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Looking For A Webmaster To Update Gfxtrap.com

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due to problems i am having i cannot at this time update the website reqularly I will let you know what duties you need to perform on the website this is will be a temp/permenant postion depending on my situation and what OpaQue wants to do with the site as well I have a few names that do come to mind but I will take volunteers as well.

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Yes.. details would be good. I'm sure I'm the farthest from on your list of people (heh, considering I joined today), but I'm interested nonetheless.

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PM me if you need any help with something that's quick n' dirty, I will do what I can. :( Can't promise anything long-term, I'm afraid college work is just getting out of hand for me. Should be fun for whoever does it full time, though!

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SOTW info--Update the site to correspond with Past, Present and Future SOTW that are being held on the forum ( look at the current site to see what i am talking about).-Promoting the website as well in other graphics related websites (affiliations)thats basically it really its just a once week update from the info on the forum.Of course updating the layout for easy navigation and all that good stuff as well just to make it look pretty as well.(yeah I know I could easily do it but believe me im not up to it right now.)

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Sorry, but are you asking for help or this is a business deal?If it's business deal, and if you give more tech details of what exactly you want to update, how many times a week, what graphics and text and more.If it's not a business deal, i can help you, but not too much because i have 2 day jobs, one it's "webdesign" and the other is "safety, security and higyne at work", so i don't have too much time, but count on me to build graphics, to get a cool script(s), logotypes, navigation menus and buttons in flash or dhtml or javascript, banners in flash or with just plain images, and more, just say what you want.

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You spelled "hygiene" wrong.I have pleanty of free time and am avaliable to help, if you find yourself so desperate you need to call on me (that's not just related to this GFX Trap incident, but any other problems you may have).Have a good vacation, Saint.

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I am willing to do some work on the Gfxtrap.com site if you need me, although I am sure you have many other people in mind.Just letting you know that I'm here and happy to help :(

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I wouldnt mind doing it, it'll give me another thing to do. I still would like to apply XMLHttpRequest to the navigation.

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I also can help update the site. I haven't really seen you on msn but if you still want me to do that stuff you told me to do a while back I can. I never got around to talking to you. I can always find some spare time each day and on weekends.

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