaps months since Microsoft talked about releasing this new version.I prefer using Maxthon, it is always updating, and updating with very usefull plugins.

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I've heard Maxthon is pretty good, just because of its' sheer brawn, but Firefox is easily my favorite. Opera, however, could use more publicity. For people who don't want to be part of the FF IE battle, it's the perfect pick because it's been good for so long. Firefox made a very good move by following Opera's tabs, and I don't see how IE should get any credit for that since they're just going with what they know works.What's funny is that IE probably wouldn't have updated its browser if Firefox hadn't been gaining so much popularity, although it slumped recently. People who use the Internet are generally not interested in what they use, and it's sort of bad that they're technologically impaired, but what can you do? Install Windows and you're using a computer that's essentially in easy mode. So people are going to see one browser (since IE comes with Windows, which is both stupid and smart) and use it all the time. That's where the statistics come from. People who have a choice actually get to pick browsers, not use the default.Can you imagine a minor update to IE 6.1? What would it be? A search toolbar? A way to not lose bookmarks? A sign that says "IE IS NOT FAST ENOUGH TO PROCESS YOUR WEBPAGE?"Instead, they're taking the riskier route that has earned them their fair share of press and appeal. IE 7 could be great if the team just tries to understand that there's no way to make the world's best browser, but they need to take steps all the time. I'm still rooting for Firefox, regardless.

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Much an improvement in features from the last IE, but now it looks more like a toy than a browser - worse than firefox's default theme. I wish you could turn off the fancy junk like in opera, which IE fails to compare in on the 9th release.

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Internet Explorer is a really unstable and bad browser. You can obviously see with this latest beta installment that they obviously copied the Firefox interface (smaller, long toolbar where only crystal-like icons are displayed for navigation)

well thats your opinion, but its quite a narrow minded one. . . .

the latest IE is NOT UNSTABLE, i havent had one crash or error since installing and running it.
The tabbed browsing is excellent, and better than firefoxes exercution, in the way new tabs can be created with alot more ease than FF.
The layout is less cluttered. . . .. but that doesn't mean they copied FF . . . . its a logical thing to do. . . . .
also. . . sooo they have new shiney graphics. . . .. the whole world is going shiney, its just a graphics trend, which was NOT STARTED BY FF. . . . using ur mentaltity, FireFox copied Apple OSs and apple copied someone else no doubt. . . .

stop being bitter u fanboy :). . . open your mind!

IE7, also has proper PNG support, better CSS support and better RSS support.
Many people moan about IEs interpretation of certain CSS codes, but. . . IE makes alot more sense of CSS than the actual code. . . . a good example is the box model in CSS, with the border, margin, padding situation ( if you know CSS you will most likely have agood idea what i'm talkign about), but IE makes sense of that and so does Opera, but Firefox messes up the whole system by doing it exactly completely ill-logically. . . . meaning having to do work arounds for Firefox. . . . .

and why is having IE built into the OS a bad thing.. . .? unless they didnt allow you to install any other browser, but thats VERY unlikely. . . . they would be taken to court bassicly for bad buisness practices.

Overall, great MUCH improved new version!
defintly give it a try

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and why is having IE built into the OS a bad thing.. . .? unless they didnt allow you to install any other browser, but thats VERY unlikely. . . . they would be taken to court bassicly for bad buisness practices.

Though there is nothing wrong with integrating a browser into a GUI - KDE did it - it poses problems in security, as ActiveX and other interactive applications have a much easier time to get to the filesystem and install all things nasty. The KDE Group, unlike Microsoft, fixed the problems associated with browser integration.
Also Microsoft WAS taken to court for it. I believe it was an antitrust lawsuit due to the fact that IE would be shipped with every version of windows, and it wouldn't be fair for others in the browser industry like Netscape.
Edited by Tetraca (see edit history)

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This is a very good browser, excpet they dont use that pesky little local stetings folder no more. you know how you could get in to IE6 folder. I still havent found where everything goes. It probably goes into a hidden folder... HEHE! not like people wont find it. i like how when you delete histroy and stuff it accuallty deletes it this time. The multiple browsers in one, so it doesnt consume the start bar LOL. Its goign smootly. Just Microsoft in my opinion still sucks at alot of things lol. This was a good thing, they should be proud lol

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GAH! I hate it when people say "company 1 copied company 2, just look at it!" First of all, you can't just say IE copied FF because it cleaned up it's interface and made it more "user friendly." That is what a company is supposed to do, especially when doing a major program upgrade. And you can't say IE copied FF's tabs idea, FF was not the first web browser to implement tabs. IE is certainly not copying anyone. They might be getting ideas on what people like, what they like, what is most efficient (certainly, tabs, and simple interface). MS is doing the right thing. IE is MS's own code, they did not simple "copy" someone else's code and make it their own, and neither did FF.

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I've been using IE 7 for a while. It certainly is a big improvement from IE 6 and if they fixed security issues I wouldn't mind using it as my main browser but it still has a lot of security issues. I read that in this new beta there is supposed to be improved memory handling that is better than firefox. I haven't noticed any difference between this beta and the last one. But it sure is comming together nicely.

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I like IE7, but I have vista and I have a few problems,1.Can't Uninstall IE7 beta 2 to install beta 32.On Vista, IE goes down/crashes really easy, or so I have seen on my own machine, of course its not quite up to standard for vista.but I am really focused on #1, does anyone know a way of uninstalling it in vista??? if you do reply to this or pm me, it'd be really nice to upgrade.nvm that last one, I can't worry about upgrading, when my os isn't even supported, even though IE7 is to be realeased as its (vista's) main browser, this is sad, I like microsoft but when there stuff stops working with what its supposed to ur screwed

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IE 7 BETA 3 doesn't work!!! It automatically crashes (with Error Reporting) within few minutes of starting it.Instead, when IE is used, I use Internet Explorer 7 BETA 2. It works fine.However, I definately use Opera, Firefox, Avant Browser, Maxthon, Netscape and also sometimes SeaMonkey. Default is Opera and/or Firefox. Games is Avant Browser and Netscape. Alt. is Maxthon and SeaMonkey.The world's best browser....[not developed yet]. :)

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