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The Ultimate Gaming Chair My dream computer chair

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I have had a dream for some time now. I have dreamed about an "Ultimate Gaming Chair". Me and my buddy were thinking on an ultimate gaming chair, that we could use on our hardcore nerd days. Now I will explain some of the features my chair will consist of.



#1 Base: a nice reclinging chair from Canadian Tire

#2 Fridge: Haier HSB02 1.8 Cu. Ft. Compact Refrigerator from futureshop

#3 Microwave: GE 0.6 cu. ft. countertop microwave from futureshop

#4 Computer: Built in computer screen, and customized with a chopped up case. (ex. disc drives will come out on either side of head) (ex. cumpoter restart button, and lan plug will be close to handle controls for easy shutdowns) (ex. fans will be located all around my head so I can cool myself down on all of those hot summer days)

#4 Toilet: As much as I hate too say this, I really hate it when I have to go to the bathroom so badly that I almost crap myself, so with this gizmo I can keep playing while I crap. This would help alot when trying to level on a mmorpg

#5 Reclining Chair: So I don't have to go to my bed to sleep, I can just keep playing and then when I'm so tired, I just recline the chair, and it automatically pulls the power cable, which eliminates the hassol of logging out.


This chair is but a dream, since I would never be allowed to play the computer long enough to feel the full extent of my Ultimate Chair.


It's very unfortunate that I am unable to build this and give everyone the ability to see what my dream chair would look like, but It may be possible for me to do this on paint.


Well, I guess this will be one of my first inventions, so I hope this let's your mind run wild and will let your imagination fly.


If you have an questions or comments, please feel free to contact me via pm or in this post.


Thanks for reading.

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One thing i have to say is LOL! :) I really think that this is a hilarious idea. And suprisingly a good one actually. With all those people out there spending non-stop 24/7 hours infront of their console of computer system this chair would probably be very much soring of the market. Only if it had a somewhat of an affordable price that is. The toilet is a good idea, but maybe things might get a little too messy if you know what I mean! :) Good idea, but in real life it would be too pricey.

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I have had a dream for some time now. I have dreamed about an "Ultimate Gaming Chair". Me and my buddy were thinking on an ultimate gaming chair, that we could use on our hardcore nerd days. Now I will explain some of the features my chair will consist of.



#1 Base: a nice reclinging chair from Canadian Tire

#2 Fridge: Haier HSB02 1.8 Cu. Ft. Compact Refrigerator from futureshop

#3 Microwave: GE 0.6 cu. ft. countertop microwave from futureshop

#4 Computer: Built in computer screen, and customized with a chopped up case. (ex. disc drives will come out on either side of head) (ex. cumpoter restart button, and lan plug will be close to handle controls for easy shutdowns) (ex. fans will be located all around my head so I can cool myself down on all of those hot summer days)

#4 Toilet: As much as I hate too say this, I really hate it when I have to go to the bathroom so badly that I almost crap myself, so with this gizmo I can keep playing while I crap. This would help alot when trying to level on a mmorpg

#5 Reclining Chair: So I don't have to go to my bed to sleep, I can just keep playing and then when I'm so tired, I just recline the chair, and it automatically pulls the power cable, which eliminates the hassol of logging out.


This chair is but a dream, since I would never be allowed to play the computer long enough to feel the full extent of my Ultimate Chair.


It's very unfortunate that I am unable to build this and give everyone the ability to see what my dream chair would look like, but It may be possible for me to do this on paint.


Well, I guess this will be one of my first inventions, so I hope this let's your mind run wild and will let your imagination fly.


If you have an questions or comments, please feel free to contact me via pm or in this post.


Thanks for reading.


I can't believe how lazy you are. And to have a toilet in your chair!? Honestly, go outside and breathe the air. I really hope that you decide not to build that as it would seem that your computer has taken your life away from you. Please, go play a sport or even go for a walk. It's for your own good, please.

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Wow... if someone actually had that they would be in the worst shape i have ever seen anyone in my life within a couple months. It would be pretty bad if you cant even take a couple minutes out of your playing time to go and use the bathroom. If only it had the power to move around so if you need to go to school or something you can just use it as a motorized wheel chair and go whereever you would like and wouldnt have to worry about getting up EVER again. Wow scary...

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I can't believe how lazy you are. And to have a toilet in your chair!? Honestly, go outside and breathe the air. I really hope that you decide not to build that as it would seem that your computer has taken your life away from you. Please, go play a sport or even go for a walk. It's for your own good, please.


Btw Wolves,

I am not as nerdy as it says in the top post lol, and I have a life and everything. I just think this would be a great item to market because so many nerdies would use it, and it would be a gaming hit. Thanks for all the support guys.


You can now make donations to make my ultimate gaming chair a reality.

Just kidding people don't send me your money!

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Ive seen something like this at walmart before. It was called a gaming chair with built in speakers. It was one of those ones that can tip all the way back and rock back and forth. It had built in speakers to hear your games better. It was pretty cool. I'll try to find some pictures or something.

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Btw Wolves,

I am not as nerdy as it says in the top post lol, and I have a life and everything. I just think this would be a great item to market because so many nerdies would use it, and it would be a gaming hit. Thanks for all the support guys.


You can now make donations to make my ultimate gaming chair a reality.

Just kidding people don't send me your money!


Oh, ok, that's good to know. I like the built in computer idea, but a toilet? Anyways, it's good to hear that you aren't THAT addicted to your computer. :)

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Toilet... that's a bit too... :)Anyway, I think it's an interesting idea... though pretty weird. I wouldn't want to waste my whole life playing MMORPGs. I play them. I really do, but I have better things to do. There are times when I get too addicted and I know I just have to stop. I don't wanna waste my life leveling up. I'm not that much of a chronic gamer. (I was when I was way younger, but I had tons of time to waste back then... Unlike now, I have responsibilities)It makes me remember the technology makes people more lazy. Whatever happened to the days when there were no computers and students had to research using books? Searching through a pile of books to find your information can also be done with a few clicks in the computer. Also, the times when there were cars. People who couldn't afford horses had to walk or ask for rides... Not that I'm not happy about what technology did for us, but it's slowly turning us into lazy bums... even if we don't notice it!By the way, pulling the power plug won't be doing any good to your computer. :)To sum it up, it's a weird idea that could use a little mildness... I think it's a bit too extreme. By the time something like that really comes to life, computer gaming might be much different. There's already a game that can sense your motions and you can move in any way you want! You probably won't be sitting much and get tired XD THEN it might lessen the percentage of people playing in their sleep. (Though it might not happen in the near future.)

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ToiletThe Ultimate Gaming Chair

I just had this exact same idea xD and then realized others had probably already thought of it.

 Yes of course it needs a toilet, and yes if you could design & mass produce it you would make money off gaming addicts with too much money on their hands (they're out there for sure)

Ther would be a minor moral quandry (like if you were peddling crack or mcdonald's cheeseburgers) but I'm sure a lot of us could get over that if there was money to be made


-reply by Mousse420

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