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Run Internet Explorer From Command Prompt Windows Tips

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Here's a simple way you can run Internet Explorer from the command line...

Create a new text file that contains the following line:

@start "" /b "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" %*

Rename the file e.bat

Copy this file to your profile folder

C:\Documents and Settings\your_account_name


Now you can open a command prompt window and type the following

e http://forums.xisto.com/

This will start Internet Explorer and open the URL for http://forums.xisto.com/

Edited by OpaQue (see edit history)

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Nice Work finding that out but do you think it's really importan to start IE from CMD? i mean you can always just double-click on an icons! Forgive me if i'm wrong but i mean the Command line era is way gone! Get with it and just Click Away!! I'm really sorry if i've got you all wrong but the way i see it. It's much easier to just click!

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Nice idea and finding delivi.. Once used Internet Explorer but now I stoped using it and started using Mozilla FireFox because i like it better.. but nice finding becaus eI have newer seen anything like that :(

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Nice idea and finding delivi.. Once used Internet Explorer but now I stoped using it and started using Mozilla FireFox because i like it better.. but nice finding becaus eI have newer seen anything like that :(


First of all, this is obvious.

Second, you can just type http://forums.xisto.com/

Third, you can do the same w/o the http://

To adress what i am apllying to You can use this in bat files for install/unistall scripts

If you have my "ultimate comand prompt utils" package you can type in

internet ie Xisto

or if ie is default you can type in internet Xisto.com

and if .com is default and you turned on short cmds then you can type in

i Xisto (or the bookmark name such as "i t17"


Yet another thing

For firefox you put

@start /b "firefox.exe" %*


For internet exlorer you only need to put in

@start /b "iexplore.exe" %*


There is a lot more that i can say but i don't have the time to put it all here


Notice from snlildude87:
Do not modify the quote block.

Edited by snlildude87 (see edit history)

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I'm really sorry if i've got you all wrong but the way i see it. It's much easier to just click!


I type fater then clicking, and sometimes wehn i write a installation batch file/script i use things like this.


Also note that you only need o create the e.bt file once


Notice from snlildude87:
Do not modify the quote tags.


*Credits reduced*

Edited by snlildude87 (see edit history)

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Actually when I found this that it would be useful for some programmers who need to start IE from their apps. eg. Displaying CD/DVD contents on Autoplay. :( -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I've read many of u prefer clicking. But think what will u do when u mouse is eaten by the cat :( -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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You can start anything from the command line. Try going there and typing "mspaint.exe" or "calc.exe" or "notepad.exe" and see what happens. If you want you can open a specific file by adding a space then the file name (the complete path or relative path).

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Hehe, thanks for this nice tutorial on how to create a proper command line for accessing internet explorer. However, I prefer using a shortcut. I find it easier, plus you don't have to mess around using the 'run' dialog.(I type the address in the address bar!).Thanks for sharing nevertheless. It's always nice to know the other ways on how to run the same program :(

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wow this is an amazing find. But not vr\ery useful causeit takes long and you can't open each page with tabs (IN IE7 )Because you have to open command promt and then type in the URL. Straightaway you can click the desktop icon and type :)but anyway it is amazing to find tis you are a good coder and code finder

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Lol or instead of your command prompt stuff to open Xisto, just create a shortcut on your desktop :) and i think you all know how to do that, i fnot... well... lolAre like command prompt stuff ever used anymore? or are they just there ,because i want to know if that is part of our...........computer, and if we remove like something thats a batch file, will it like....... ruin your computer?

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this command will be very useful for the people who distribute precompiled CDs.You can load the html pages from cd during the CD's autorun by adding this command to a .bat (batch file)

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Sure, clicking is the best option if you are just a regular user. But, if you are a programmer trying to automate a process, command line arguments are the only way to go. So don't act like it is so cut and dry and that command line should be done away. Really, that is still the internal workings that you never see because of the pretty candy shell the GUI gives us.

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Thanks for the method to open iexplorer from command promt !! I needed it for my automated rig !! I don wan my users to double-click nor type in the address .. thanks again!!-Indrani

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