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What Is A Black Hole?

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LOL i heard about that on a programme called Black Hole High.  There is a black hole *hence the name of the school* in the school and these science nerds are trying to find ut how it got there, who is in control of it and why it was there instead of in the sky or space.  It was a cool programme and it helped my with my science.


Well I have seen that program and I can tell you that the things that are happening there are not possible. But I think you alredy know that. :)

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i have read some space knowledge books before at certain place.

black hole is so interesting,which lured scientist to research endlessly...related to the universe physical(uranography) concept,also white hole is just its anwser.

as you know,black hole can absorb any thing closed to it including light,you do want know where they goes after be taken in.well,they go to another space but still in universe(as is known to all,universe is consisted with space and time).in just the another space,where through white hole to give away things which black hole absorbed,which is in order to keep energy balance(according physical theory).

all in all,although black exsit ,there no things real disappeared,which just a energy or object circulation.

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All around the universe there are "black holes".  It is not possible to see a black hole, but its gravitational power is so great that it "gobbles" up anything in its way. A star does not live for ever. It develops over thousands of million of years. The temperature gets higher and higher over the years and when it is hot enough a nuclear reaction starts. The star then starts to swell and becomes what is called a "supergiant". Then two diffrent things happen. If it is a small star it begins to expand and contract over and over again, and, finally, when the star has no more energy, it turns into a white dwarf. If, on the other hand, it is a big star it explodes into a supernova which later becomes a black hole. An object that is drawn into a black hole is lost forever. Noone knows what happens to it or where it goes.


Thats all too true for ny liking. All we can do is hope one doesn't come around here - a black whole is the center of an exploded star.... or so i read! :)


There aren't any around us (or that we have found) - so we shouldn't get too worried. :P

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Okay. Heres what happens (From what I've heard). A star is created. It lives for a few billion years. When it gets to a certain point, it turns to a white dwarf (or red giant), than it turns to a red giant (or white dwarf) I don't know which comes first. But, if it implodes, gravity increases. A LOT! The gravity is enough to suck in light. It does not lead to another dimension or another realm or anything. It is just something sitting there in space with a huge gravitational pull. When you get close enough, you get stretched. When you get to the solid part you get flattened. You die during the stretching part. But I think a star has to implode to create a black hole. But it is not a hole at all. It is like another planet. It was probably called a black hole because it looks like one. Thats what I've heard and learned. But I also know it does not cause time to change. And in the sun, the hydrogen turns to helium through chemical reaction. The 2 hydrogen combine to form helium.

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All around the universe there are "black holes".  It is not possible to see a black hole, but its gravitational power is so great that it "gobbles" up anything in its way. A star does not live for ever. It develops over thousands of million of years. The temperature gets higher and higher over the years and when it is hot enough a nuclear reaction starts. The star then starts to swell and becomes what is called a "supergiant". Then two diffrent things happen. If it is a small star it begins to expand and contract over and over again, and, finally, when the star has no more energy, it turns into a white dwarf. If, on the other hand, it is a big star it explodes into a supernova which later becomes a black hole. An object that is drawn into a black hole is lost forever. Noone knows what happens to it or where it goes.


I think it just distroys the object when it gets sucked in.

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Well never know how it really is for a couple thousand years. Though I didnt know they were invisible. And as to what DogEater said, the sun will grow much much larger before it will explode. So large that it will make the Earth so hot to the point where its an unhabitable rock. So we wont die of the Sun exploding, the Earth will get scorched into a rock before that will happen. Kind of a scary thought, but itll occur in a few million years.

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i once heard from a forum that black holes are formed where god divides by zero. :(


i dunno though, since i believe in the flying spaghetti monster..


oh, what do you think happens when two black holes try to suck each other up? they neutralize each other?


The fabric of space-time is best defined as two objects can only be explained by "Two objects cannot exist in the same space in the duration of the same time". Back on topic, a Black Hole is not truly a "hole", but a high mass object who's space is small enough to create a large indent on the fabric of space-time. The fabric of space-time is much like a trampoline. Imagine a marble. It leaves an indent on the trampoline. If a larger object is placed on the trampoline, it will pull the smaller marbles towards it. This best defines gravity. If one were to poke down at the trampoline's material firmly, it would create much of an impression towards a small area, causing the material of the trampoline to lean downards, pulling everything in. Speaking in certain levels, it is possible to escape from a black hole, but only as a radio wave. Certain black holes emit radio waves from either pole of their axis. If two black holes were ever to come in contact with eachother, they'd simply become a larger impression and therefor a single black hole. Black holes are not eternal, as in fact it's mathematically impossible to withhold such a thing if it were to emit radio waves which are of a lower frequency than visible light, but the higher wave lengths allow them to escape. This alone would state that on a physical level, it would not allow heat to escape and therefor each time matter would be destroyed, the black hole would generate more energy, since matter cannot be destroyed forever. Instead, it would become electromagnetic waves of bundle of photons. However, this much radiation would eventually cause the event horizon to expand whilst the matter slowly escapes in sub atomic particles known as photons via bundles in low frequency/high wave length radio waves to drift endlessly through space. You can even hear this background radiation in theory on your radio, from when the universe is heard all over. Anyway, my theory simply dictates that if all black holes were to merge together ( it's likely, since the universe is expanding and the death of a black hole takes a long while ) and pull the clumps of the ever-drifting universe back together, forming a super-massive mono black hole, another big bang would occur. This would either state that reality will always repeat itself in the exact fashion and everything repeats itself like a mobius strip or else that everything will be created again after a period of total darkness and everything only existing as photons. I hope this cleared certain things up for people.

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Oh yeah, I almost forgot and my appologies ahead of time for double posting;Our Sun does not possess the matter or energy reuired for supernova-ing. It will become a black dwarf consisted of mainly carbon, speculated. Except the mass will be so great, a scoop of the star's carbon material would be as heavy as a battleship. It requires energy to keep being a star and when it is exhausted to the heaviest elementary material ( carbon. All existence is carbon-based. ), nuclear fusion is no longer able to be performed and it will burn out to the size of a golf ball.

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Many mini-rature black holes have been created in labratories in particle accelerators. It's merely a gravitational vortex. On another matter that was discussed prior in this topic, whitre holes could exist, but that's as logically unsound. Creating something that would constantly push. Making a white hole is as impossible as destroying a black hole.

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They are intresting, black holes. I realy don't know them, but here after I read the discussion I found some thing new and strang. It is the advantage of the forum in the web.

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i read about black holes, in relation to time travel possibilities, the gravity of black holes are such that even light cannot escape, And if we believe in einsteins theory of relativity, if someone uses the gravity of blackhole to travel more than speed of light , we will be traveling iin time, and also cosmic strings ar also important parts of black holes since if some astronauts, catches hold of it, if possible. He will also be travelling in time, It is really good thing

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