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I am so tired of religion in the United States!  Everyone thinks that their reliogn is THE right one and better than everyone elses in the entire world.  Christianity is the one that I really hate.

They are so sure that just because they have some old book that could have been written/make up by ANYONE there reliogn is true and they need ot convert eveyone else.  What about PROOF??  I would appriciate it is any Christians could reply and tell me why they belive in the Bible.


I can totally relate. No offense to Christians, but I hate bible humpers!! Bible humpers are Christians who all think that their religion is superior to others just because so many people follow christianity. I myself am Jewish, and I just absolutely HATE it when those blonde christian waifs always react like this:

Them: So what do you do for Christmas?

Me: Well uh i'm Jewish.

Them: Oh......you're Jewish.


On saturday, some Mormon people went up to my doorstep and asked me if I would like more informatiom about the Church of the Latter Day saints, and I said I was Jewish. They said "oh, i can respect that, but can you include our lord and savior Jesus christ in your prayers?" and of course I said "umm, no like I said, I'm Jewish.


And that was me being nice!! I could've been mean and said "you come here on MY doorstep asking ME a JEW to include JESUS in my PRAYERS?!!!!! GET THE HELL OFF MY PROPERTY!!!!!!!!!!!"


*no offense to anyone*



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I can totally relate. No offense to Christians, but I hate bible humpers!! Bible humpers are Christians who all think that their religion is superior to others just because so many people follow christianity. I myself am Jewish, and I just absolutely HATE it when those blonde christian waifs always react like this:

Them: So what do you do for Christmas?

Me: Well uh i'm Jewish.

Them: Oh......you're Jewish.


On saturday, some Mormon people went up to my doorstep and asked me if I would like more informatiom about the Church of the Latter Day saints, and I said I was Jewish. They said "oh, i can respect that, but can you include our lord and savior Jesus christ in your prayers?" and of course I said "umm, no like I said, I'm Jewish.


And that was me being nice!! I could've been mean and said "you come here on MY doorstep asking ME a JEW to include JESUS in my PRAYERS?!!!!! GET THE HELL OFF MY PROPERTY!!!!!!!!!!!"


*no offense to anyone*




Thats exactly what I hate about most religions: they try to force it on other people.

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Forcing religions onto other don't make any sense...All religions are based on one thing... making it superior to others, looks like politics in some ways.All those "holy" books all tell the same thing, but only in different stories.I have some Jehova witnesses coming along every now and then, and I like to argue with them, because they also think their religion is superior and every time I tell them my ideas on it, they quickly got to go ;)I do believe, but religion? No way

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Well I am Catholic (a type of Christian) I personally am open to all religions. I am not one of the ones that says that my religion is the best because I like reading about other religions. Like I may be Catholic but I am still open to the idea that there is reincarnation. I think that whatever you believe will happen will. So if you belive in reincarnation then you will go through that process. Just because I belive in heaven and Jesus doesn't mean other people should. I just finished learning about Christianity and I belive that the Bible is true even more than I did before because I learned more about it and I BELIEVE it is true. I am not saying my religion is the best I am just saying that is what I believe in. Anyone who doesn't won't be any less a friend or looked upon lower. I don't see why people do that either because it doesn't matter what you believe in. It isn't like it really effects you in anyway. So if you are a Christian, just because your friend is Jewish doesn't mean you are gonna die or something. It isn't a sin to have a friend of a different religion. I don't know why people force people into a certain religion because it is ridiculous. You should believe what you want to believe. My church is one of the churches that does that. They won't push you into joining are religion. You could be methodist and come to our church but no one will say, Hey you should be a Catholic if you go to a Catholic church.

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I am so tired of religion in the United States!  Everyone thinks that their reliogn is THE right one and better than everyone elses in the entire world.  Christianity is the one that I really hate.

They are so sure that just because they have some old book that could have been written/make up by ANYONE there reliogn is true and they need ot convert eveyone else.  What about PROOF??  I would appriciate it is any Christians could reply and tell me why they belive in the Bible.


1. Nothing wrong if " Everyone thinks that their religion is the best", otherwise why he/she still in this religion or not converted to other religion. This should not bother you, uiop.


