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Hosting Credit Question - Holidays Need Help/Advice about Credits

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Hey all,Heres my problem. Every summer I go to my cottage with my family, usually for the whole summer. This means that i do not have acess to a computer, so therefore i wont be able to post in the forms to keep my website activated. Is there a way that I could "Pause" my account so that i dont need credits to keep it active? Or do i need to get a sufficent number of credits to leep me going all summer long?Thanks in Advance,Elegost

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Hosting credits should be 'stored up' in advance of your departure. One credit equals one day of Hosting. If you plan to be away for 30 days, then post lots and save them for this period of time. You can 'bank' them as well. Also, it is reccomended to always have around 10 credits in your account at all times for the occaisional "Oops, I forgot to post" days. Or in case you get sick or whatever.

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Once you are hosted, yes. An alternative is to contact OpaQue by PM and ask if there are other arrangements possible. Quote this topic link for him to reference.

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Ok so then for lets say 2 months, i would need to have 60 credits "Banked" to keep my site active?

Well, that's correct. Make that 70 to be on the safe side.

When your hosting credits come down to zero, your account gets suspended, i.e., people who try to visit your website will see a small notice stating that your accout isn't active right now. When your credits go down in the negative, you need to bring them up to more than four to get your account reactivated. If, however, your credits fall below -30 (if I remember right), your hosting account gets terminated, and you'll loose your data, and will have to start afresh.

However, that's something that won't happen unless you're really careless :)
Coming to your 60 credits, I'd give you a couple of quick tips for whatever it's worth - try scanning to forum for contests that give away hosting credits (they really do :() and see if you can take part in them. It could be fun and rewarding at the same time - which is generally a good deal :) If you're good at writing reviews for products you've used (for instance, a C++ IDE which you thought was really cool), then try putting some of those up in the Trapoinion (gosh, dunno how it's spelled, please check) section. General posts besides these should get you a good amount of credits. You can, if I am not mistaken, buy credits if you want to, and if you have the money. Finally, hosting credits are transferable - so I am sure if you've helped people out, you can always check if someone's willing to share some credits with you - which you may offer to return later. Finally - needless to say, I think - something that one should never do is spam, it's not nice and you face the risk of getting suspended or banned even if you have those credits.

I don't have too many credits right now, but feel free to PM me when you're going away and if I have a decent amount, I'll be more than willing to transfer some of those to your account without wanting them back :P

Hope this helps - cheers!

PS: You might find this thread an useful reference.

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Edited by jlhaslip (see edit history)

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OK you say it is hard to get credits? It is the easiest thing ever. Seriously start a post that interests you or is to get advice for your website and keep active in it and post lots and you can have credits galore. Before i went to college i was averaging like 30+ credits at all times in my account. However, i dont have as much free time so i just make few posts that interest me every week and stay around 10. Then if i get free time, i sign on, post a bunch more and get back up to like 20+ credits and im set for another month. So before you leave (like the month before) just sign on to this site daily and make like 5 posts a day and you will end with a ton of credits that can last you a long time.

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Actually I'm kind of agree with Elegost's suggestion..With account freeze mode or something, users can stop their webhosts from serving webpages for a period of time. During this period, no hosting credits are to be reduced. In exchange, all webpages in that webhost will not be served..This proves good for people who are out for a holiday or have important stuffs to do so much so that he might have to stop posting for quite some time. However he still wants the webhost from Xisto.comI guess this is somehow give and take.. Probably Opaque or Xisto owner can do something about it..Well, we still need to be fair sometimes...

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If you want you can buy credits for money. I can't remember what the conversion rate is so you'll need to arrange that with OpaQue.At one stage (before I even became a member), you were allowed to PM an admin and then they would make it so that you did not have to post to keep up your hosting. What, however, they didn't realize was that half the members would pm them saying that they were gonna go on holiday for a month :)So, because of the abuse of this, we do not allow you to pause your hosting account.

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Ok i see. It would be cool though if there was a way to freze your account. Your website would be shut down, so that no more people can go to it. I dont know. Ive still got a long time till I go on holidays, i just wanted to make sure.

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Elegost,You are not hosting currently which means your current hosting credits will never go down UNTIL you are a hosting member. One of the biggest misconceptions is that people will wait until they earn 100 credits (for example) and then apply for hosting account. They think this will leave them with 90 or 70 credits for either plan#1 or plan#2 respectively. This is not so. Everyone's hosting credit will reset to the default amount (usually to 2) once the activation is complete. This is to prevent members applying for hosting and disappearing until hosting credits need to be replenished.Just a reminder IF this was the case you had in mind.Thank you for your attention.

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Ahh good thing you told me that. I was planning on getting up to forty so i would have enough to get plan 2, then have some left over. But i have about 35 now, so i wont be losing so many.Thanks

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