2. Why the attack on the Christians because they believe in Bible. Jews also believe in Bible. Muslim believe in Koran and respect the Bible and called the Bible "The Book".


3. I will not discuss why we believe in Bible because the argument will not go anywhere if you have that attitude like saying "book that could have been written/make up by ANYONE". But at the end it is called belief and faith. There can not be final proof for the belief. That why it called "belief". There is freedom for belief what make US a secular country even their founding fathers were Christian . They even can not teach or mention any religion matter in their school or hung the Ten commandment in public places. Why the western world made big noise in the past against the Soviet Union for the freedom of religion?. Why the western countries criticized China about human right including freedom of religion.


4. Real Christians love even their enemies and pray for them. While Jews considered themselve the "chosen nation" to God and called the other "Gentile". Extremist Muslims called Christian infidel even they believe in one God and they greed say "we believe in One God".


5. Inviting any body to your religion is not a crime. But enforced them to convert by conquer or swards that is another matter as it was happened to my ancestor the Ancient Egyptian when the Roman and after that Arabs killed millions of them and who survived it was because they were rich to pay money instead of conversion. The same happened to all of North Africa even Spain, Albania and Serbia. Ask the Armenian and Greek and Bulgar what Turkey did for them.


6. The Country with Christians majority allowed non Christian to become citizen and allowed them to build huge non Christian Centers in US, Uk, France, Sweden, Germany, Holland etc... But Saudi Arabia will not permit any another religion in their place. Even any other faction in Islam not allowed there. Last month was opposing argument to allow an Evangelical Church in Qatar for the forigner working there and I don't know what the outcome for the discussion if it ended?


7. Who helped Bosnia and Kosova . Who payed hundreds pf millions for Boxing day Tsunami disater in Indonesia? Who helped in Darfoor of Sudan and in Iranian or Pakistani earthquake. Of course countries of Christian background while the rich Islamic petroleum countries were watching .

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I hate religon period. I truly 100% with all my heart do not understand how people can believe in god. It is like believing in the tooth fairy for me. I think that if alot of pople just sit back one day and do some heavy thinking they will realize how stupid some almighty god sounds. before u get all upset lemmie jsut state a few reasons...so many people are suffering how god a good god allow this?Lots of religons such as greek and roman eygtion etc. all thought that their religon was correct. What makes yours any more accurate then theirsHow can you be so sure all those thing you read in holy books are true?Why wont this god just give us some kind of evidence that he exists?I guess believing in a god gives you comfort that when you die you just wont rot into the ground.The thought scares me but after 3 years of atheism it really doesnt bug me as much as it used to.I didnt mean to offend anybody here. im sorry if i did

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If you don't like religion then don't worry about it. I'm a Catholic and it really annoys me that people are allowed to bash Christianity all over the place while if we say something bad about atheism we are supposedly "Forcing our beliefs on that person". I remember once my teacher was making us use BCE and CE rather then BC and AD saying "not all of us are Christians" well not all of us are atheists. Religion is a thing people have faith in, it's rather a personal relationship with God. They have that in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Even atheists use faith believing things happened by chance. Bashing another religion is plain stupid.And God cannot stop suffering every time it happens. It is our duty to stop suffering, if God interferes in every problem then how can we prove ourselves? God wont give evidence because think of how different everything would be if God just came down to earth and said "I am the one and mighty God!" Our lives on Earth are a test to see what kind of true people we really are. And another myth is that if you're not a Christian you will go to hell. I think that God will judge u based on the kind of person you are whether you're Christian, Jewish, Atheist, Muslim etc.The Catholic Church has been the product of huge attacks. While people always talk about the bad, they forget to mention all the good Christianity has done to the world. The Catholic church did make mistakes, but remember that the Church is human and some of the things they have done Christ wouldn't support.

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hahahahaahhaahahahaahahaahahahaahahahahaahahaahaahahaahahahahaha HA




yea right buddy.


You are forcing your beliefs on to atheists, atheists arnt forcing theirs onto your. Every day in school i am force to stand for a pledge that includes under god. Yet u dont have to stand for one that says without god.


Christany does NO good name 5 things positive. Go ahead ill name 5 negative



1. crusades

2. status of non involment during the holocaust

3. Destroying the culture of native americans

4. Witch Trails

5. sex scandils

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'Typing in bold to make my point' guy was very hypocritical in this thread. "we accept everyone even if every other religion uncaring and terrible" is what I got out of that.All religion is is a way to explain why we are here, and rules to help us get to wherever we are going to be after we die. Each religion puts a spin on their beliefs to make them seem more important and the right one. The bold post was all spin. The world needs more tolerance, but it's very difficult when religion is the reason for so many wars. But then, the atheist (or whatever) posts are doing the same thing, in a way. Not all christians are like the two guys who told my 7 year old niece she was going to hell because she was outside playing on a sunday instead of going to church. But those are the things you remember. With all that out of the way, I was raised to sort of distrust organized religion and their individual agendas and encouraged to figure things out on my own. And to try to tolerate the beliefs of the people around me, however "militant."

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Atheists are also forcing their belief's by making us learn evolution in schools and not allow the Intelligent Design theory to be taught as well. When a religious person at all says something the atheist dislikes, he is being accused of "Forcing his belief". Things can work both ways buddy.And people who say someone is going to hell are plain idiots and God even knows that. The concept of hell was invented during the middle ages. God doesn't want people believing him out of fear but out of love. And those people are not supposed to be judging others which makes them hypocrites.

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And people who say someone is going to hell are plain idiots and God even knows that. The concept of hell was invented during the middle ages. God doesn't want people believing him out of fear but out of love. And those people are not supposed to be judging others which makes them hypocrites.

awwww sweet, now i can fullfill my world domination plans with no regrets...

Wheres the adolf hitlar smile when u need in... (inside joke, my old forum had one, it was used all the time)

Atheists are also forcing their belief's by making us learn evolution in schools and not allow the Intelligent Design theory to be taught as well. When a religious person at all says something the atheist dislikes, he is being accused of "Forcing his belief". Things can work both ways buddy

evolution isnt a believe its a fact, it has been proven, intelligent design has not been proven, im kinda tired right now so ill leave it up to you to research this, look up the peppered moth, it is one of the newest examples of evolution.

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Evolution is not a fact, it has many gaps in it and flaws along with hoaxes. If it were a fact it would be proclaimed a fact instead of a theory. Unless someone was around to witness evolution take place he cannot say it happened which is why both evolution and intelligent design should be taught.And the concept of hell was not the way people think of it today as a place where you get roasted on an open fire.

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Ando n peppered moths there are two varieties - the light and the dark. Elimination of the light variety is NOT evolution. They are still Peppered Moths. Kettlewell's experiments were specifically designed to get the results he wanted and were seriously flawed. Results contradicting his evolutionary views were ignored.

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hahahahaahhaahahahaahahaahahahaahahahahaahahaahaahahaahahahahaha HA

yea right buddy.


You are forcing your beliefs on to atheists, atheists arnt forcing theirs onto your. Every day in school i am force to stand for a pledge that includes  under god. Yet u dont have to stand for one that says without god.


Christany does NO good name 5 things positive. Go ahead ill name 5 negative

1. crusades

2. status of non involment during the holocaust

3. Destroying the culture of native americans

4. Witch Trails

5. sex scandils


Being forced not to say Merry Christmas, forced not to pray to yourself, being forced not even to talk about religion in schools is also to me an Atheist forced belief.


All those things negative of Christianity you posted are not what Christianity teaches. Christ taught against wars, killings etc. What the Catholic Church did in the past is not what Christ would have supported. The Church is human and does make mistakes. But what about all the good Christianity has done? education, charity organizations (I don't recall any Atheist charity organizations around)


And what about the evil Atheists have done such as Communism which killed people for decades, murdered innocent priests, mock trials, forced collectivization.


The French Revolution of 1789 was not a "good angel" either when it killed priests and even closed down the churches.

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I'm a Catholic and it really annoys me that people are allowed to bash Christianity all over the place while if we say something bad about atheism we are supposedly "Forcing our beliefs on that person". 

We live in a world where political correctness rules over common sense - get used to it.

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